question archive Instructed to code a C program by my instructor that should display the output further below

Instructed to code a C program by my instructor that should display the output further below

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Instructed to code a C program by my instructor that should display the output further below. I also provide input data to provide the correct output further down in this. So, the following C program has 3 files. (main.c, stock.h, stock.c). Basically, I am told NOT to change the main.c file at all instructed by my teacher and create two other files which are stock.c and stock.h to help provide the correct output for this program.


  • main.c not to be changed so no changes required.
  • stock.c contains functions (black box processes). There ARE bugs
  • stock.h contains data structures. There ARE bugs.


I need the bugs fixed in stock.c and stock.h. This should allow for the program to run and match the output further down after you have read the files and corrected them.






#include <stdio.h>


#include "stock.h"








/* Students who are implementing the file reading version for */


/* bonus marks are allowed to change STOCK_FROM_STDIN to 0   */


/* to enable the program to read from a file.         */








int main(void)




  struct StockRecord storeStock[MAX_STOCK_ENTRIES] = { {{0, 0, 0.0, 0}, 0, 0.0} };


  struct SalesRecord saleItems[MAX_ITEMS_IN_SALE];


  struct SalesRecord topSellers[5];




  int numStockItems = 0, numSales = 0, numSaleItems, totalSaleItems = 0, cat;


  double sale, totalSales = 0.0;




  // Read existing stock from stdin


  printf("Enter current stock in format amount, category, price, byWeight, name (0 amount to end):n");




  numStockItems = readStockItems(storeStock, MAX_STOCK_ENTRIES, STOCK_FROM_STDIN);






  centreText(70, '*', " Seneca Groceries - Opening Stock ");




  centreText(70, '=', "");




  printStockReport(storeStock, numStockItems);






  centreText(70, '*', " Now in Sales Mode ");




  centreText(70, '=', "");








    numSaleItems = readSale(storeStock, numStockItems, saleItems);


    if (numSaleItems > 0)




      sale = printSalesReport(storeStock, saleItems, numSaleItems);


      totalSales += sale;


      totalSaleItems += numSaleItems;






  } while (numSaleItems > 0);






  centreText(70, '*', " End of Day Summary ");




  centreText(70, '=', "");




  printf("%35s%8.2lfn", "Cost of items sold before taxes", totalSales);


  printf("%35s%8dn", "Number of Sales", numSales);


  printf("%35s%8.2lfnn", "Average items per sale", totalSaleItems / (double)numSales);






  centreText(70, '*', " Closing Stock ");




  centreText(70, '=', "");




  printStockReport(storeStock, numStockItems);




  for (cat = 0; cat < 5; cat++)




    getTopSellers(storeStock, numStockItems, topSellers, 3, cat);


    printTopSellers(storeStock, topSellers, 3, cat);




  for (cat = 5; cat < NUM_CATS; cat++)




    getTopSellers(storeStock, numStockItems, topSellers, 2, cat);


    printTopSellers(storeStock, topSellers, 2, cat);




  return 0;




stock.c with functions (THERE ARE BUGS IN THIS)


#pragma once


#include <stdio.h>

//This file contains all the data structures


struct StockRecord


int id;

int amount;

int category; // 1 - 7 as category option, 0 for termination

double price;

int soldby; // 1 sold by weight, 0 sold by number

char name[21];



struct SalesRecord


int amount;

int categoryl;

double price;

double byweight;

char name[21];




int readStockItems(struct StockRecord record[], int entries, int stock);

void centreText(int num, char symbol, char string[]);

void printStockReport(struct StockRecord stock[], int num);;

int readSale(struct StockRecord stock[], int num, struct SaleRecord record[]);

int printSalesReport(struct StockRecord stock[], struct SalesRecord items[], int num);

int getTopSellers(struct StockRecord stock[], int num, struct SalesRecord topsellers[], int num2, int num3);

int printTopSellers(struct StockRecord stock[], struct SalesRecord topsellers[], int num);



stock.c file with functions (THERE ARE BUGS IN THIS)



#include <stdio.h>

#include "stock.h"

#include <string.h>

// This file contains all the functions 


int readStockItems(struct StockRecord record[], int entries, int stock)




void centreText(int num, char symbol, char string[])


int charnum, length, i;

length = strlen(string);

if (length == 0)


for (i = 0; i < num; i++)


printf("%c", symbol);




else if (length % 2 == 0)


charnum = ((num - length) / 2);

for (i = 0; i < charnum; i++)


printf("%s", string);


for (i = 0; i < charnum; i++)


printf("%c", symbol);





charnum = ((num - length) / 2);

for (i = 0; i < charnum; i++)


printf("%c", symbol);






void printStockReport(struct StockRecord stock[], int num)





int readSale(struct StockRecord stock[], int num, struct SaleRecord record[])





int printSalesReport(struct StockRecord stock[], struct SalesRecord items[], int num)




int getTopSellers(struct StockRecord stock[], int num, struct SalesRecord topsellers[], int num2, int num3)





int printTopSellers(struct StockRecord stock[], struct SalesRecord topsellers[], int num)






stock.h file with data structures (THERE ARE BUGS IN THIS)


