question archive BMO0249 2020-21  Developing and Leading People     Individual Assignment  Module: BMO0249 Individual     presentation and briefing paper  Assignment length: Question 1: 1500 word written Question     2: 20 minute presentation slide with note 1500 words  QUESTION 1:  Consider how the current challenges and context of an organisation you know well, drives the need to focus on leadership or management, or both - using your answer to draw out the differences and similarities between leadership and management

BMO0249 2020-21  Developing and Leading People     Individual Assignment  Module: BMO0249 Individual     presentation and briefing paper  Assignment length: Question 1: 1500 word written Question     2: 20 minute presentation slide with note 1500 words  QUESTION 1:  Consider how the current challenges and context of an organisation you know well, drives the need to focus on leadership or management, or both - using your answer to draw out the differences and similarities between leadership and management

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BMO0249 2020-21 

Developing and Leading People     Individual Assignment 

Module: BMO0249

Individual     presentation and briefing paper 

Assignment length: Question 1: 1500 word written

Question     2: 20 minute presentation slide with note 1500 words 


Consider how the current challenges and context of an organisation you know well, drives the need to focus on leadership or management, or both - using your answer to draw out the differences and similarities between leadership and management. 

Format: Written briefing paper 1,500 words max

Weighting: 50% of this assessment


Critically analyse whether your chosen organisation is delivering the requirements of leadership and / or management discussed in question 1, using your answer to identify elements of good practice and areas for improvement.

Format: Presentation (20 minutes – 8-10 slides)

1500 Words max

Weighting: 50% of this assessment


Question 1:

Consider how the current challenges and context of an organisations you know well, drives the need to focus on leadership or management, or both – using your answer to draw out the differences and similarities between leadership and management. (50%)

1. Introduction

1.1: A range of definitions of leadership and management, with critical analysis of the literature to say which applies most to their organisation

• Definitions of Leadership then critically evaluate 

• Definitions of Management then critically evaluate

2. Main Body

1.2 An understanding of how the current context of the organisation  (challenges, development stage, market position etc) drives the need to focus on leadership and / or management

– Discussion of leadership theory in the context of the organisation 

– (include the most relevant of the 7 frameworks)

– Discussion of management theory in the context of the organisation

– (consider including Fayol / Mintzberg / Theory X/Y etc)

– Challenges of leading / managing individuals

1.3 Identification and comparison of the areas of difference and similarity for leadership and management in both theory and in their organisation

– Identify differences between leadership and management in theory AND in your organisation

– Identify similarities between leadership and management in theory AND in your organisation

3. Conclusion

1.4 Reach a conclusion in answer to the question 

– Clearly state your answer to the question about the organisation’s current need for leadership; or management; or both; and justify your answer.

How does this link to literature?

Question 2:

Critically analyse whether your chosen organisation is delivering the requirements of leadership and / or management discussed in question 1, using your answer to identify elements of good practice and areas for improvement. (50%) this is a presentation

Q2: Content

2.1 Critical analysis as to whether leaders are leading or managing

• What activities are your leaders undertaking: are they showing leadership as defined in question 1; or are they actually carrying out more management related activity. Is this what the organisation requires?

2.2 Critical analysis as to whether managers are managing or also leading

• Are managers carrying out the traditionally defined management roles, or are they also acting as leaders, and is this what the organisation requires?

2.3 Critical analysis of the structure of the organisation

• Is the organisation you have described structured in a way to meet the leadership and management challenges you have described in question 1?

2.4 Critical analysis of the roles in the organisation

• Are the job roles in the organisation relevant to addressing the challenges of leadership / management described in question 1?


2.5 What is your organisation doing well (good practice) in terms of the leadership / management requirements identified in question 1?

2.6 Are there any areas for improvement (Structure / job roles / styles etc) to meet the need for leadership and management

Key points

• There’s lots of possible material … so it’s a challenge to fit within the word-count.

• The amount of content should roughly mirror the weighting of the questions.

• If you find you are listing/describing material, put it in the appendices.

Students should demonstrate the ability to critically analyse the models and the relevance to their organisation. 

Current material

Relevant material

Application to the organisation

Critical analysis rather than repeating / regurgitating 


• Powerpoint Slides (8-10)

• Write in the Notes section

• You can access these either under Normal View Tab at the bottom, or the View Tab / Notes Page in the Tools Bar Graphical user interface, application, PowerPoint  Description automatically generated

Background / introduction 

(see note below; if this precedes Q1, it will not be included in the word-count)

QUESTION 1 : 50% = max 1500 words



 words QUESTION 2: 50% = max 20 minute presentation (8-10 slides)

Appendices for assignment / notes for presentation (unlimited .. but relevant!)


