question archive 1) When a plane is perpendicular to one plane and inclined to other reference planes then the projections are obtained in 2 stages

1) When a plane is perpendicular to one plane and inclined to other reference planes then the projections are obtained in 2 stages

Subject:MathPrice:5.87 Bought7

1) When a plane is perpendicular to one plane and inclined to other reference planes then the projections are obtained in 2 stages.

  1. True
  2. False
  1. A Square is placed perpendicular to vertical plane and inclined to horizontal which of the following is true?
  1. Front view-line, top view- square
  2. Front view- line, top view- rectangle
  3. Front view –line, top view-line
  4. Top view-line, side view- rectangle


  1. A circle is placed perpendicular to vertical plane and inclined to horizontal which of the following is true?
  1. Front view-line, top view- circle
  2. Front view- circle, top view- circle
  3. Front view –line, top view-line
  4. Top view- ellipse, side view- ellipse



  1. A triangle is placed perpendicular to horizontal plane and inclined to vertical which of the following is true?
  1. Front view-line, top view- triangle
  2. Front view- triangle, top view- line
  3. Front view –line, top view-line
  4. Top view-line, side view- line
  1. A triangle is placed perpendicular to horizontal plane and inclined to vertical which of the following is true. H.T is horizontal trace and V.T is vertical trace?
  1. H.T- inclined to xy, V.T- inclined to xy
  2. H.T- inclined to xy, V.T- perpendicular to xy
  3. H.T-inclined to xy, V.T- parallel to xy
  4. H.T-parallel to xy, V.T- perpendicular to xy
  1. A square is placed perpendicular to vertical plane and inclined to horizontal plane which of the following is true. H.T is horizontal trace and V.T is vertical trace?
  1. H.T- inclined to xy, V.T- perpendicular to xy
  2. H.T- inclined to xy, V.T- perpendicular to xy
  3. H.T- perpendicular to xy, V.T- inclined to xy
  4. H.T- parallel to xy, V.T- perpendicular to xy


  1. If a square is placed on its base parallel to horizontal plane, and plane containing square is perpendicular to horizontal plane and inclined to vertical plane then the top view gives a line of length equal to side of square.
  1. True
  2. False


  1. If a plane is perpendicular to vertical and inclined to horizontal plane with 30 degrees then the vertical trace makes                            degrees with xy reference.
  1. 30 degrees
  2. 60 degrees
  3. 150 degrees
  4. 90 degrees


  1. If a plane is perpendicular to vertical and inclined to horizontal plane with 30 degrees then the horizontal trace makes _            degrees with xy reference.
  1. 30 degrees
  2. 60 degrees
  3. 150 degrees
  4. 90 degrees


  1. A plane is perpendicular to vertical plane and vertical trace of a plane is making 55 degrees with the xy plane. Which of the following is false?
  1. The plane is inclined 55 degrees with the horizontal plane
  2. Front view gives a line
  3. Top view gives true shape of plane
  4. Horizontal trace is perpendicular to xy plane




  1. A rectangle is placed perpendicular to horizontal plane and inclined to profile plane. The traces would meet at                                      
  1. xy reference line
  2. vertical reference line
  3. the line formed by intersection of profile plane and horizontal plane
  4. above the line formed by intersection of profile plane and horizontal plane


  1. A pentagon is placed perpendicular to horizontal plane and inclined to profile plane which of the following is true.
  1. Front view-line, top view- pentagon
  2. Front view- pentagon, top view- line
  3. Front view –line, top view-line
  4. Top view-line, side view- line


  1. A hexagon is placed perpendicular to profile plane and inclined to horizontal plane which of the following is true.
  1. Front view-line, top view- hexagon
  2. Front view- hexagon, top view- line
  3. Front view –line, top view-line
  4. Top view-hexagon, side view- line


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