question archive Final Paper 1 IMPACTS OF PART-TIME WORKING ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVERS 15 Impacts of Part-Time Working on Employee Turnovers Tamalya Lewis ORR 510 Dr

Final Paper 1 IMPACTS OF PART-TIME WORKING ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVERS 15 Impacts of Part-Time Working on Employee Turnovers Tamalya Lewis ORR 510 Dr

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Final Paper 1


Impacts of Part-Time Working on Employee Turnovers

Tamalya Lewis

ORR 510

Dr. Margaret Elgin



Employee turnover is an issue of concern in every organization across the world. There have been many debates and research studies on increased incidences of employee turnovers in organizations. Several causes and impacts of the same have been researched. One of the causes of employee turnover is part-time working relationships. Over the past few years, it has been found that employees who work as part-time workers, registers the highest possibilities of turnovers in organizations. This paper provides qualitative and quantitative research on the impacts of part-time work on employee turnovers in organizations. The research methodology will employ the use of questionnaires, targeting about 30 respondents. The survey will be done online through smartphones and computers because of the current COVID-19 protocols across the nation.


Table of Contents



Problem statement……………………………………………………………………………….5

Literature review………………………………………………………………………………...5



References ……………………………………………………………………………………....15





Employee turnover is an issue of concern in every business organization across the world. Employee turnover refers to losing talent in THE workforce at a particular time. It entails departure of employees from the organization through resignations, layoffs, terminations, retirements, transfers, or death. Businesses calculate their turnover rates as a way of predicting productivity, customer service, and building morale to the general organization. Managers and business owners spend a lot of time and effort looking for the right people for their businesses. Turnover becomes more difficult when hiring for small to medium sized businesses because hiring the wrong workforce in a small business leads greater impact on a smaller team. Business organizations incur costs of advertising which takes a lot of time going through the CVs and carrying out interviews. More so, they also incur costs in induction and training the new employees. Considering all these efforts, it is prudent for business owners and managers should TO do all they can in their powers to reduce employee turnovers.

Currently, there are many debates and research studies on the causes of increased incidences of employee turnovers. From the debates and researches, several causes and impacts have been established as the major causes of turnovers. One of the causes of employee turnover is part-time working relationships. Over the past few years, it has been found that employees who work as part-time workers; registers the highest possibilities of turnovers in organizations (Joung et al. 2018). Therefore, the problem of part-time employment and how it impacts employee turnovers should be researched to help entrepreneurs and organizational managers understand the existing relationship. In this case, the research will consider two significant and interconnected variables. The first variable consists of, employee turnover and the second variable consists of part-time work (Joung et al., 2018). Part-time workers are workers who perform their duties under a reduced time limit on the firm. Unlike other standard full-time workers, part-time workers directly answer to supervisors or management. Part-time workers are also less likely to receive all the benefits that full-time workers receive. Therefore, since their work is more of a contract, they have the liberty to walk away from the firm or stay. Thus, it is necessary to study and understand how working part-time impacts employee turnover.

Problem Statement: Do part-time workers have a higher employee turnover rate than full-time workers? NICE AND CLEAR

Comparably, my research problem statement meets the requirements on the checklist of Evaluating a Research Problem in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This problem statement is supported by literature because it is relevant in the field of business or workplaces. It is also a timely research problem with a significant impact on organizations. It is specific, clear, and researchable; hence, it qualifies as a research problem. YOU CAN DELETE THIS CHART

Process step

Critical to qualities



Type of data

Operational definition

Specification limits


Measurement of data

Sample size

























Over the past few years, there have been higher rates of employee turnover in organizations. The fast-food industries register a higher number of employees quitting their jobs as compared to other industries. Since the fast-food industry accommodates both part-time and full-time employees, higher turnover rates are associated with the high rate of part-time employees in the industry. Therefore, Joung and his colleagues used the article investigating differences in job-related attitudes between full-time and part-time employees in the foodservice industry, posted in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, to highlight how part-time employment impacts employee turnovers fast-food organizations (Joung et al. 2018). The purpose of their investigation was to understand the differences in perceptions of the internal marketing practices, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions between part and full-time employees. The employment status was employed as a moderator in the study of the turnover model.

