question archive There are two other popular arguments for the existence of God: Ontological and Teleological
Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3
There are two other popular arguments for the existence of God: Ontological and Teleological. You already know the Ontological argument; that's Descartes. The Teleological Argument is an argument from design. If you walk in a forest and find a watch, you don't think "Look, one of these trees produces watches as fruit!" You think, "Someone lost a watch." The complexity and functionality of a watch lends us to believe that it has a designer; someone had to have made the watch. Likewise, you can use the exact same argument when looking at life on the earth. Earth is even more complex and functionally specific for life to flourish. The whole universe is even more complex. Therefore, since complex things must be designed, the universe must also have a Designer, i.e. God. This is the favorite argument of supporters of Intelligent Design. 1) What do you think of the Teleological argument?But let's take a second scenario in case you say no. Do you think that if you found a watch on Mars, you would assume an alien race left it there? If yes, you're assuming a designer.2) Is the Mars' watch also designed by a designer?And in case you want to automatically agree with anything that supports the existence of God, let's remind you of our logical fallacies. Begging the question is when you assume the conclusion in the premises. If something is designed, then it definitely has a designer, but who said it was designed in the first place? Evolution would say that earth wasn't designed for life, but that life struggled to adapt to whatever earth happened to throw at it.3) Is the Teleological argument inherently fallacious?Please answer these three questions with 250 words (total, not for each) and do not plagiarize.