question archive DEVELOPING AN ENTERPRISING MINDSET (4GN501) SPRING 2021 Refer guidance CW1   Coursework 1 (60%)   Learning outcome 1: Discuss and demonstrate an enterprising mindset through the application of knowledge and concepts

DEVELOPING AN ENTERPRISING MINDSET (4GN501) SPRING 2021 Refer guidance CW1   Coursework 1 (60%)   Learning outcome 1: Discuss and demonstrate an enterprising mindset through the application of knowledge and concepts

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3


SPRING 2021 Refer guidance CW1


Coursework 1 (60%)


Learning outcome 1: Discuss and demonstrate an enterprising mindset through the application of knowledge and concepts.

Individual written Business Plan or Proposal

You are required to produce a business plan/business proposal for a new business start-up idea of your choice.

You are required to use the Princes Trust abridged template posted on course resources.

All answers must be:

Between 1,400 and 1,650 words long.

Supported with relevant literature using the Harvard Referencing system. This requires citations (references to relevant literature) within the answer itself, which must also be listed in full in a reference list at the end of your workWork will not be awarded a pass grade at this level of study without a clear demonstration of this skill.

REFER submission date: August 18th uploaded to Turnitin by 11.59pm using the upload point labelled REFER CW1 BP.

Supplementary Guidance

1. Include at the top of your survey reference to the purpose of your survey and that all responses are confidential and only used for this purpose e.g. This survey is part of my studies at the University of Derby for the module Developing an Enterprising Mindset. All responses are anonymous and confidential and will not be used for any other purposes. YOU MUST NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SEND OUT A SURVEY WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF YOUR TUTOR.

2. The Business Plan template contains circa 1300 words (including the header page, contents page and guidance notes) – so to calculate your word count, deduct this from your total.

3. The aim is to identify a realistic business idea; it can be a disruptive innovation and does not have to be unique. It must be something you could potentially run alongside your studies.

4. It must be a sole trader. You can select to be a social enterprise - but it must still be a sole trader and not a company.

5. The word count will start from section 3, section 1 and 2 are not included in the word count but you are still expected to complete them.

6. Tables equate to 150 words for half a page and 300 words for a full page

7. For the financial summary 1.3: include a brief overview of where you are getting the money from and expected profits over a 12-month period.

8. Focus on the process of developing your enterprising mindset and the creation of your business idea. You are not going to actually run this business as part of this module. It is a simulation. Your tutors are interested in the process of using your enterprising mindset and how this has informed your decision making.

9. Include the application of the opportunity map for your business idea under section 3.3.

10. You may use appendices; these will not form part of the word count but must be referred to in the main body of the report. For example: you must include a copy of your survey and all the results in the appendix. This is evidence that you have conducted a survey and used the findings to inform your business plan. You may print screen/screen shot the collated results generated from your survey software.

11. You can write in the first person.

12. Cite the sources used for secondary research e.g. competitor analysis and costings for the cash flow – you may not be able to cost all elements but aim for some. Data bases such as Mintel and FAME available through the library are great and are useful for secondary research along with all the sources listed in the lecture/seminar slides.

13. Online surveys/questionnaires are sufficient for market research for customer analysis. Collect responses from a minimum of 20 people.

14. Secondary research is sufficient for competitor analysis. Aim to examine TWO potential competitors to complete the table on page 8.

15. A simple cash flow is required showing some appreciation of the impact of expenses on the cash flow and forecasted profit/loss over the 12-month period. Do not forget to pay yourself and your staff, if you have staff.

16. Note: if your submission exceeds 12 pages (excluding appendices for the market research results and a reference list) you are writing too much. Be succinct and to the point.

17. Include an end reference list; this is an academic submission and must be referenced and include citations to show evidence of your secondary research.

18. Check spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

19. You should include a minimum of ten (10) academic sources or grey literature (e.g. professional organisations or government websites) in your work. While there is no maximum number, it is not likely to be more than fifteen (15). You may use website sources as long as they are reliable. Do not use blogs, forums, or wikis.


Note: please use any feedback received from your original submission to improve your work.














Developing a Professional Mindset



Title of Your Report













Student I.D. XXXX1234

Date Submitted: 18th August 2021

Coursework 2 Word Count: 1500





Assessment rubric for CW1 – Business Plan/Proposal



Outstanding 90- 100%



Excellent 70-79%

Very Good 60-69%

Good 50-59%

Satisfactory 40-49%

Unsatisfactory 39-35%

Very Poor


Nothing of merit 4-1%



Evidence that the student has:


Understood the topic area


Supported their work with relevant research and reading

Error free.

