question archive For the following nested definitions of functions f1 and f2, how is the nesting link of each activation record of the called function set? Here it is assumed that random() function generates a random integer

For the following nested definitions of functions f1 and f2, how is the nesting link of each activation record of the called function set? Here it is assumed that random() function generates a random integer

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:3.86 Bought8

For the following nested definitions of functions f1 and f2, how is the nesting link of each activation record of the called function set? Here it is assumed that random() function generates a random integer.


                                 function f1()


                   int x1;

                   function f2()


                       int x2 = random();

                       if x1 - x2 <=0

                          return x1 + x2;






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