question archive CMPT 641-2 2021 Spring Class Final Examination Grade: 25% Method: Students will answer 6 essay type questions on a given case to verify their key learnings and IT competence development throughout the course (Take-home exam)

CMPT 641-2 2021 Spring Class Final Examination Grade: 25% Method: Students will answer 6 essay type questions on a given case to verify their key learnings and IT competence development throughout the course (Take-home exam)

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

CMPT 641-2 2021 Spring Class

Final Examination

Grade: 25%

Method: Students will answer 6 essay type questions on a given case to verify their key learnings and IT competence development throughout the course (Take-home exam).


Due Date: Sunday, 11:59pm Midnight June 27, 2021.

Length: Maximum 16 pages with double spaces for your paper, exclusing charts, tables, title and reference list.

Submission: Submit your final exam paper to “Final Exam Submission Box” on the course portal under Week #11. Please submit your paper in .doc only.


Further Instructions:

· Work on your exam file until you are done, save it frequently and submit only your final version. You will have only one attempt to submit your answer. You must be sure you are submitting the version of the document you wish to be submitting. Do not wait until the last minute.

· It is recommended you answer questions in order, with increasing effort on later questions because of increasing weights on marks.

· Use an average three pages (double-spaced) per question; and there are no minimum requirements.

· Remember, I am looking for your insight/critical thinkings backed up by references or your own experiences, not other sources’ opinions. Please use APA style format.

· Please use references such as course lecture notes, required course readings, your 6 teamwork’s PPTs posted on your course portal and their referece papers, and other relevant articles to support/justify your arguments.

· Your paper will be checked by Turnitin for Similarity with the others. Thus, please do NOT share your answers with the others to avoid Plagiarism academic misconduct.  

· In case of an emergency, you may use your UCW email to contact me. I will be online the whole time during the exam. You must remember that understanding the questions and topics is part of the assessment.

· I recommend you log in to Moodle at least 15 minutes before the exam starts.

· Good Luck!









Final Exam Questions


Please purchase and study the Harvard Business Review article: “How Data Analytics is Transforming Agriculture” by Xuan Pham and Martin Stack: and then answer the following 6 exam questions:


Q1 (10%) (MS Word Pages <=1) : A Definition of Smart Agiculture

Based on your learnings from this CMPT641 course, including this HBR aritcile, required readings, new IT trend research projects, and final exam preparation presentations on 6 papers, please give your own definition of “What is a Smart Agriculture?” using your own language;


Q2-Q5 (90% = 5 x 18%, MS Word Pages <=15, 3 pages per pilot project)A Business Proposal for 5 Pilot Projects for Smart Agriculture

Saskatchewan is very proud to be the Canadian largest agricultural province and one of the world’s food producers,,

More exciting, 5G is coming to Saskatchewen and her rural regions:

Thus, it seems that Smart Agriculture will present our new hope and an excellent business opportunity for Canada and our Canadian citizens including You and Me in the next new decade.

If you are newly hired Saskatchewan provincial CIO today (June 21, 2021), please apply all potential new ITs which you have just learnt from this course, including 5GIoTAR/VRCloud Computing3D printingBig DataAIRobotics, and Blockchain, and propose some highly promising smart-farming pilot projects for Smart Saskatchewan Agriculture by learning from previous smart-farming papers to tackle your real-world business problems.

More specifically, you are required to identify and propose minimum 5 new IT applications and solutions or called smart-Agiculture pilot projects for in smart Saskatchewan province.

Please note that I am not looking for a bullet list of technologies; rather, I am looking for an in-depth discussion of this potential IT and practical applications for business problem-solving. Please also explain How would you evaluate the success of the recommended initiatives (e.g. KPIs-key performance indicators); How would you measure success once the implementation is up and running; What are Critical Success Factors (CSFs), such as Gov Funding, Tech Partners, Farmer Engagement, Privacy, Price/Affordability, and Inequality for such a smart-agriculture project?




CMPT641 Final Exam

Grading Scheme/Rubrics


· Your Definiiton of Smart Agriculture, illustrated by an example of smart Farmers (10%)

· 5 Proposed Projects * 18% = 90%, and each project with equal weight as 18% will be evaluated and graded according to the following Rubrics:



Need Work





(1) Problem Definition/

Project Scope (What is your target problem? Why?)






(2) Description of Proposed ITs for potential solutions (What are the Technologies?)






(3) Description of your solution in detail (How will the problem be solved by your proposed ITs?






(4) How would you evaluate the success of the recommended initiatives (KPIs-key performance indicators)?






(5) How would you measure success once the implementation is up and running (What are Critical Success Factors CSFs)?






(6) Writing Quality:

organization, clarity, grammar, flow, and APA style.












? /100




<the end>



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