question archive Throughout history and even during current times Americans had to compromise in order to solve conflicts

Throughout history and even during current times Americans had to compromise in order to solve conflicts

Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3

Throughout history and even during current times Americans had to compromise in order to solve conflicts. One of the biggest conflicts that had to be compromised was over the issue of slavery. Throughout the United States history, the issue of slavery has been repetitively brought up and the issue was always compromised, but the compromise only lasts a few years until the compromise became a problem and another compromise had to be created to solve the issue. One of the most famous compromises toward the issue of slavery is the 3/5ths compromise. The 3/5ths compromise was a compromise that allowed every five slaves to be counted as three people to be counted for representation in the house of representatives and for taxation. This compromise was created to solve the issues of slave representation within the southern states and the house of representatives, Another example of where Americans had to compromise was the Great compromise. The Great compromise was a compromise that was adopted during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, this compromise stated the structure of the legislative branch and also stated how each state would be represented under the constitution. This compromise solved the conflict of representation between the states. On the other hand, the United States did in fact had to refuse compromise. For example, during recent times there has been a conflict between President Trump and the funding for a wall to be built between Mexico and the United States border to decrease illegal immigration. Both parties of the issue have both refused all compromises. President Trump refuses any compromise to decrease the funds for the wall and the democratic party refuses to keep the current budget for the wall. From these compromises or failed compromises, a person can learn that in order to reach a conclusion both parties must have to learn how to compromise as nobody can their way all of the time. When we approach difficult issues today we have to have an open mind to the other side of the argument and know when we have to reuse compromise and also know when we have to reach a compromise. 



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