question archive Common mistakes and how to fix them Sentences too long

Common mistakes and how to fix them Sentences too long

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Common mistakes and how to fix them

Sentences too long. Complex sentences, adverbial inflections, accumulation of words - this is what you need to give up. Simple sentences are easier to understand and perceive visually. Therefore, everything that can be crossed out must be crossed out. 


Lack of logic in the text. All sentences and paragraphs must be interrelated. You need to complete one thought and only then explain another. The text should be with smooth but clear transitions from one thesis to another. Or you can use  reddit essay writing service


Complex structure or its absence. The text must be clear to please the reader. Confusing texts often indicate that the author himself is not fully aware of the purpose and essence of what he wrote. It is better to think over the structure in advance and adjust it if necessary during the work.


"Experts believe the authorities are waving their hands." Such statements have no place not only in high-quality journalistic texts, but also in posts on social networks. They point to the opinion of abstract people, which cannot be verified. So, it is a tool of manipulation, rather than good texts. If you know who provided certain information or spoke about something, please indicate that person.


Foreign language borrowings. It is great to know different languages, but you should not demonstratively insert foreign words into texts. Especially in cases where there are Ukrainian equivalents. For example, it is appropriate to replace the word "transparent" with the word "transparent" and the text will be better.


Evaluation judgments and stamps. Words like "without a doubt", "obviously", "the best" are better to forget at once, because they are too subjective and unreasonably claim to reflect the opinion of all readers. And the expressions: "like hot cakes", "seven-mile steps" were used so often before that they became a sign of bad taste of the author. So, it is better to replace them or get rid of them altogether


Passive condition. Instead of writing "it's already done by the government," it's better to write "the government has already done it." The meaning of a sentence is better perceived when there is first a noun, then a verb, and then the rest of the words.


Clericalism. Leave them to officials and those who create official documents. Journalistic texts, blog columns, people read not only for information, but also for fun. Therefore, it is better to replace standard phrases with simple and close to everyone words.


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