According to the research findings, Joung (2018) and his colleagues established that full-time employees had greater perceptions regarding IMPs <WHAT IS THIS ?than part-time employees. More so, full-time employees were more committed to the organization, with fewer intentions to quit than part-time. Such results highlight the impacts of part-time employees on the increased turnovers in organizations. It is evident that part-time employees are less committed to the organization, which increases their intentions to quit at any time of the year, month, and week or day as long as they feel so. Thus, it can be established that part-time employees have higher intentions of quitting their jobs because they are less committed to the organization. More so, Joung et al. (2018) argue that part-time employees have lower perceptions regarding the internal marketing practices, hence, registering the possibilities of quitting their jobs at any time.

Stamolampros et al. (2019) useD the article Job satisfaction and employee turnover determinants in high contact services: Insights from Employees’ Online reviews, posted under Tourism Management, 75, 130-147, to understand the determinants of job satisfaction and employee turnovers in organizations. Job satisfaction and employee turnovers are critical aspects and issues of concern in organizations. Employees will be less likely to quit their jobs if satisfied with the organization's leadership and culture (Stamolampros et al., 2019). However, there are higher chances for them to quit if their satisfaction levels are low or none. Moreover, it is essential to understand that organizations that foster career progression among the employees register low employee turnovers compared to organizations with low or no career progression.

Their analysis was established from a vast number of employees across the tourism and hospitality industry in America. According to their findings, it was established that employees are more satisfied with good leadership and POSITIVE organizational culture. Similarly, employee turnover was associated with LOW? career progression among the employees. According to Stamolampros (DATE) and his colleagues, an increase in career progression reduces an employee's chances of quitting or leaving the organization. These two aspects are closely related to the status of employment of the employees. With poor job satisfaction and low career progression, part-time employees are likely to quit their jobs and seek other organizations that will meet their expectations as compared to full-time employees. This is because, for a full-time employee, he or she is held back with the contract and tired up to the organizational commitment. Therefore, as Stamolampros (DATE) and his colleagues illustrated, career progression is essential for employees since it reduces turnovers; hence, since part-time employees are less entitled to career progression, there are higher chances for them to leave the organization as compared to full-time employees. THIS POINT IS REPEATED A LOT.

Many entrepreneurs and businesses are registering high employee turnovers, and the Chinese entrepreneurs are not exceptional. Dr. Shukla (DATE) and his colleagues use the article Frequent Employee Turnover And Its Impact To Chinese Entrepreneur poster in the Psychology and Education Journal, 57(9), 3295-3303. According to Shukla et al. (2020) arguments, turnovers mirror the number of workers leaving an organization randomly. High employee turnovers cause a profound effect on the organization; therefore, it becomes essential for organizational managers to find the root cause of turnovers and help address it. According to this research, gender bias and motivation are paramount aspects leading to high turnovers in Chinese businesses. Comment by margaret elgin: JUST REFER TO THE AUTHOR/S, NOT THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE Comment by margaret elgin: GOOD

Gender bias and the level of motivation to employees play a crucial role in employee turnovers in organizations. Some organizations value female employees more than male employees, while other organizations value male employees compared to female employees. For instance, in the food and beauty industries, female employees are better motivated than male employees. Such organizations tend to value full-time female employees and many part-time male employees.CITATION? As a result, the employees are regarded as assets to the organization and hence, are better motivated to ensure they are retained within the organization than male employees. Therefore, such aspects foster a higher rate of turnover among male employees because they will feel left out and commit less to the organization because of low job satisfaction. Thus, Dr. Shukla and his colleagues' thoughts resonate with Joung et al.'s and Stamolapmros et al.'s arguments because they focus on the facts that impact employee turnovers in organizations, based on employee status.

Jawoski et al. (2018) published an article ON? The effects of training satisfaction, employee benefits, and incentives on part-time employees’ commitment in the International Journal Of Hospitality management regarding the aspect of commitment among part-time employees in the hospitality industry. According to Jaworski and his colleagues, training is an essential element in the hospitality industry because of the various benefits. For instance, training ensures consistency in job performance, increases job satisfaction, improves guest satisfaction, and minimizes business costs in the organization. However, it is unfortunate that companies do not implement the required effective training requirements, especially for part-time employees.

Jaworski et al.'s (2018) arguments can be related to Stamolampros et al.'s (2019) arguments on job satisfaction and employee turnovers. First, it is vital to understand that job training increases career progression among employees. Therefore, implementing effective training for all workers regardless of their employment status increases their levels of performance, commitment to the organization, and productivity. However, lack of training implies that the employees will have a reluctant career progression, fewer benefits, and will commit less to the organization. Therefore, since part-time employees rarely receive training incentives in most organizations, they are more likely to quit their jobs due to a lack of benefits, incentives, and job satisfaction. Joung (DATE) and his colleagues stated that part-time employees are not as committed to an organization as full-time employees. Therefore, without the training, benefits, and incentives, they can easily detach themselves from the organization compared to full-time employees. Thus, if organizational managers wish to retain part-time employees within the organizations, they need to provide them with training satisfaction, employee benefits, and incentives that increase their commitment to the organization.

