question archive The Philippines faces a bleak situation on rice and other crop productions

The Philippines faces a bleak situation on rice and other crop productions

Subject:EconomicsPrice:2.86 Bought5

The Philippines faces a bleak situation on rice and other crop productions. Numerous typhoons and droughts have caused local rice production to be delayed, or in some cases even halted. This has not only affected businesses, but primarily the farmers themselves. Belonging to a primary sector that produces food, it is ironic that farmers hardly earn a decent income in the country.  

DIRECTIONS: In reference to the abovementioned context, respond coherently to the following questions.

1. Which of the three main aspects of food security presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) is/are NOT met or often neglected in the Philippine society? Expound your answer. 

2. What do you think is/are the repercussion/s of the country's failure to realize or meet any of the aspects of food security? Provide concrete examples

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