question archive #1   Free Will COLLAPSE Top of Form        The argument for Free Will is something that a Bible-believing Christian understands but is very hard to explain to the naturalists

#1   Free Will COLLAPSE Top of Form        The argument for Free Will is something that a Bible-believing Christian understands but is very hard to explain to the naturalists

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Free Will


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       The argument for Free Will is something that a Bible-believing Christian understands but is very hard to explain to the naturalists. One argument that stands firmly against Free Will is based on the scientific discovery of predictive genetic make-up and nerve impulses, through which sends specific information-packed messages to be carried out by the proper part of the body. Philosophers argue that since we cannot help our genes that we do not have full control over our decisions or lives but rather we have very little control (Filice 2018).

          The strongest argument for Free Will is that the world is understanding predestination and free will in all the wrong places. Free will is the decision to choose to follow God or to not. Genetically we are wired to fall to sin or to our own desires but in God, we are called to deny ourselves and follow him. Instead of following ourselves and trusting in the logic that will never leave earth will yes be true but will lead to natural death. However, only through the drawing of God are we able to even have the opportunity to move beyond our fallen states and choose to rise in the glorious life God intended for us to have (John 6:44).

         Many peoples struggle with the truth of predestination as another misinterpretation from what Paul and a few others were referring to in the Bible. Predestination is something only the all-powerful, limitless being can do. His power is far beyond what we can ever comprehend and is not for us. His ways are higher than ours and so are his thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).

    Free will choose to accept Jesus and believe in him as the Son of God that stepped down to earth to be crucified as a perfect innocent sacrifice, bearing every curse of sin so that we humans would not have to. Therefore, free will may be the most important aspect of a person's entire life because without it we would all be stuck in our sinful states and forever without hope of redemption. We would be forced by the nature of ourselves to live sinfully then die. 



Philosophy Now. (2018). Free Will Is Still Alive! | Issue 124



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Which single challenge to free will is strongest in your view??The most significant single challenge to the application of free will is the lack of a choice-based foundation. Most people make choices and decisions with no foundation when reacting to different situations. Filice (2018) discussed that people could choose their reaction mechanism when presented with different situations. Though someone responds in a given manner, they chose from their values before acting. Humanistic values are never random and don’t just happen, but they reflect society and the parents. Nevertheless, the concept of free will defines how people react to certain situations that occur in similar ways. Which single defense of free will is the strongest in your view??The strongest belief is that agent causation has been the all-time strongest defense of free will. As a single defense, the agent causation serves as an individual determiner of the actions because individuals are entirely responsible for their reactions. According to Mele (2017), the humanistic free will depends on the attributable but nonspecific events that are not caused by external factors. Therefore, individuals have their free will and can consider their choices while under the influence of the parenting society and parenting. I believe causation agent is the best defense for free will because it allows individuals to control their decisions. Is free will an essential attribute of human personhood??Free will is a vital necessity to the human reality and completion of personal existence. Through free will concepts, people can make up their minds and soul as free will encompasses their mind as the reason for their existence. Moreover, free will offers guided factors that balance internal and external factors that affect personal decisions. Without free will, all people would be driven by the external factors outside their existence, making their lives less fulfilled. Free will offers all the participants the desires and eventually the purpose of their existence. References Filice, C. (January 01, 2018). Free Will Is Still Alive!. Philosophy Now, 124, 22-24. Mele, A. R. (2017). Aspects of agency: decisions, abilities, explanations, and free will. Oxford University Press.


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