question archive Mid-term Exam for COURSE PLANNING, using the Chiarelott text: chapters 1-7 Please type your answers underneath each question, put your name and the date, and upload your document to the Mid-term exam page

Mid-term Exam for COURSE PLANNING, using the Chiarelott text: chapters 1-7 Please type your answers underneath each question, put your name and the date, and upload your document to the Mid-term exam page

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Mid-term Exam for COURSE PLANNING, using the Chiarelott text: chapters 1-7

Please type your answers underneath each question, put your name and the date, and upload your document to the Mid-term exam page. (This exam is Open-book and Open-Internet, but it is not Open-Friends. Please work on your own, although you may use electronic resources, as long as you still ‘make sense of it’ in your own words = no plagiarism. Thank you.)

NAME _____________________________ DATE ____________________

Explain separately these terms: curriculum alignment, curriculum audit, curriculum mapping:

1. Curriculum alignment -

2. Curriculum audit -

3. Curriculum mapping -

4. Which of the three (curriculum alignment, curriculum audit, and curriculum mapping) would you choose for helping teach to academic gaps (for reteaching)? Why?

5. Why should instructional strategies be linked to student assessment?

6. Why would a statement of purpose be FIRST in planning a course?

7. How do goals and objectives help teach toward ‘intended outcomes’?

8. What is CTL (chapter 1) - what do the letters stand for, and what does CTL mean?

CTL for Contextual Teaching and Learning

List and explain each of the 5 orientations that help craft views of curriculum design (from Chapter 2). “Most educators find themselves either within or across one or more of the orientations.”

9. ___

10. ___

11. ___

12. ___

13. ___

14. What is the difference between the words Content and Context?

(Please do not give the dictionary’s meaning; use your own words. An example of each would also be okay.)

15. What does it mean to plan a course with “Backward Design”?

16. What does it mean to plan a course with a “Standards-Based” Curriculum Design?

List and then describe the FIVE parts that build into your designed curriculum. Provide at least one sentence for each of the 5, stating why that is an important part of curriculum design. (These are the five discussed in chapter 4.)

17. ___

18. ___

19. ___

20. ___

21. ___

22. Explain how the KWL instructional strategy works for expressing concepts that fall within content (include the meaning of K, W, L).

23. What is the difference between Scope and Sequence?

24. Tell the steps in Bloom’s taxonomy and tell me what it is (pretend I am a new teacher and do not know anything about Bloom’s). What would you tell me, to teach me about Bloom’s taxonomy? (Chapter 6)

25. Why is it important for teachers to be familiar with Bloom’s taxonomy?

26. Gagne and Briggs categorize based on “learned capabilities.” What would you tell me (if I was a new teacher) to teach me what is important to know about the work of Gagne and Briggs? (Chapter 6)

27. What would you tell me (if I was a new teacher) to teach me what is important to know about the work of Posner and Rudnitsky? (also Chapter 6)

28. What would you tell me (if I was a new teacher) to teach me what is important to know about PBL (problem-based learning)?

29. What would you tell me (if I was a new teacher) to teach me what is important to know about Service Learning?

30. How could a coordinator of an academic program improve academic progress?

31. How could a coordinator of an academic program impede academic progress?

32. Can you share any “extra point” words? (If you do not know what I am speaking about, please skip this question.)


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