question archive This is because information systems investments can contribute greatly to improved service quality, operational efficiency, patient satisfaction, and patient care

This is because information systems investments can contribute greatly to improved service quality, operational efficiency, patient satisfaction, and patient care

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This is because information systems investments can contribute greatly to improved service quality, operational efficiency, patient satisfaction, and patient care. Although some health care information systems succeed, many fail in some way. For example, electronic medical record systems. One major reason for this disappointing outcome is the difficulty health care organizations have in choosing information systems that will support their organizational objectives and strategies. (Bush, Lederer, 2009).

The importance of strategic coming up within care shouldn't go unremarked by any hospital or health system wanting to succeed not solely within the short run, however long run yet. One key issue that ought to be the idea to strategic coming up within care organizations is that the organization of the establishment. Understanding the organization of the establishment and the way this organization is important for the complete system to succeed is vital in making an efficient setup with specific methods. Sometimes reevaluating the UN agency controls those aspects of the business, and the hierarchy that follows is helpful.

Strategic management is the process of employing that kind of large-scale, objective-oriented approach using three major components: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and implementation and strategy evaluation.

Environmental Scanning: The first step in the strategic management process is environmental scanning. This is a process of quickly reviewing and processing anything that might have an impact internally or externally on your business and how it operates.

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Strategy Formulation and Implementation: Environmental scanning produces a lot of information. Strategic managers use that information and data to formulate a strategy that can be implemented company-wide.

Strategy Evaluation: Implementing a smart strategy isn’t sufficient by itself to meet goals. Once the company’s employees are carrying out the planned actions, the company must also periodically assess the results of those actions. (Sisk, 2018).

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is a graphical depiction of a common pattern that arises with each new technology or other innovation. Each year, Gartner creates more than 90 Hype Cycles in various domains as a way for clients to track technology maturity and future potential. The five phases in the Hype Cycle are Technology Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment, and Plateau of Productivity. 




Ensuring that my healthcare organization and IT strategic planning processes align with each other means I would need to first know what each entity’s objectives were so that I could cross reference them together. My healthcare organization has many strategic objectives and I would need to make sure that they are aligned with IT objectives, which may include things like research and education, patient care, quality improvement, shared patient data across systems, and financial stability (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2017). Based off of this list, I know that one of the important objectives my current organization would stress to align is the efficient sharing of patient data across systems. We work with many different Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs) and the ability to share protected health information (PHI) is vital to our company goals and our success.

While I appreciate both the formulation and implementations components of strategy, I tend to believe that the implementation process is the most important step of any good strategy. According to Sage (2011), implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how [of strategic planning and] it is believed that implementation is as important, or even more important, than strategy” (para. 4). While planning and formulation is important, the execution of the plan is what will determine if the strategy is ultimately successful, and is why I would approach it with the most focused and deliberate way possible. I would be ready to adjust as needed and know that the plan is just a guideline, not the ultimate path to success. 

The Gartner Hype Cycle is a tool for an organization to learn about the “promise of an emerging technology within the context of their industry and individual appetite for risk” (Gartner, n.d., para. 1). In other words, it is a way for any company, in any industry, to analyze a new technology and determine things like if they should adopt the technology early, wait for further technological development, or invest in the technology with realistic expectations of what benefits it will provide their organization. The purpose of the cycle is not to tell executives what to do with technology, but rather to provide input for “strategic planning by tracking the benefits and maturity levels of emerging healthcare provider technologies and approaches” (Gartner, 2021, para 1.). The point is to guide leaders to make the best long term decisions based on what current technology is, and where it is going. As a leader I would read, and rely, heavily on what this cycle says about healthcare information technology when making strategic decisions.


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