question archive Can you help to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please? Please follow the instructor carefully

Can you help to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please? Please follow the instructor carefully

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Can you help to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

Please follow the instructor carefully.

Discussion Board - The African Americans Into the Fire Documentary

 Discussion Board Instructions:

Important Note Regarding Discussion Boards: For all discussion board assignments, it is always a good idea to type discussion board assignments in a Microsoft Word document and regularly save your work to your hard drive so you do not lose any work if an unexpected power outage or disconnect from the internet occurs.

1. Watch the documentary African Americans: Into the Fire 1861-1898 located here and in this week's module and answer the enumerated questions below.

2. To make this assignment easier, copy and paste the questions below into a Microsoft Word document and type the answers to the questions while you are watching the documentary African Americans Into the Fire 1861-1898. Pause the video when you are typing your answers since the questions follow the documentary chronologically.

3. For questions one through twenty-one answers should be one to two sentences in length with accuracy in answers.

4. For question twenty-two the answer must be a paragraph in length with a minimum of five sentences.

5. All answers should be composed in fully grammatically correct sentences which were proofread for grammar, spelling, typos, etc. before submission.

6. Regarding a response to one student, specifically address a fellow student's response to question twenty-two. Additionally, replies require a substantive response at least a paragraph in length (five sentences is the minimum length in a paragraph). Please refer to the Discussion Board Instructions Overview download which describes a substantive response. All students must remain academically professional and respectful at ALL TIMES when responding to classmates.

Documentary Questions:

1. What daring escape did the slave Robert Smalls attempt on May 13, 1862?

2. What did Union Major General Benjamin Butler declare the three runaway slaves as and what did this Contraband Act lead to for other slaves?

3. What did Mary Peake feel was equally important as freeing the body and ultimately what was she trying to accomplish for the slaves?

4. At the beginning of the Civil War what was Abraham Lincoln's original objective and how did that start to change by the summer of 1862 because of runaway slaves?

5. On September 22, 1862, what bold plan did Lincoln propose to his cabinet?

6. Did the Emancipation Proclamation free all the slaves everywhere in the United States? 

7. How did slaves interpret the Emancipation Proclamation and approximately how many slaves fled to find freedom?

8. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation gave male African Americans the right to fight did it provide them equal treatment by white Union soldiers and in general?

9. What did Confederate soldiers do to 255 African American soldiers who were trying to surrender at Fort Pillow, Tennessee?

10. After the war was over, what did former slaves want most and was the promise of "40 acres and a mule" kept by President Andrew Johnson after Lincoln died?

11. Did economic opportunity avail itself easily to former slaves or did some have to go back to picking cotton on plantations, sometimes even for their former masters, and did the masters pay them a living wage?

12. What was the unique accomplishment that Benjamin Montgomery was able to do and what did he have to do in order to stay prosperous when it came to whites’ reaction to his prosperity in the South?

13. What did the 14th Amendment state?

14. What did the 15th Amendment state?

15. Were African Americans elected to political office during the Reconstruction era and how many held a political office from 1868 to 1876?

16. What was Southern whites' reaction to the increasing political power and economic success of African Americans? 

17. What was the final betrayal of African Americans in 1876 and what were the long-term political and societal ramifications for African Americans in the South?

18. According to the documentary, how often did lynchings occur?

19. Why did Isaiah Montgomery of Mound Bayou decide to vote in favor of literacy tests as a requirement for voting and how did literacy tests affect the ability of male African Americans with their right to vote for decades to come?

20. What new strategy did Homer Plessy use on June 7, 1892 and what goal was he trying to accomplish?

21. What did the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision state and because of upholding segregation in Louisiana, what status did this relegate all African Americans to in United States society for over the next half century?

22. What were most significant implications for African Americans moving forward into the 20th century from these events described in the documentary?


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