question archive Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2016  Modules 8-11: SAM Project 1a Echo VR Health Solutions ADVANCED CAPSTONE SKILLS GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_FirstLastName_1

Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2016  Modules 8-11: SAM Project 1a Echo VR Health Solutions ADVANCED CAPSTONE SKILLS GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_FirstLastName_1

Subject:MS Power PointPrice: Bought3

Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2016  Modules 8-11: SAM Project 1a

Echo VR Health Solutions



  • Open the file SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_FirstLastName_2.pptx by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .pptx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the following support files from the SAM website:
    • Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_Anatomy.jpg
    • Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_Areas.xlsx
    • Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_Demo.pdf
    • Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_Market.xlsx
    • Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_RedCross.png
    • Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_VRLogo.png
  • With the file SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_FirstLastName_2.pptx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.
    • If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


  1. Echo VR Health Solutions promotes virtual reality technologies to assess and treat disease and promote well-being. Echo began as a surgery practice, and you help them adapt a presentation for a general healthcare audience, with links to important data and information. View the Slide Master.
    1. On the Quotable Slide Master, apply the Red theme color.
    2. Apply the Style 1 background style.
  2. With the Quotable Slide Master still displaying, rename the master to General

to distinguish the presentation from other healthcare-specific ones.

  1. On the Title Slide Layout, format the background as follows:
    1. Change the fill to Pattern fill.
    2. Change the pattern to Dotted: 5% (1st column, 1st row in the Pattern gallery) if necessary.
  1. On the Title and Content Layout, insert and format a picture as follows:
    1. Insert the picture Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_VRLogo.png,  available for download from the SAM website.
    2. Use the Align Right and Align Top align commands to position the picture on the layout.
  2. On the Section Header Layout, format the text box as follows:
    1. Set the right margin to 0.3”.
    2. Set the top margin to 0.1”.
    3. Set the bottom margin to 0.1”.
  3. With the Section Header Layout still displaying, rotate the text box right as shown in Figure 1 below, and then close Master view. (Hint: Your angle of rotation may differ slightly from the figure.)

Figure 1: Rotation for the Text Box on Section Header Layout

  1. View the Handout Master, and then format the handout as follows:
    1. Change the handout orientation to Landscape.
    2. Type Echo VR in the header, and then close Master view.
  2. View the Notes Master, and then format the notes as follows:
    1. Insert the picture Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_RedCross.png, available for download from the SAM website.
    2. Move the red cross picture to the bottom-right corner of the placeholder as shown in Figure 2 below, and then close Master vi

Figure 2: Position for the Red Cross Picture on the Notes Master

  1. On Slide 1 (“Echo VR Health Solutions”), convert the SmartArt object to text. Remove the bullets from the text.
  2. On Slide 2 (“To your good health”), embed an Excel chart as follows:
    1. Embed the chart from the file Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_Areas.xlsx available for download from the SAM website so that any edits you make only change the version you inserted in the presentation. (Hint: To embed, use the Insert Object dialog box and select Create from file.)
    2. Apply Style 6 to the chart.
    3. Add a chart title element and type Practice Areas in the new element.
    4. Change the height of the chart to 3.7”. Allow the width to resize proportionally.
    5. Use the Align Left and Align Middle align commands to position the chart on the slide.
  3. On Slide 3 (“Impacts to Healthcare”), create and format a text box as follows:
    1. Create a text box, and then type VR changes training and treatment. (Hint: Do not type the period.)
    2. Center the text in the text box.
    3. Change the font size to 28 pt.
    4. Change the text box height to 0.7” and the width to 7.2”.
    5. Apply the Light Gradient – Accent 2 preset gradient fill style (2nd column, 1st row in the Preset gradients gallery).
    1. Apply a solid line, and then change the outline color to Black, Text 1, Lighter 25% (2nd column, 4th row in the Theme Colors palette), the width to 1 pt, and the Dash type to Square Dot.
    2. Set the text box settings as the default settings.
    3. Use the Align Center and Align Middle commands to position the text box on the slide.
  1. With Slide 3 still displaying, convert the bulleted list to the Chevron Accent Process SmartArt so viewers can easily see healthcare sectors as shown in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3: Chevron Accent Process SmartArt Layout

