question archive 1) an average cup of coffee contains 125 mg of caffein, C8H10N4O2

1) an average cup of coffee contains 125 mg of caffein, C8H10N4O2

Subject:ChemistryPrice:3.86 Bought11

1) an average cup of coffee contains 125 mg of caffein, C8H10N4O2. how many molecules of caffeine are in one cup?

2) how many oxygen atoms are in 2 g of sucrose?

3) a student performs an experiment where the goal is to collect the precipitate. would it be better for them to use gravity filtration or vacuum filtration? why?

4) 2C2H2 + 5 O2 = 2 H2O + 4 COhow much heat in KJ is evolved or absorbed for the burning of 6.5 g of acetylene? C2H2 has Change of H of -2511 KJ.

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