question archive While Mr Thomas is in Rehabilitation accompanied by his wife It is decided that home support is needed
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While Mr Thomas is in Rehabilitation accompanied by his wife It is decided that home support is needed. The Enrolled Nurse is working as part of the interdisciplinary team as the community Nurse; the Rehabilitation centre has commenced an assessment of Mr Thomas and the environment he is living in, while he is still in rehabilitation.
A time and date is agreed upon for the EN to visit Mrs Thomas at home to continue the assessment and commence care planning.
You are visiting Mr Thomas and his wife in their home to provide primary health care:
Briefly explain to the Thomas's one (1) benefit of receiving care in their home for Mr Thomas
We are used to discussing multidisciplinary care and health professionals who make up this team.
A) Explain how Interdisciplinary care is different.
B) List four (4) members of the interdisciplinary team and explain their role related to Mr Thomas's care
When planning care for Mr Thomas, you have identified various members of the interdisciplinary team within the primary Health Care setting and the roles they have, who else would we need to include in our initial assessment that are not members of the interdisciplinary team? List two (2) people.
Refer to Mr Thomas's history to see who he lives with and other family members he has.
Prior to visiting, the EN asks questions to assess Mr Thomas's home to determine if it is appropriate to deliver wound care. Mr Thomas states they have a dog at their home. Refer to Mr Thomas's history to look at where he lives and what support services are in place already, if any.
List two (2) further questions the EN might ask Mr Thomas to help her decide if this will be a safe work environment?
Following Mr Thomas's discharge from Rehabilitation you are about to undertake a home visit for Mr Thomas.
What are two (2) activities you should undertake prior to this visit and why you should undertake them?
Infection control is important for all nurses and individuals in any health care environment.
You are at the home, preparing to commence wound dressings at Mr Thomas's home on his chronic ulcer. You have been informed that he has a dog but also a cat. You assume that there is dog and cat hair throughout the house.
Problem solve this situation and discuss actions that you can use to:
A) Identify Mr Thomas correctly in this community environment?
B) Maintain your safety
C) Maintain Infection Control principles
When Nursing in the Primary Health Care Environment, both clients and nurses have rights and responsibilities.
A) What is one (1) responsibility of Mr Thomas?
B) What is one (1) responsibility of the Nurse
A) Discuss why the nurse's initial assessment of the individual is so important? Please give 3 reasons.
B) When aiming to provide holistic care and other than performing a physical assessment, list two (2) other assessments with an explanation (not physical assessments) you as the EN should make.
Again, consider Mr Thomas in your answer.
Briefly explain two (2) reasons why monitoring, evaluating and documenting is so important working in a primary health care environment, such as in in Mr Thomas's case.
Identify and discuss one (1) actual and one (1) potential risk/problem for this client considering his confusion in the evenings
For each problem/risk discuss the impact for the client.
Considering Mr Thomas and the environment in which he lives, list two (2) changes in:
a. Mr Thomas OR
b. His family OR
c. His environment,
you believe should be reported and what should be discussed with the care team.
(NOT physical changes related to COPD)
Explain two (2) professional aspects of your nursing practice to consider when delivering care in Mr Thomas's home environment?
Why is health promotion and health education so important in the primary health care environment? Give two (2) reasons.
When visiting Mr Thomas at home you were concerned, he was having an exacerbation of his Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
A) What is an exacerbation of COPD?
B) What are two (2) physical observations could you make of Mr Thomas, that would cause you concern and may indicate that he is experiencing an exacerbation of his COPD? Explain why?
A. Briefly explain what health literacy means?
B. How would the EN identify the Thomas's level of health literacy to ensure they understand the important education provided? Explain one (1) way you could do this.
A. How could we improve the Thomas' health literacy? List one (1) idea you have and explain.
B. What education could you provide to Mr and Mrs Thomas about possible signs of deterioration that may indicate another exacerbation of his COPD?
C. Other than Verbal communication to explain, what other method could you use to communicate this important information?
D. What is a tool you could use to assist Mr and Mrs Thomas in monitoring and responding to his COPD?
E. What would you advise them to do when considering his day to day health to prevent another hospitalisation?
Mrs Thomas felt she was finding it more difficult to cope with her husband's early Dementia because at the end of the day he was becoming confused and agitated and wanted to go for walks alone. She was worried he might fall.
What is one piece of advice you could offer to manage his confusion in the late afternoons?
One (1) piece of advice given and clearly explained
Mr Thomas is taking Warfarin and therefore needs regular monitoring.
A) From his history can you state why he is taking Warfarin?
B) What home visiting health service could you request Mr Thomas's GP refer him to, for regular monitoring of his INR?
While visiting Mr Thomas and showering him to assess his care needs, he has a fall and sustains a small laceration to the left side of his forehead.
He almost fell on you and you broke his fall but are not hurt.
He did not lose consciousness. No one else is at home and he is asking you to help him up.
A) Would you help him up, why/why not?
B) What would you do?
C) Who would you notify? Why?
D) What other first aid do you need to provide?
List two (2) procedures
Mr Thomas has a current diagnosis of Osteoporosis. What risk factors are important for Mr Thomas to consider to prevent complications and promote wellness?
Outline two pieces of advice for Mr and Mrs Thomas with an explanation for each.
Living in the community there are many primary health care services available to support independent living in their communities.
Considering Mr Thomas's history, list one (1) service you could recommend to do the following for one (1) of Mr Thomas' many health problems (it may be a different health problem for each service) and what assistance can this provide for Mr Thomas's health:
a. Preventative
b. Curative and
c. Rehabilitative
1 mark for an appropriate service for a, b and c with brief but appropriate explanation
Working in primary health care, list two (2) Nursing and/or Midwifery organisations that would support you working as a nurse providing primary health care.
We have learnt that there are age specific health issues throughout the life span. The Thomas's have their daughter and grandchildren visit regularly.
List one specific health issue and one health promotion or prevention activity for the following age groups:
A) Infants
B) Children
C) Adolescents
D) Adults
E) Older adults over 65 years
One of the roles of a primary health care nurse is to immunise people across the life cycle to prevent communicable diseases.
A) Where can a nurse find information on immunisation specific to Victoria
B) For two (2) of the above groups name one (1) disease that a nurse providing primary health care may vaccinate these groups against
List one (1) Australian Government Health assessment tool that is performed as part of providing primary health care to the community.
Briefly explain the aim of the tools and what primary health setting they would be useful.
Considering Health-Illness Continuums briefly discuss what they are and include why you as an Enrolled Nurse may use one to assist Mr Thomas in understaining his wellbeing.
A brief discussion as to what a Health-Illness Continuums is
1 mark
Why you as an Enrolled Nurse may use a Health-Illness Continuums to support patient wellbeing.
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