  1. With Slide 3 still displaying, format the SmartArt as follows:
    1. Change the color of the SmartArt object to Colorful - Accent Colors in the Colorful row of the Change Colors gallery.
    2. Apply the Intense Effect style in the Best Match for Document section.
    3. Increase the height of the SmartArt object to 3” and the width to 10.7”.
    4. Demote “3D Organ scan”.
    5. Add a shape to the end of the SmartArt.
    6. Enter the text Trauma in the new shape.
  2. On Slide 4 (“Surgery Simulation”), create a table containing three columns and five rows with the data shown in Table 1 on the next page to illustrate the effectiveness of VR in surgical training.

Table 1: Data for Table on Slide 4



Expert Skills



Strongly Agree











  1. With Slide 4 still displaying, format the table as follows:
    1. Change the shading of the top row to Dark Gray, Text 2, Lighter 10%

(4th column, 6th row of the Theme Color palette).

    1. Change the width of the second column to 2.8”.
    2. Change the width of the third column to 1”.
    3. Select the bottom row, and then split the row into 2 columns and 1 row.
    4. Type No Reply in new fourth column of the fifth row.
    5. Type in the new sixth column of the fifth row.
    6. Merge the second and third rows in the first column.
    7. Merge the fourth row in first column and fifth row in the first and new second column.
    8. Change the direction of the text in the first column to Rotate all text 270°.
    9. Center the text in the first column.
    10. Change the width of the first column to 0.7”.
    11. Use the Align Middle command to align the table on the slide.
  1. On Slide 5 (“Integrative Anatomy Training”), hyperlink the table text “Demo” to the file Support_SC_PPT16_CS8-11a_Demo.pdf available for download from the SAM website.
  2. With Slide 5 still displaying, format the table as follows:
    1. Distribute the table rows.
    2. Apply the Cross cell bevel effect to the table.
  1. With Slide 5 still displaying, insert the picture Support_SC_PPT16_CS8- 11a_Anatomy.jpg available for download from the SAM website in the left placeholder and then format the picture as follows:
    1. Change the height to 4.7” and the width will change to approximately


    1. Use Smart Guides to position the picture next to the table as shown in Figure 4 below.


Figure 4: Position for Picture in Slide 5


  1. On Slide 6 (“The Future Is Expansive”), link to an Excel table as follows:

Link the table as an object from the file Support_SC_PPT16_CS8- 11a_Market.xlsx available for download from the SAM website.

  1. On Slide 7 (“VR Medicine Works with You”), create custom artwork for a sticker by using Smart Guides to position the white heart shape on top of the beige torso shape as shown in Figure 5 on the next page. In the following order, click the beige torso shape, press and hold SHIFT, click the white heart shape, and then apply the Combine merge shape command.

Figure 5: Position For Shapes On Slide 7

  1. With Slide 7 still displaying, create a text box as follows:
    1. Type Simulation Never Misses a Beat in the text box.
    2. Change the text box width to 4.6”.
    3. Apply the Glow: 18 point; Orange, Accent color 2 Glow shape effect (2nd column, 4th row in the Glow Variations section of the glow gallery).
    4. Change the font color to Brown, Accent 5, Darker, 50% (9th column, 6th row in the Theme Colors palette).
    5. Use Smart Guides to position the text box next to the shapes as shown in Figure 6 on the next page.

Figure 6: Position for Text Box on Slide 7

  1. Apply the Fade transition to all slides.

In Slide Sorter view, your presentation should look like the Final Figure on the following page. Save your changes, close the presentation, and then exit PowerPoint. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.


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