question archive Discussion 1: Reflection and Shared Practice Each week you will have the opportunity to learn, practice, and then assess your knowledge through readings, lectures, discussion forums, and assignments or tests

Discussion 1: Reflection and Shared Practice Each week you will have the opportunity to learn, practice, and then assess your knowledge through readings, lectures, discussion forums, and assignments or tests

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Discussion 1: Reflection and Shared Practice

Each week you will have the opportunity to learn, practice, and then assess your knowledge through readings, lectures, discussion forums, and assignments or tests. Not all of these activities are graded, but ALL are important to your success in this course. Please take the time to carefully review the reading material and lectures, as they will ultimately contribute to your ability to complete assignments and discuss the week's content with your fellow classmates.

Upon successful completion of this week's lesson, you should be prepared to: 

· Define your vision and value for your brand of performance consulting

· Build a portfolio of products and services that you have already delivered


To prepare for this Discussion:

Please select the link below to open and view this week's lecture: 

Week 1

In addition, please read the following articles: 

Performance Consultant Handbook - Bookshelf Ambassadored: The Performance Consultant's Fieldbook (

McCabe, L., & Lindsay, M. (2018). The Big Four’s leap of faith: The Big Four are developing capabilities far beyond accounting and auditing. How did they upturn the consulting business? Acuity, 5(1), 32–37. Retrieved from

 Oldham, B. (2018). Performance consulting: The ideal tool for ensuring a project adds real value. Human Resources Magazine, 23(1), 22–23. Retrieved from




Respond to at least two of your peers' postings in one or more of the following ways:


· Share an insight about what you learned from having read your peers’ postings and discuss how and why your peer’s posting resonated with you professionally and personally.

· Offer an example from your experience or observation that validates what your peer discussed.

· Offer specific suggestions that will help your peer build upon his or her own virtual communication.

· Offer further assessment or insight that could impact your peer’s future communications.

· Share how something your peer discussed changed the way you view things.


· 3 – 4 paragraph response per each colleagues


· No plagiarism

· APA citing








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1st Colleague – Dorian  

Discussion 2 - Week 1

Dorian Wilson 


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Using the articles; The Big Four’s leap of faith: The Big Four are developing capabilities far beyond accounting and auditing. How did they upturn the consulting business? by McCabe & Lindsay (2018) and Performance consulting: The ideal tool for ensuring a project adds real value by Oldham (2018), please review the eight steps that are outlined for performance consulting.


The 8 Steps of the Strategic Performance Plan are getting prepared is getting the items and team members to gather information that will make the planning process go smooth. clarify the mission and vision statements to let others know your mission and what you have in store for your company. Identifying your current and future market positions by retrieving information that distinguish your weakness and strengths. Agree on priorities, with in your group or team the planning process should be a group decision. Putting the plan together, getting the plan ready to be challenged, distribute tasks, and assign actions, giving assignments and responsibilities amongst the team. Roll out the plan, by making the first official run of the plan. And making everyone accountable for their actions. The 9th strategic performance plan is Future visions.

The additional step would be to ensure a more robust strategic performance plan by, examining the over all strategies and assuring that all the steps combined will be successful. By staying on top of it as a leader it is best to have strategies for the future as well to bounce on for the long run. The rationale and outline where the additional step would fall in the plan would be, after the plan is rolled out, then there is the time to learn about future plans and even back up plans in case some parts or all of the original plan fails.


References: McCabe, L., & Lindsay, M. (2018). The Big Four’s leap of faith: The Big Four are developing capabilities far beyond accounting and auditing. How did they upturn the consulting business? Acuity, 5(1), 32-37.


Oldham, B. (2018). Performance consulting: The ideal tool for ensuring a project adds real value. Human Resources Magazine, 23(1), 22–23. Retrieved from

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2nd Colleague – Susan Christmas


Discussion 2 - Week 1


Susan Christmas 



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Summary Addendum to the 8 Steps of the Strategic Performance Plan

Step one of the strategic performance plan is to step back and truly look at the reality of what is going on so you can focus on revealing the actual problem. Step two begins with discovering the ideal scenario for the organization then stepping back and determining the actual situation. The ideal scenario and actual situation will then be compared, and the differences will be determined. Step three involves a continuation of digging into the cause of the challenges facing the organization and then exploring the solutions that will give the organization their ideal scenario. Step four involves reporting the findings to the stakeholders of the organization and remaining flexible when the stakeholders reveal new information. Step five is making sure there is a plan for measuring success and determining when to check for that success. Step six is for designing and delivering your solutions while bearing in mind the goals of the organization. Step seven is measuring success by first gathering the baseline then measuring the outcome. Step eight is determining how to report the impact of the project and involving stakeholders so they can determine how to sustain the changes (Oldham, 2018).

Addition of 9th Step, Rationale, and Outline of Where 9th Step Falls in the Plan

If I were to add a 9th step to make a more robust strategic performance plan it would be Reassessment. Reassessment would help to ensure the implementation of the plan is meeting the goals of the organization and the stakeholders understand they can tweak the interventions further to cover all the gaps. You cannot expect an organization to just implement changes, report impacts of the changes over a certain period of time, and then walk away after the predetermined amount of time has passed. The rationale is that things are always changing, and plans need tweaked accordingly. Reassessment is an ongoing process that involves revisiting the 8 previous steps to ensure there is continuous improvement. My addition of a 9th step would fall at the end of the existing steps so it would actually be the 9th step in the list.

Viewpoints on Critical Difference

I believe the last bullet point is in reference to The Big Four article, but I do not have a clear understanding of the question. I am not sure what critical differences I should be comparing. With that in mind, I understand The Big Four began as accounting firms, but when the US passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 it opened the door for these firms to diversify into consulting businesses. These firms did most of their diversification by acquiring other firms with specific specialties. Many companies choose to hire consultants so they can find opportunities for the organization or to help them create efficiencies. The Big Four goes beyond just providing suggestions and actually provides ideas for how to implement techniques (McCabe & Lindsay, 2018). I look forward to reading the posts of others so I can better understand this question.


McCabe, L., & Lindsay, M. (2018). The Big Four’s leap of faith: The Big Four are developing capabilities far beyond accounting and auditing. How did they upturn the consulting business? Acuity, 5(1), 32-37.

Oldham, B. (2018). Performance consulting: The ideal tool for ensuring a project adds real value. Human Resources Magazine, 23(1), 22-23.

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