Work status congruence and perceived management concern on employee turnover intentions are an issue in the current restaurant chains in the US. DiPietro and Bufquin (2018) explored this issue through the article Effects of work status congruence and perceived management concern for employees on turnover intentions in a fast-casual restaurant chain published in the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism17(1), 38-59. Based on the argument in this article, turnover intentions among hourly employees in the restaurant chain in the US are higher. This has affected the entire restaurant industry in the US because higher employee turnovers have become a consistent and costly issue over the recent years. DiPietro and Bufquin argue that restaurant owners and managers should understand how various variables affect employee turnover intentions (DiPietro and Bufquin, 2018). Higher rates of turnovers negatively impact organizations; therefore, to curb the hardship effects, restaurant managers and owners should understand aspects such as work status congruence, perceived management concern for employees, job satisfaction, and the level of commitment to the organization. Comment by margaret elgin: DELETE

DiPietro and Bufquin's (DATE) article resonates with prior articles discussed above regarding part-time employment and employee turnovers. The authors of the source Effects of work status congruence and perceived management concern for employees on turnover intentions in a fast-casual restaurant chain argue that job satisfaction and commitment for hourly employees is the key element to reduce higher rates of employee turnovers and turnover intentions. Job satisfaction and commitment come from understanding the work status congruence, among other elements. Therefore, DiPietro and Bufquin help readers to understand the relationship between part-time employment (hourly working) and employee turnovers in organizations. ALL THESE ARTICLES SEEM TO REPEAT THE SAME CONCLUSIONS

According to the article Part-time work in Danish private services: A (mis) match between wage flexibility and living hours. In Dualisation of Part-Time Work: The Development of Labour Market Insiders and Outsiders by Larsen et al. (2019), part-time employment is always considered essential to both sides of the industry because it strikes a balance between work and life of the employee while ensuring secure flexibility and curbing costs for organizations. However, Larsen and his colleagues argue that part-time employment is associated with risks of high employee turnovers, less work commitment, and increased precariousness among employees. Even though employers use part-time employment strategies to curb costs and increase flexibility within organizations, there are high chances that part-time employment increases employee turnovers in the organizations.

In the Danish private sector, part-time working is believed to impact wage flexibility and living hours. Larsen and his colleagues illustrate the negative impacts of part-time working on employee turnovers because they cite that it is associated with higher risks of turnovers than full-time employment. The article resonates with the previous sources on the issue of job satisfaction and commitment. Larsen et al. (2019) state that "working-time regulations, including weekly working hours, in combination with wage regulations, seem pivotal to the scope of part-time work and earnings inequalities, and thus implicitly affect living hours and a flexible workforce across distinct sectors” (pg 136-137). The statement implies that working hours and wages are paid to determine the flexibility of the workforce; hence, these elements are subject to high turnovers if they are not met or incompatible.


For any research study, data collection is essential because it has either negative or positive impacts on the research resultsFINDINGS. Inaccurate data collection negatively impacts the results of the research, ultimately leading to invalid results. For this research study, I will explore both the qualitative and quantitative data methodologies. Quantitative methods of collecting data rely on sampling and structured instruments for data collection, which fits diverse experiences into predetermined response categories. This data collection method is essential because it produces results that can be easily summarized, compared, and generalized. With the quantitative data collection methodology, the researcher can test the research hypothesis based ON THE SAMPLES RESPONSES.on relevant theories and an estimated sample of the relevant phenomenon.

A quantitative method of data collection can be done through interviews or questionnaires. For this research, I will consider narrowing it down to questionnaires. I will use both the paper-pencil questionnaires and the web-based questionnaires. For the paper-pencil questionnaires, the questionnaires can be sent to a large group of people. The participants in the large group will be part-time working employees in high-end functioning organizations such as the McDonald's fast restaurant.YOU NEED PERMISSION NOW TO SURVEY THESE WORKERS AND HOW WILL YOU SELECT THEM, I.E. SAMPLING PLAN? I intend them the paper-pencil questionnaire through their human resources manager. I was able to contact the human resources manager at one of my local Mcdonald’s because my uncle is the owner.GOOD I was able to contact him and started my intentions and research requirements. Since he had agreed to taking the questionnaire and circulating it among the employees, I am optimistic that I will receive my feedback in due course. This method saves time and the cost of transportation from one place to another (Patten & Newhart, 2017). It is a basic data collection method because people provide more accurate responses to the questions since their responses are anonymous. Based on part-time employment and how it impacts employee turnovers, the participants have the liberty to air out their true opinions regarding the issue since it is anonymous.

