question archive Write a 700-word Written Assignment on a topic related to chapter 2

Write a 700-word Written Assignment on a topic related to chapter 2

Subject:LawPrice: Bought3

Write a 700-word Written Assignment on a topic related to chapter 2.

Chapter 2 cover:

1. The research of the “Criminal Man”


3. The Classical School: Criminal as a calculator

4. The Positivist School: Criminal as a determinator

5. The birth of positivist school: Lombroso’s theory of the criminal man

6. Lombroso’s legacy: The Italian criminological tradition

Erico Ferry

7. The continuing for the individual roots of crime

Body type and crime

8. Psychogenic cause of crime

9. The consequences of theory: Policies implications

The positivist school and the control of Biological criminal

10. The positivist school and Criminal Justice reform


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