question archive Imagine you are having an early breakfast with Aristotle, Aquinas, Dawkins, and C

Imagine you are having an early breakfast with Aristotle, Aquinas, Dawkins, and C

Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3

Imagine you are having an early breakfast with Aristotle, Aquinas, Dawkins, and C.S. Lewis. A madman interrupts and gives a speech about God being dead. This reminds you of something else you had read previously: a selection from Zarathustra's Speeches. Explain to your breakfast company the meaning of the speech and that selection from Nietzsche (bringing up Sartre for clarifying issues involving human existence, value, and the definition of existentialism). How might your breakfast company respond to Nietzsche and Sartre? Explain why or why not existentialism provides an adequate understanding of human nature in response to your breakfast company[1]


[1] Remember to engage the arguments of the thinkers. (For example, that Aristotle was an ancient Greek, Aquinas was a priest, and Dawkins a biologist makes no difference to the soundness of their respective arguments. When reasons are presented, reasons must be evaluated. And they all presented reasons for their positions.)


 It is not a research paper. Just write based on  a selection from Zarathustra's Speeches


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