In this assignment we are looking at your ability to understand and effectively use the academic material covered in the lectures, supporting material and wider reading; and in particular your ability to apply this to your organisation and critique in terms of its leadership and management.

The word count & presentation time are both limited, for a potentially wide ranging subject – so you will have to write in an effective and efficient way.

The questions are linked, so anything in the Background / Introduction does not need to be repeated, but can be cross referenced. Similarly the answer to question 2: is based on your answer to Question 1; so again use cross-referencing rather than repetition.

For the written brief (Q1): use appendices, as they are not included in the word-count. In general, if material is descriptive, then this should be placed in the appendix, with a brief reference in the main answer.

Similarly for the presentation (Q2): use handouts/notes for detailed material rather than trying to put everything onto a PowerPoint presentation.

REFERENCING: APA 7th edition


The following have been built into the teaching schedule and included in Brightspace to provide you with a range of resources and materials to draw upon:

Relevant lectures: 

Weeks 1: teaching material and additional in class handouts

Weeks 1 Collated group work – captured under the appropriate week in Brightspace 

Week 1: In-class discussion and formative feedback on the setting, context and indicative content of your Assignment


Brightspace Lecture materials plus additional articles - organised by week

Dedicated Assignment Resources area on Brightspace

Rees G and French R (2016) Leading Managing and Developing People, London, CIPD publishing

In addition, the tutor will be available to discuss your work during office hours, and formative feedback on drafts will be provided – details of this will be covered during the lectures.


The assignment will be assessed using the CIPD’s ‘BAKUP’ criteria, as follows:

  • Business Orientation 
  • Application capability
  • Knowledge of subject 
  • Understanding demonstrated
  • Persuasion & Presentation

Your tutor will discuss these criteria in greater detail, and the attached appendix identifies indicative content for the (pass, merit & distinction).grade levels 

Performance against CIPD ‘BAKUP’ Criteria:




Fail (under 30)


Refer (30- 50)


Pass ( 50 - 59)


Merit (60 - 69)


Distinction (70-100)


Understanding demonstrated


Shows   no understanding of concepts and little organisation


Shows   little understanding of key concepts, requirements

Little   definition or organisation of information


Shows basic understanding of theories, concepts, issues   surrounding a topic,

Some definition of terms & topic analysis using models


Provides   definition & analysis of topic and issues

Some   appreciation of complexity of topic

Identifies   models and provides rationale for use


Provides   detailed critical analysis of the issues.

Appreciates   & manages complexities of a topic.

Uses   multiple perspectives & models appropriately, with justification


Business Orientation


Business   issues not considered


Lack   of appreciation of the wider business issues to be addressed


Identifies problems, barriers and issues within organisational   environment


Presents   some analysis of the wider context of a topic.

Identifies   limits of available information & identifies further requirements


Detailed   evaluation of the implications of wider context. Evaluates limits of   information within situation and reviews options to supplement information.


Application capability


Does   not show awareness of which models might be applied


Shows   limited awareness of models

Does   not apply these adequately


Uses some models, concepts or benchmarking for analysis of a   topic and draws key conclusions for application


Appropriate   use of models, benchmarks demonstrating systematic use information to draw   conclusions.

Aware   of limits of application in context, some recommendations as appropriate.


Shows   original, comprehensive evaluation of information thorough & realistic   analysis.

Effective   application in given context with justified & appropriate recommendations


Knowledge of subject


Demonstration   of knowledge inadequate

Little   information presented


Limited   knowledge demonstrated.

Lack   of information included on which to base analysis


Shows basic knowledge of subject with some supporting   information & research


Knowledge   of subject supported by external respected sources. Limitations of knowledge   recognised


Current   and well-researched information included

Critiqued   with realistic appreciation of complexity





Required   academic structure lacking

Not   persuasive presentation


Poor   structure & use of information

Poor   spelling, grammar and/or referencing

Limited   attempt to analyse or persuade


Presents information clearly

Uses format required

Correct spelling, grammar & referencing

Persuades through written means


Clear   and succinct presentation

Appropriate   use of format

Good   spelling, grammar & referencing

Persuasively   presented with supporting information


Presents   information purposefully to add value.

Good   professional presentation.

Persuasive   communication in any proposal, fully   supported


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