question archive Directions: Using one of the thesis statements below, you must write a well-developed research paper between 750 - 1000 words

Directions: Using one of the thesis statements below, you must write a well-developed research paper between 750 - 1000 words

Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3

Directions: Using one of the thesis statements below, you must write a well-developed research paper between 750 - 1000 words.  Your essay must contain some scholarly research (at least 2 outside sources from the library data base) and should avoid summary.

As with any essay, this one needs a proper introductory paragraph, body paragraphs that SUPPORT the thesis statement, evidence from the story in the form of SHORT quotes/paraphrases with in-text citations. The last page will contain the works cited entries.

Thesis statements to choose from:

  • In “A&P,” Updike illustrates that Sammy’s immaturity is evidenced in his judgmental attitude, disrespectful personality, and sexist beliefs.
  • In a “Rose for Emily,” Faulkner emphasizes the struggle between tradition and change, revealing that progress is inevitable and one must adapt in order to maintain their position in society. 
  • In Ibsen’s controversial play, the personas of Torvald, Nora, and Krogstad prove to be misleading. (Compare your first impressions of them through Acts I and II to what they are really like once adversity strikes in Act III.)
  • Ibsen accurately portrays what gender inequality looked like during this time using themes such as money, condescension, and oppression.

Be sure to use specific evidence from the text to support your analysis.This essay MUST contain quotes and/or paraphrases to support your main points. This evidence must have in-text citations and be listed in your Works Cited page.


  • The word "YOU" and "YOUR" are not to be used in college writing.
  • Essays are not to be written in first person (unless specifically told otherwise)
  • Essays must contain at least 2 outside scholarly research sources(from HCC Libraries Online)
  • Do not use other outside materials such as SparkNotes, Wikipedia, or any other .com source
  • Essays and citations must follow MLA format. See week 1 tab for a review if needed.
  • This essay should be a minimum of 750 - 1000 words (Works Cited does not count toward this minimum)
  • All essays MUST be uploaded as an attachment and cannot be copy and pasted into the comment box.
  • All assignments must be .doc or .docx. No other file format is acceptable. If you use a Mac computer, it is your responsibility to learn how to convert your file to the appropriate file type. Do not submit PDF's.

Students who do not use the required textbook but instead choose to use the internet to find these sources run the risk of incorrectly formatted in-text citations and works cited entries. Essays containing incorrectly formatted in-text citations and works cited entries cannot earn an "A." Most earn a "C" if the essay is well organized, has a proper thesis statement and proper body paragraphs. Essays without both earn an “F” grade.

I will only open websites that are from .edu, .org, .gov, .net.  Any other types of websites run a higher risk of contaminating my computer with viruses.

Submit to Turn-it-In by clicking on the grey arrow (upload). Keep checking back for the originality report. Review the report and make changes as necessary to avoid plagiarism. You can resubmit to Turnitin until the due date.

HCC Libraries Online

What is considered Scholarly Research?

Scholarly research consists of articles written ABOUT the author and/or story. It does not include random quotes used in the introduction, historical facts, dictionary definitions, or encyclopedia articles. You should be finding and using articles written about the story that the thesis statement contains.

Accessing HCC Libraries Online

To find scholarly resources, use the library online search tool.  The library link is located on the left hand side, where you typically find the "Modules" or "Grades" link. For help with the finding information in the online library, be sure to click on the Library and Research Resources tab in this module.

MLA Formatting Guidelines

An Example of MLA Format and Citations:

 MLA Documentation 

This document will help with the in-text citations and the works cited page. Pay attention to placement of quotation marks, commas, periods etc. when creating an in-text citation. Look at the samples provided. Points are deducted for these errors. For the Works Cited entries, look at the very last page of the document for the formula for an article from a database.

Final Note

This assignment is designed for you to use all the strategies learned in this course. Be sure to review the Literary Analysis module because I will be looking for evidence in the form of quotes/paraphrases, in-text citations, explication (there should be much more explication than quoted or paraphrased material, and a works cited entry. Be sure to review my comments/corrections on past assignments to be sure the same mistakes are not made on this final essay.

This assignment can affect your current grade as it is the final essay worth 2 1/2 times the points of previous ones. Think of it as a final exam. You must take your time and check all aspects of the essay before turning it in.


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