question archive 1) If abortion on demand were to become legal there would be a great increase in abortions

1) If abortion on demand were to become legal there would be a great increase in abortions

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1) If abortion on demand were to become legal there would be a great increase in abortions. And once abortion became commonplace there would be a weakening of respect for human life in general. Once the respect for human life was weakened, we would see an increase in euthanasia of all kinds: the elderly, the disabled. Before long we would be getting rid of anyone who is unproductive. In short, it would threaten our civilization. Therefore, we should oppose any move to broaden the grounds for legal abortions.

2.     In the 1960s the trend towards married women working outside the home began to emerge. Within a few years we began to see a significant increase in the divorce rate, which has now reached alarming proportions. Obviously, if we value the family as an institution, we should try to prevent married women from working outside the home.

3.     According to Judge Judy's ruling the Country Club cannot build an indoor swimming pool unless the membership agrees. Well, I am a member and I most certainly do not agree. Therefore, the Club cannot build its new pool.


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