question archive Find and read a children’s book (or listen to a read-aloud of one) that seeks to introduce the real life background and works of either an actual artist, musician, or dancer to young children between the ages of 3 and 8

Find and read a children’s book (or listen to a read-aloud of one) that seeks to introduce the real life background and works of either an actual artist, musician, or dancer to young children between the ages of 3 and 8

Subject:WritingPrice: Bought3

Find and read a children’s book (or listen to a read-aloud of one) that seeks to introduce the real life background and works of either an actual artistmusician, or dancer to young children between the ages of 3 and 8. In a 2-3 page paper, write a  summary of the book, your own personal response to its subject or content, and a general personal critique of the suitability of the text for use in the early childhood or primary classroom.  Tell how you would specifically use it with children in your future classroom. Be sure to cite the book’s title, author(s), illustrator, publisher,  publication date, and number of pages, all according to APA format. Include a picture of the book’s cover at the end of your completed paper. Upload it for submission. Note-Do not copy the synopsis provided by the publisher or a review written by anyone else (or found on the Internet). It must be your original work or it will be considered plagiarism and you will earn an automatic 0 for this assignment with no chance for resubmission.




Children's Book Summary Project

Children's Book Summary Project




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance

5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Book selected is clearly written about a specific artist, dance, or musician

3.75 pts

Meets Expectations

Book selected has to do with art, dance, or music but is not written about a specific individual

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

Book has nothing to do with art, dance, or music at all

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary

15 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Summary is written in the student's own words. Clearly tells what the book is about, providing information from the beginning, middle, and end. Provides main ideas and supporting details

12.5 pts

Meets Expectations

Summary is brief and does not appear to include the main ideas or significant supporting details; needs additional elaboration

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

Summary appears to be taken from some other source or written in some other voice; or is not included at all

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Response

7.5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Student clearly identifies what he/she liked and/or disliked about the book and why; makes mention about a favorite part of the book or explains how the book impacted him or her

5 pts

Meets Expectations

Student attempts to discuss what he/she likes or dislikes about the book; does not mention any specifics or include any explanations

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

There is no personal response included at all

7.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSuitability Critique

5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Student clearly identifies whether the book was deemed appropriate for the classroom or explains where it would be most suitable

3.75 pts

Meets Expectations

Student attempts to identify whether the book could be used by the book but explanation is vague and not specific

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

There is no discussion of the suitability of the book mentioned at all

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of Classroom Application

5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Student clearly explains how the book would be used in the classroom; tells what would be done before reading and after reading as an extension activity.

3.75 pts

Meets Expectations

Student makes an attempt to explain how the book would be used in the classroom but application does not go beyond reading it to the group

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

There is no discussion of the book would be used with the group at all

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliographic Information and APA Formatting

7.5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Student includes the name of the author, illustrator, publisher, publication date and number of pages; bibliographic information is in accord with APA format and style guidelines

5 pts

Meets Expectations

Only 3 of the 6 required elements are included

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

2 or fewer of the required elements are included

7.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBook Cover

5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Clear copy of the book's cover is included

3.75 pts

Meets Expectations

0 pts

Falls Below Expectations

No book cover is included

5 pts



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