question archive just like mass , charge is also a property

just like mass , charge is also a property

Subject:PhysicsPrice: Bought3

just like mass , charge is also a property . coulombs law tells about if two charges have charge with how much force they will repel each other or attract each other. At same time newton low of gravitation says if any two object have mass they will attract each other. so gravity always attracting if object has mass and coulombs force is repelling or attracting depending upon their nature.

for example there are two electron and electron have negative charge. so according two coulombs law they will repel each other due to same nature of charge. But electron have mass also. so according to laws of gravity they will attract each other. now Question is that whether electrons will coming towards its other due to gravitation pull or away from each other due to coulombs force ?? The ans is they will go away from each other by following coulombs force. Because gravitational pull is much much weaker than coulombs force.


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