question archive Project 2 Instructions: Personal Diet and Fitness Plan Background This project includes planning a specific diet and exercise regime for three days, followed by implementation, documentation and analysis of results
Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3
Project 2 Instructions: Personal Diet and Fitness Plan
This project includes planning a specific diet and exercise regime for three days, followed by implementation, documentation and analysis of results. The learning objectives for this assignment are:
Prepare a personal dietary and fitness plan for best health (Course Learning Objectives 5 and 7)
Evaluate popular health reports and scientific literature as they relate to dietary and fitness goals (Course Learning Objectives 7)
This completed report for this project, including your initial plan, a record of how it was implemented in the form of reports from Nutrition calculation Plus, an evaluation of your plan and its implementation are to be submitted to the Project 2 assignment submission folder on Sunday of Week 7.
Assignment Instructions
You need to start Project 2 during Week 6 so that you have time to complete it by Sunday of Week 7. At that time, you will turn in your written assignment and Nutrition calculation Plus reports (both of them) to the Assignment Submission folder found in Week 7.
Follow the following steps to complete your assignment:
Create a diet and exercise plan for three days.
You can test these diet and exercise plans by entering them into the “Intakes” and “Activities” of NutritionCalc Plus to determine if the number of calories consumed and utilized actually meet your expectations.
Incorporate all parts of physical fitness (endurance, strength and flexibility). Remember, you do not need to meet all fitness goals each day.
Use the Diet and Exercise Plan Template (table) to plan your diet and exercise for the three days. You could use a second copy of this template as a place to record what you actually ate or the exercise that you actually did.
If at all possible, follow your plan for three consecutive days. During the three days note down everything that you consume as you did for project 1.
Measure the time spent on household chores, and any physical exercise.
Note type of activity and intensity of effort.
Also include in your note how you felt, hunger level, muscle soreness, level of fatigue and any changes in your sleep.
Record the information in your NutritionCalc Plus account.
After the three days are completed and you have entered all the data, generate the same three reports as you did for project 1 (Macronutrient Report, Spread Sheet Report and Activity Summary).
Write a report on this project in a MS word document. Please write in full sentences, research and reference properly:
Format your work following APA guidelines, including a title page stating your name, course number, session, instructor name and title.
The body of your report should have a minimum of 1,500 words for full credit.
References are on a separate page; please include a minimum of three references in this assignment (textbook, NutritionCalc Plus, and an outside academic reference).
You may use the first person in this report, as you discuss your nutrition and fitness profile.
Submit this report as well as the three reports you generated in NutritionCalc plus.
Answer the following questions in your written report:
Did I like my food choices for the three days of record? Was I hungry or did I eat enough to keep me satisfied?
How did my dietary intake for the three days compare to the recommended levels. How did the dietary plan differ from your food record from Project 1?
Did I meet dietary requirements for macronutrients and micronutrients?
Did I meet recommendations for physical exercise? What would I need to improve and change in order to increase physical fitness over the next three months? What is a good goal for physical fitness for me?
What was the most important topic covered in this course? How will you incorporate information learned in this class into your life?
Remember - You need to start Project 2 during Week 6 so that you have time to complete it by Sunday of Week 7.
You can review the assignment rubric and the template in preparation for the assignment.
Project 2 Rubric
Template for Project 2 Diet and Exercise Plan
Work out report
Personal: Male 27 yrs 6 ft 215 lb
Day(s): 2021 Jun 26, Jun 27, Jun 28
Activity Level: Very Active
BMI: 29.2
Weight Change: Gain 2 lb per week
(Strive for an Active activity level.)
Normal is 18.5 to 25.
Best not to exceed 2 lbs per week.
List of the Activities performed, their METs, duration and Calories burned.
Daily Activity Details
Profile Calorie Goal: 5147
Duration Mets Intensity Exercise Calories
Sat 06-26-2021
44 minutes 7.0 Higher running, jogging, general 526
2 minutes 2.8 Lower conditioning, abdominal crunches, light 10
5 minutes 8.0 Higher conditioning, jumping jacks, vigorous 68
1 hours 6.0 Higher conditioning, resistance training, power 614
Total Calories (Sedentary) 1218
Duration Mets Intensity Exercise Calories
Sun 06-27-2021
4 minutes 8.0 Higher conditioning, pullups, vigorous 55
10 minutes 8.0 Higher conditioning, pushups, vigorous 137
1 hours 6.0 Higher conditioning, resistance training, 614
20 minutes 8.0 Higher conditioning, calisthenics, vigorous 273
8 minutes 2.8 Lower conditioning, abdominal crunches, light 38
Total Calories (Sedentary) 1117
Duration Mets Intensity Exercise Calories
Mon 06-28-2021
10 minutes 12.3 Higher sports, rope jumping, 120-160 210
2 hours 5.5 Higher sports, boxing, punching bag 1126
Total Calories (Sedentary) 1336