question archive This assignment will help you to understand some of the functions performed by an advertising agency

This assignment will help you to understand some of the functions performed by an advertising agency

Subject:MarketingPrice: Bought3

This assignment will help you to understand some of the functions performed by an advertising agency.

1.Visit the links that detail the top ten jingles, slogans and icons.  (It is included in this module.) Now create your own list from "current" product categories. List 8 current jingles, 8 current slogans and 8 current icons.List the product next to the appropriate jingle, slogan and icon. Rate them from 1-8 in terms of how effective you think that each jingle, slogan or logo is. Write a paragraph for each of your #1 selections, explaining what you rated it as your top choice.

Advertising Ethics:

2. One of the industries closely watched by the FTC is the weight-loss industry. Find three advertisements from magazines, newspapers, or television that deal with weight loss. What claims were made? Do you believe the claims are truthful and legitimate? How do you, as a consumer, distinguish between what is truthful and what is deceptive? Provide at least one link to the research you utilized in preparing your response.


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