question archive 1) The Philippines was a colony of Spain for how long a period of time? * A

1) The Philippines was a colony of Spain for how long a period of time? * A

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1) The Philippines was a colony of Spain for how long a period of time? *

A. A Hundred Years

B. More than a Century

C. More than Two Centuries

D. More than Three Centuries


2. Original Title of the essay "The Philippines A Century Hence".... *

A. Filipinas Dentro De Cien Años

B. Islas Filipinas De Cien Años

C. Cien Años Perlas De Islas Filipinas

D. All the choices


3. According to Dr. Rizal: In order to read the destiny of a people, it is necessary to ___________________. *

A. enlighten the minds of the people

B. open the book of its past

C. speculate the future

D. arouse the national consciousness


4. Which of the following served as the main framework and scenery of Dr. Rizal in writing the essay and thereby predicting the political destiny of the Philippines? *

A. French Revolution

B. American Revolution

C. 19th Century Philippine Social, Economic and Political Life

D. Spanish brutalities and injustices


5. The military policies of Spain had deplorable consequences in the Philippines. Which one is NOT? *

A. Massive poverty

B. Gainful employment

C. Decreased of the population

D. Neglect of families and agricultural fields


6. What was discussed in the essay that is relevant today among forthcoming government workers/employees? *

A. Competitive salaries and benefits

B. Equal employment opportunity

C. Patronage system

D. Competitive examination


7. Why were Rizal and the members of the Propaganda Movement advocated for the assimilation/conversion of the Philippines to become a regular province of Spain? *

A. So that Filipinos would become Spanish citizens

B. So that representation in the Spanish Cortes is ensured

C. So that equitable distribution of wealth is achieved

D. So that Filipinos would enjoy the same rights and privileges as that of a Spanish citizen


8. Dr. Rizal believed that the essay served to remind Spain that the circumstances that ushered in the French Revolution could have a telling effect for her in the Philippines. * NOTE: NO NEED TO ANSWER THANK YOU

A. True

B. False

C. Maybe

D. It depends


9. The essay "The Philippines A Century Hence" was published in the..... *

A. La Independencia

B. La Soberania Monacal en Filipinas

C. La Solidaridad

D. La Liga Filipina


10. Philippine historiography (sources, methods as well as interpretations used by scholars to study the history) is characterized by the following except: *

A. Frequent changes happened since precolonial period;

B. Early Filipinos have their own means of orally transmitting their history from one generation to the next;

C. Philippine history was static and minimal change happened over time and space.

D.Spanish chroniclers employed two-fold view recording of Philippine observations through written accounts.


11. According to Morga, this social class has the duty to govern and rule their subjects and henchmen. *


B. Saguiguilires

C. Principalias

D. Lakan


12. Scholarly analysis of Rizal's new edition of Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas reveals the following major propositions. Deducing from the readings, which among the following shall not be credited as such? *

A. The people of the Philippines had a culture of their own before the coming of the Spaniards;

B. Western imperialism was a crucial force that distorted the growth of Filipino nationalism;

C. Filipinos were decimated, demoralized, exploited and ruined by the Spanish colonization;

D. The present state of the Philippines was not necessarily superior to its past.


13. Rizal wittingly crafted an annotation of Morga's An Account of the Philippine Islands in aid of the analytic-supplemental method. Which among the following statements is not a part thereof? *

A. Morga noted the absence of absolute rulership in a certain region but rather governed by individual chiefs extending control over specific territories. On the other hand, Rizal emphasized the ills of a centralized colonial administration headed by the influential Spanish governor- general.

B. Social stratification and rulership as observed by Morga is determined by inheritance and succession and rulers from high social stations enjoyed reverence and prestige. On the contrary, Rizal exposed the abuses of colonial rulers who simply won the ire of the colonials.

C. Morga wrote about the efficiency of judicial process among the Filipinos and emphasized the observance of speedy trial. Moreover, Rizal attributed the sound judicial system which was built upon familiarity of customs, usages and languages in the locality by chiefs and elders as compared to the gowned colonial judges.

D. Morga focuses on the abuses committed against the three social stations and wrote about royal decrees to stop the abuses. This was confirmed by Rizal as this prevented discrimination and injustice to happen.


14. According to Rizal, a sound judicial system among early Filipinos was attributed to the following reasons except: *

A. It was built upon the principle of power, rule and influence by chiefs and elders whose authority was beyond question and dissent;

B. The force of law greatly depends upon the understanding of the people of the reasons behind its crafting and to whom it was made, but not on the force of pen and paper in which it was written;

C. Early knowledge and familiarity of customs enabled the Indio to understand the essence of laws despite its imperfection, as compared to modern laws devoid of understanding by the subjects thereof.

D. The agreement of laws at the bottom and the uniformity of its interpretation by the early Filipinos prevailed over wars and differences.


15. Morga's remark about the Filipinos eating fish which is about to smell and decompose was rebutted by Rizal by saying, that the fish that Morga mentions does not taste better when it beginning to rot is locally known as "bagoong," and all who are familiar or least tasted it can testify that is not or ought not to be rotten. This judgment per se has reference to *

A. cultural bias

B. racial discrimination

C. cultural relativism

D. historical revisionism


16. What characterizes the Tagalog wife in the description of Rizal? *

A. She is free and respected;

B. She is the keeper of the money;

C. She educates the children;

D. All of the above


17. What motivated Rizal to write something about new orthography of the Tagalog language? *

A. He was tapped by Dr. Pardo de Tavera to write an essay about the significance of the Tagalog orthography.

B. It was a reaction to the Spaniards' insistence of their orthography which was not conducive to learning and reading on the part of the Filipinos;

C. He wants to prove that English fairy tales when translated in aid of the new Tagalog orthography resembles if not at par with any foreign languages.

D. It was his way to foster the Filipino alphabet at the same time to discourage them to embrace Spanish orthography.


18. Mr. Ferdinand Blumentritt hailed by Rizal as the first Philippine historian once refused to write a history of the Filipino people despite the latter's request to do so. What do you think is the most sensible academic reason behind his refusal? *

A. He believes that Rizal with his writing and analytical prowess is capable of producing an authentic one.

B. His fear of persecution by the Spaniards prevails over his willingness to write the history of the Filipino people.

C. He believes that nobody is in the best position to write an authentic history of a nation except the Filipinos themselves.

D. His knowledge and reservoir of materials about the Filipino nation, although substantial does no warrant an excellent historical handiwork.


19. These are historical information that leads Rizal to the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas according to some scholars. Which among them is nonfactual? *

A. His encounter with Morga's Sucesos was merely incidental to his plan of writing a truly Philippine history.

B. Rizal was an earnest seeker of truth and this marked him as a historian;

C. He had a burning desire to know exactly the conditions of the Philippines when the Spaniards came ashore to the islands;

D. His theory was that the country was economically self-sufficient and prosperous prior to Spanish colonization.

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