question archive The Visual World · 21S Comm 2022 Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride Assignment The Visual World · 21S Tim Burton’s stop frame animation film ‘ Corpse Bride’ has many examples of the tools and techniques of visual communication covered during this course
Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3
The Visual World · 21S
The Visual World · 21S
Tim Burton’s stop frame animation film ‘ Corpse Bride’ has many examples of the tools and techniques of visual communication covered during this course. The movie also uses many of the ‘Technical Perspectives’ of filming used by directors and discussed in the Power Point Slides in Weeks 9 and 10 .
Follow the instructions given for each section and complete the assignment. You can use this assignment outline as your template for completing assignment sections 1 and 2 . Section 3 will need to be typed on separate pieces of paper.
Take rough notes while watching the video and then complete a final copy of the assignment that includes Sections 1, 2, and 3 together (in one submission).
If you use Sections 1 and 2 as a template, you will be able to increase the numbers of lines in Sections 1 and 2, should you have more typed information to give in your answers. Do be sure that you answer all questions with direct and detailed typed answers. Be specific with your answers.
Section One: Purpose |
/3 |
Section Two: Visual Theories |
/9 |
Cognitive elements |
Give a ‘concrete example’ from the film for each of the ‘cognitive elements’ listed below. Explain the connection between the cognitive element and the way it is used in the movie .
Selectivity :
Symbols |
/8 |
has many examples of the tools and
communication covered during this
filming used by directors and discussed in
Follow the instructions given for each section and comp
assignment outline as your template for
Take rough notes while watching the video and then complete
If you use Sections 1 and 2 as a template
information to give in your answer
that you answer all questions with direct
and detailed typed answers. Be specific with your
explain what the purpose of the film was
. Feel free to research this question but remember to
Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride Assignment
Tim Burton’s stop frame animation film ‘Corpse Bride’ has many examples of the tools and
techniques of visual communication covered during this course. The movie also uses many of
the ‘Technical Perspectives’ of filming used by directors and discussed in the Power Point
Follow the instructions given for each section and complete the assignment. You can use this
assignment outline as your template for completing assignment sections 1 and 2. Section 3 will
need to be typed on separate pieces of paper.
Take rough notes while watching the video and then complete a final copy of the assignment
that includes Sections 1, 2, and 3 together (in one submission).
If you use Sections 1 and 2 as a template, you will be able to increase the numbers of lines in
Sections 1 and 2, should you have more typed information to give in your answers. Do be sure
that you answer all questions with direct and detailed typed answers. Be specific with your
Victor Van Dort Victoria Everglot Emily (Corpse Bride) Lord Barkis
1.1 Briefly explain the purpose of the film Corpse Bride. Do not tell me what the film was
about, but rather explain what the purpose of the film was and what the film was supposed to
show or tell the audience. Feel free to research this question but remember to use proper APA