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 PSY110 - Research Literature Review Project

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Understanding stress and coping is helpful both personally and in the workplace, whether it involves balancing work and family responsibilities, or providing education on the topic in the workplace to reduce use of sick time or improve turnover rates. In this assignment, you will create a video presentation about stress awareness and strategies for coping with stress.


1.  Review this unit’s required readings in Chapter 12.

2.  Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8 to 10 slides on the topic of stress awareness and coping strategies that would be appropriate for sharing with coworkers in a professional environment.

3.  Include the context of the work situation, such as military, production line, service industry, educational setting, etc., and some of the primary stressors that workers experience.

4.  Use strategies from the text and one other outside source to help coworkers identify, address and/or prevent stress and promote coping. (Follow APA style for citations; list the sources used on that slide at the bottom of the slide under "References." )

5.  Post your presentation to the discussion board.

6.  Be sure to read others’ posts and respond to at least two posts by adding clarification, asking questions, or adding constructively to the discussion. To guide your responses, consider the following questions:

  • How applicable was the presentation to the setting described?
  • How helpful would the information be for coworkers in the setting?
  • What important points or other strategies might be useful?
  • Please note: Replying with “Good answer!” or “I agree!” is not acceptable. You need to engage in the discussion and ask questions or provide other ideas for thought in your response(s).


  • Prepare a video presentation using Zoom Pro and presentation software of your choice (PowerPoint, Keynote, or Prezi, etc.) with comprehensive speaker notes embedded in the notes section provided in the presentation software if PowerPoint is used or in Word with one page dedicated to each slide for all other presentation software.
  • The recording is to be stored to the Zoom cloud with the link submitted to the grade center along with the speaker notes as a Word document is used for speaker notes.
  • If hardware or location limitations prevent the creation of a video presentation, please contact your instructor to discuss an alternative.
  • The presentation should include a title slide, content slides with citations of concepts and ideas that support the content presentation, and one or more references slides.
  • Citations and references must be in APA format.
  • A minimum of eight (8) slides not including the title and references slides
  • The presentation content should be the focus.
  • Please review assignment instructions and Presentation Grading Rubric for specific expectations regarding this assignment.


Unit 6: Research final post / presentation:

1. Post:

· Review the first draft of the research that you wrote in Assignment 5 (Research Draft).

· Incorporate instructor feedback and review your outline to make final revisions to your research. 

APA format

2. Presentation:

· Review this unit’s required readings in Chapter 12.

· Using your Southwestern College Zoom Pro account along with the presentation software of your choice, develop a video presentation on the topic of stress awareness and coping strategies that would be appropriate for sharing with coworkers in a professional environment.

· Your presentation should include of eight (8) to ten (10) slides (whether PowerPoint, Prezi, KeyNote, etc.)

· Include the context of the work situation, such as military, production line, service industry, educational setting, etc., and some of the primary stressors that workers experience.

· Use strategies from the text and one other outside source to help coworkers identify, address and/or prevent stress and promote coping.


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