#pragma once


#include <stdio.h>

//This file contains all the data structures


struct StockRecord


int id;

int amount;

int category; // 1 - 7 as category option, 0 for termination

double price;

int soldby; // 1 sold by weight, 0 sold by number

char name[21];



struct SalesRecord


int amount;

int categoryl;

double price;

double byweight;

char name[21];



int readStockItems(struct StockRecord record[], int entries, int stock);

void centreText(int num, char symbol, char string[]);

void printStockReport(struct StockRecord stock[], int num);;

int readSale(struct StockRecord stock[], int num, struct SaleRecord record[]);

int printSalesReport(struct StockRecord stock[], struct SalesRecord items[], int num);

int getTopSellers(struct StockRecord stock[], int num, struct SalesRecord topsellers[], int num2, int num3);

int printTopSellers(struct StockRecord stock[], struct SalesRecord topsellers[], int num);





Enter current stock in format amount, category, price, byWeight, name (0 amount to end):


Invalid Category - Enter a number between 1 and 7: 1,1.99,2,broccoli

Invalid soldByWeight - Enter a number between 0 and 1: 0,broccoli


3, 1,1.5,0,carrots


2,3,9.5,1,Italian sausage

2,4,4.99,0,2% milk

2,4,3.99,0,coffee cream

2,2, 3.99,0, white bread

5,2,4.99,0,chocolate cup cakes

10,5,4.99,0,all purpose flour

8,5,5.99,0,whole wheat flour


2,6,0.99,0,scrub pads

4,7,13.95,0,laundry detergent



****************** Seneca Groceries - Opening Stock ******************


  ID                        Product        Category  Price Quantity

   1                       broccoli         produce    1.99       21

   2                         potato         produce    1.50       21

   3                        carrots         produce    1.50        3

   4                          steak            meat   12.99       10

   5                Italian sausage            meat    9.50        2

   6                        2% milk           dairy    4.99        2

   7                   coffee cream           dairy    3.99        2

   8                    white bread          bakery    3.99        2

   9            chocolate cup cakes          bakery    4.99        5

  10              all purpose flour          baking    4.99       10

  11              whole wheat flour          baking    5.99        8

  12                        raisins          baking    2.99        5

  13                     scrub pads    house wares    0.99        2

  14              laundry detergent  miscellaneous   13.95        4


************************* Now in Sales Mode **************************


Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 1,2

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 20,3

Invalid Product - Enter a number between 0 and 14: 2, 200

Invalid quantity - Enter a number between 0.10 and 100.00: 2,2

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 3,2

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 4,1

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 6,3

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 8,1

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 0


*********************** Seneca Groceries ***********************


                      broccoli     1.99   3.98

                        potato     1.50   3.00

                       carrots     1.50   3.00

                         steak   12.99  12.99

                       2% milk    4.99   9.98

                   white bread    3.99   3.99

Purchase Total                            36.94

Tax                                        0.00

Total                                     36.94

Thank you for shopping at Seneca!


Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 5,2

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 7,1

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 10,2

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 14,1

Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 0


*********************** Seneca Groceries ***********************


               Italian sausage     9.50  19.00

                  coffee cream    3.99   3.99

             all purpose flour    4.99   9.98

             laundry detergent   13.95  13.95

Purchase Total                            46.92

Tax                                        1.81

Total                                     48.73

Thank you for shopping at Seneca!


Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): 0


************************* End of Day Summary *************************


   Cost of items sold before taxes  83.86

                    Number of Sales       2

             Average items per sale   5.00



*************************** Closing Stock ****************************


  ID                        Product        Category  Price Quantity

   1                       broccoli         produce    1.99       19

   2                         potato         produce    1.50       19

   3                        carrots         produce    1.50        1

   4                          steak            meat   12.99        9

   5                Italian sausage            meat    9.50        0

   6                        2% milk           dairy    4.99        0

   7                   coffee cream           dairy    3.99        1

   8                    white bread          bakery    3.99        1

   9            chocolate cup cakes          bakery    4.99        5

  10              all purpose flour          baking    4.99        8

  11              whole wheat flour          baking    5.99        8

  12                        raisins          baking    2.99        5

  13                     scrub pads    house wares    0.99        2

  14              laundry detergent  miscellaneous   13.95        3


------------ Top 3 sellers in produce ------------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1                      broccoli   2.00

  2                        potato    2.00

   3                       carrots   2.00

------------ Top 3 sellers in bakery -------------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1                   white bread   1.00

   2                        <none>    0.00

   3                        <none>    0.00

------------- Top 3 sellers in meat --------------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1               Italian sausage   2.00

   2                         steak   1.00

   3                        <none>    0.00

------------- Top 3 sellers in dairy -------------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1                       2% milk   2.00

   2                  coffee cream   1.00

   3                        <none>    0.00

------------ Top 3 sellers in baking -------------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1             all purpose flour   2.00

   2                        <none>    0.00

   3                        <none>    0.00

---------- Top 2 sellers in house wares ----------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1                        <none>    0.00

   2                        <none>    0.00

--------- Top 2 sellers in miscellaneous ---------

Rank                       Product  Sales

   1             laundry detergent   1.00

   2                        <none>    0.00


Input from the user to get the right output/SampleData:






3, 1,1.5,0,carrots


2,3,9.5,1,Italian sausage

2,4,4.99,0,2% milk

2,4,3.99,0,coffee cream

2,2, 3.99,0, white bread

5,2,4.99,0,chocolate cup cakes

10,5,4.99,0,all purpose flour

8,5,5.99,0,whole wheat flour


2,6,0.99,0,scrub pads

4,7,13.95,0,laundry detergent




2, 200













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