question archive Instructions Course Objective(s):   CO-7: Demonstrate the ability to locate and incorporate art historical research sources in a scholarly paper

Instructions Course Objective(s):   CO-7: Demonstrate the ability to locate and incorporate art historical research sources in a scholarly paper

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3


Course Objective(s):


CO-7: Demonstrate the ability to locate and incorporate art historical research sources in a scholarly paper.

C0-8: Examine an artist’s biography and artistic production.





Your 4 SLIDE Power Point Presentation is due at the end of Week 7. Visit the APUS online library, look at the course guides and optionally use the "Ask the Librarian" resource to help you locate scholarly references. They have electronic rights to JSTOR, which is a journal storage database and other data bases.




Choose one artist or architect that is included in any week of our course lessons, readings, or other areas. In this essay, fully discuss the artist and two art samples. Your paper should include:


Optional Cover Sheet


2 page biography of the artist/architect.

A description, formal analysis, and interpretation of 1 work of art/architecture by that artist (2 pages each).

A Bibliography listing 5 to 6 sources.



It is best to choose an artist we have studied in the class, but it doesn't have to be. Do not include any artwork that you have already written about in class. Your analysis should be 2 pages in length and cannot be a work of art we have discussed in Forums. The analysis portion of this assignment must follow the Writing a Critique format you used for your Museum Paper.




Here is a summary of what you will submit:


Introductory Slide


A 2 page/slide biography of your artist

A 2 page/slide description, formal analysis, and interpretation of the one work of art

Include a Reference list properly citing 5 to 6 reference cited in the MLA citation style.

See the Attached "Creating a Term Paper Using Power Point" pdf file.



DO NOT FORGET: Use your Writing a Critique Art Notes that is in your Week 1 Lesson for the analysis which includes information for description formal analysis.




Use the Required Reading Videos and Resources in Lesson Two to help you with this paper and the Museum Paper.



Wikipedia note: It is an unjuried source, meaning that anyone can post there, even those who know nothing about the subject. AMU/APUS has a great library for source material. Start there.




Writing Resources:


Purdue OWL Writing Resources

Questions to Ask as You Look at a Work of Art


Art and Architecture Sites:


Louvre Museum in France

Metropolitan Museum

British Museum

The National Gallery

Rodin Museum

Musee d'Orsay

The Musee Matisse

Andy Warhol Museum

Late 19th century artists

Buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright

Great Buildings Resources

There are also many museums near you that have outstanding collections. It might be interesting and fun to research a paper and then take a small trip to see it in person sometime. It’s like meeting a celebrity!

You can also start with the name of an artist that you appreciated, conduct an internet search, and resources will be available.



Please consider the following:


Of course you may do an internet search for any of your artists/architects, do keep them scholarly.

DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as a reference.

You may use Museum websites or other scholarly sources.

Use double spacing. (Arial 10 or Times-New Roman 12).

It is not necessary to include images. Please attach as a separate file if you do.


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