question archive With the global development of the coronavirus disease (COVlD—19) outbreak, the psychological issues which accompany this pandemic have rapidly compounded its public health burden ( gm es et at
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With the global development of the coronavirus disease (COVlD—19) outbreak, the psychological issues which accompany this pandemic have rapidly compounded its public health burden ( gm es et at. 2020). Emerging researdi assessing the mental health implications of COVlD—19 has identi?ed a heightened prevalence of moderate- to—severe wtt—reported depressive and anxious symptomatology among the general public (Hang et at. 2020], re?ecting the widespread etfecls of uncertainty and health—related fears. However, further rewarch that investigates beyond the population level is required to understand the individualized disruption of lives and routines _as_g_;re§uttgf COVlD-19, and its associated psychological impacts. For college students, heightened levels of psychological distress and downstream negative academic consequences are prevalent under normal circumstances (American College Health A?ociation 2019:. As a r?ult of physital distancing measures implemented in response to COMB—19, tertiary education institutions have shitted to an emergency online teaming format, which would be expected to further exacerbate atzdemic stressors for students. Based on insights from r?earch examining the impact of academic disruptions on students (M! gkegs 2011), it is reasonable to venture that students may experience reduced motivation toward studies, increased pressuer to learn independently, abandonment of daily routines, and potentially higher rates of dropout as direct consequences of these measures. Thus, by increasing academic stressors in a population with heightened pre-existing stress levels and a potentially reduced ability to rely on typical coping strategies 7 such as family who then'selves may be experiencing heightened distress —the COVIDJQ pandemic has placed an unprecedented mental health burden on students, which urgently requires further examination and immediate intervention. To date, one published study has explored the impact ofCOWD19 on student edutation and well-being (Cao et at. 2020). Approximately 25% of their sample reported experiencing anxiety symptoms, which were positively con'elated with increased concerns about academic delays, economic effects of the pandemic, and impacts on daily life. Furthermore, among the many student surveys administered worldwide, one survey by Wreported that 83% ofyoung respondents agreed that the pandemic worsened ore-existino mental health conditions. mainlv due to school closures, loss of routine, and rmtn'cled social connections Wt These preliminary ?ndings highlight the multiple factors contlibuling to students' distress during this pandemic; however, there remains much to be teamed about the psychological impacts facing students and what can be done to reduce their negative e?ecls. A timely [all to action for further research examining the impact of COVlD—1 9 on student mental health is suggested. Specifically, prion'ties should include the disturbances to educational progress, adaptations of habitual coping strategies, and approaches academic institutions have taken to reduce adverse academic and psychosocial outcomes. New evidence may help to inform student£entered support programs and mitigate the long—lemi negative implications for student education and mental health. As we come to terms with the persistent realities of the COVID719 pandemic, the measures that are taken now to support a vulnerable student population will help mitigate the overall global mental health burden associated with this period of extraordinary disruption and uncertainty.