However, as Leedy and Ormrod argue, the paper-pencil questionnaire has drawbacks (Rudolph, 2018); Leedy & Ormrod, 2015). Some participants never return their questions; however, if they do, some responses do not come from the original samples selected for the research. Feedback from participants varies in various ways. I will employ both direct and indirect feedback. Direct verbal feedback is the most useful form of feedback because it is direct and on point. Even though it is rarely available, the current pandemic makes it essential to use phone calls, the internet, or written feedback forms. Another form of getting the answers to the survey is through direct non-verbal feedback. This will be registered when the participants fail to completely turn in their responses to the questions on the questionnaire. More so, some might opt out of the online survey system, indicating their reactions to the survey. Therefore, these are the two forms of feedback I will employ in this survey.THIS PARAGRAPH IS UNCLEAR Comment by margaret elgin: PLEASE CLARIFY. IS NOT MAKING SENSE

The web-based questionnaire is currently growing in the field of research. It uses the internet to research and gather data relevant to the research thereof. It requires participants to register their emails where they receive an email notification from the researcher. They click on it, and it securely directs them to the research questionnaires to fill their answers. It is a quick method of data collection because it is less detailed. However, it leaves out participants who do not have computers or cannot access internet connectivity. WILL YOU USE THIS METHOD TOO? YOUR DATA COLLECTION IS UNCLEAR THUS FAR. PLEASE REVISE

This research's qualitative data collection method will be vital in generating and evaluating the hypothesis, strengthening the survey questionnaire and interview designs, and expanding on the quantitative questionnaire findings. Even though it takes a longer time than the quantitative research methodology, it will be essential in collecting data for this research study. Both the primary and secondary data will be ideal for this research. For primary data, I intend to seek permission from the manager at McDonald's restaurant to send the employees paper-pencil questionnaires. The questionnaires will entail questions regarding their experience as part or full-time employees and how possible it is for them to leave the company for another company. Some of the questions that will be on the questionnaire will consist of:

• Are you currently a part-time worker within your organization?

• Do you intend to be with the organization after 12 months?

• How long have you been working for the company?

• How likely would you be to refer someone to work here?

• Do you get any benefits as a part-time employee?

I also intend to survey some part-time and full-time employees on my job (I work in administration for a hospital) who I currently work with and who I have worked with previously. I intend to interview 10-20 employees (approx. 10 from previous positions and approx. 20 at my current position). They will provide me with the information I need to build on my research. Some of the questions will be similar to those of the questionnaire. Still, they will be able to go into detail with open-ended questions such as: "why did you apply to work for this part-time position?" and "If you were to give notice and leave the organization, what would the primary reason be?" Some of the questions may vary based on if the employees at my previous organization are still in part-time roles. More so, the literature review sources will also provide me with relevant information for the secondary data. The information in the literature review will provide me with a plethora of information to back my primary data. THE ENTIRE DATA COLLECTION SECTION IS UNCLEAR AND DOES NOT APPEAR “DOABLE.”


Conclusively, employee turnover has been an issue of concern in the current business environment. Turnover refers to employees voluntarily quitting their working positions for various reasons including resignation, laying-off, termination, retirement, transfer or death. Mangers and business owners spend a lot of time and incur a lot of financial costs in hiring the right persons and talents to work in their organizations. As such, high rates of turnovers negatively impacts business at any level of production. Part-time employment is an employee status that is closely associated with the current increase in turnovers in business organizations, especially the hotel and hospitality industry. Based on the literature review discussed above, it is evident that part-time employees focus a lot on the aspect of job satisfaction, career progression, commitment, and motivation through incentives and benefits. Lack of the above aspects has been the cause of high turnovers among part-time employees. On the other hand, as Joung and his colleagues argued, full-time employees are more committed to the organization, have lower turnover intentions, and have greater IMP than part-time employees. This explains why there are higher rates of turnovers among part-time employees in the current business organizations.


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