question archive 8 page, 12 font

8 page, 12 font

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

8 page, 12 font. following the guideline to writting.

Overview 10%

            Identifies the basic problem facing the firm

Clearly identifies underlying strategic factor(s)

            Demonstrates understanding of issues in the case and of strategy


Current Conditions and Strategy 15%

States mission as stated or implied in the case where appropriate

Identifies goals and objectives where appropriate

Describes key strategies; gets beyond describing activities to the underlying strategies

Describes current conditions including finances where appropriate

            Clearly relates each of the above to the focus issue(s).


Analysis 30%

            Addresses main issue(s)

            Uses appropriate theories and models; correctly applies models

Provides “value-added” explanation or insights that go beyond description

Uses appropriate data and information from the case

Relates information to USF and supports recommendations

            Identifies key environmental factors, competitive conditions, and stakeholders                       

            Identifies key capabilities, competencies, value creating activities, and sources of competitive advantage


Diagnosis 20%

            Relates analysis to the conditions in the case

            Clearly identifies key factors and conditions

            Explains significance of analysis results

            Relates analysis to USF

            Provides adequate support for Recommendation/Conclusion

            analysis SW  OF two by two 


Recommendations/Conclusion 15%

            Demonstrates that recommendations address basic problem 

            Demonstrates feasibility of recommendations

            Shows that key stakeholder needs are addressed if appropriate

            Identifies obstacles that may be encountered

            Describes expected outcomes


Grammar and Structure 10%

            Writing is clear, persuasive, and grammatically correct

Uses appropriate language for a business report

Uses appropriate terms, topics and “strategy language”

            Follows logical sequence; good structure

            Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar    


            Citations are given in complete standard form where required


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