Thorough knowledge and ideas.

Evidence of extensive reading

Detailed understanding of topic area backed up with relevant references

Research beyond scope of module materials

Draws links to other modules

No further development of answer required


Wide topic knowledge from the module

Draws different concepts together effectively

Strong use of relevant theoretical models and/or research

Fully referenced with wide range of sources

Strong evidence of independent research

Draws together some of the key topics from the module

Some use of theoretical models and/or research to support answer

Evidence of some independent research but largely guided by references provided in the module

Adequate use of module topics

Some gaps in knowledge or misunderstanding of concepts

Some evidence of research and reading but may be overreliance on core textbooks/overuse of direct quotes etc.

Limited use of topic knowledge from the module/lack of detail

Some significant gaps in knowledge or misunderstanding

Limited or poor evidence of research and reading

Overreliance on lecture slides and notes

No/ very limited use of topics from the module to answer the question

No/very limited supporting literature


Number of errors.

Virtually no knowledge or ideas.

Almost no evidence of any reading and/or research

Extremely poor with many errors.

No knowledge or ideas.

No evidence of any reading and/or research

Critical Thinking


Evidence that the student has:

Questioned their sources, arguments, and solutions


Outstanding explanation of all academic concepts

Extensive evaluation of arguments and cited literature

Fully balanced argument

Researched and answered from different angles.

Questions some of the research sources used

Well balanced argument

Explores some alternative arguments, advantages/disadvantages, pros and cons etc.

Some evidence different approaches to answering the question are understood


Acknowledges a few alternative arguments to the answer e.g. advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons

Very limited identification of alternative arguments

Accepts reference sources at face value

A one-sided answer with no consideration of alternative arguments

Lacks explanation of academic concepts

Lacks any explanation of academic concepts



Evidence that the student has:

Pulled ideas together effectively to answer the question

Provided appropriate examples where necessary/helpful

Outstanding application to provide highly realistic, implementable solutions

Consistently highly creative, innovative

Thoughtful and thorough application of knowledge, theory and research to the question throughout

Highly creative, innovative

Tailors information to answer the question fully

Illustrates answer with range of organisational examples

Links in relevant personal examples/experiences

Very creative, and innovative

Uses some appropriate organisational examples discussed during the module

Uses personal examples but may not always link this back to theory/literature

Integration of theory/research may still be disjointed

Creative and innovative


Examples are limited or lack relevance

Examples are given but poorly integrated into the answer

Some creativity, innovation



Lacks examples

Very limited reference to examples

Limited creativity and innovation


No or inappropriate use of examples

No/Limited creativity and innovation


Makes almost no attempt at application and virtually no solutions offered

No creativity and innovation


No attempt at application and no solutions offered

No creativity and innovation




Evidence that the student has:

Identified strong and relevant information to answer the question


Left out weak or unnecessary information

All concepts and material fully relevant to the analysis and recommendations including materials sourced from a wide range of relevant independent research


All concepts and material fully relevant to the analysis and recommendations including materials sourced from suitable independent research


All chosen ideas are relevant to the answer

Answers the question fully covering all key concepts

No evidence of ‘padding’ with irrelevant information


Uses some relevant ideas

Chooses appropriate concepts and makes an attempt to answer the question

Information is mostly relevant to the question

Only minor missing elements

Minimal ‘padding’ with irrelevant information


Some effort to answer the question

Some missing, weak or irrelevant elements

Links to answer are unclear in places

May ‘pad’ with irrelevant information

Key elements of the question remain unanswered/under- developed

Confused choice of concepts to answer the question

Important concepts may be difficult to pick out

Largely irrelevant ideas

Does not answer the question that was asked

Covers concepts which are not relevant to the answer


Irrelevant ideas.

Does not answer the question that was asked

Covers concepts which are not relevant to the answer


Very little or no evidence presented



Evidence that the student has:


Put their ideas across clearly on paper

Outstanding, sophisticated written communication


Sophisticated written communication

No significant areas for further development


Logical organisation and flow of ideas

Error free written communication

Precise Harvard Referencing

An enjoyable read


Largely well-structured answer

Only minor spelling/grammatical errors

Good grasp of Harvard Referencing

Mainly easy to read and follow


Some spelling/grammatical errors but do not significantly interfere with understanding

Some attempt to Harvard Reference


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