Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3
1. What is the function of organizing and how does the management affect it?
2. Leonard and Trusty (2016) discuss several types of structures such as departmentalization and some alternative like Project management and line-and-staff-type,
Does the new structure reflect either of these alternative structures?
Chapter 9/Structuring Work
3. One way to achieve engagement is by developing a learning organization. The learning organization "fosters employee collaboration and sharing of information" (Leonard & Trusty, 2016, p. 340). As the culture of the organization develops, leaders need to ensure that "all employees take responsibility for identifying and resolving work-related issues. . . be able to adapt and respond to change" (Leonard & Trusty, 2016, p. 340).
How does the job description, specifications, and specializations fit into organization?
Chapter 9/Informal Organization
4. The organization is structured by management based on how they design their activities and assignments based on their work. By organizing they establish "formal authority and responsibility relationships among activities and departments" (Leonard & Trusty, 2016). As they establish the structure and the formal lines of authority, they then delegate authority down to their supervisors (Leonard & Trusty, 2016).
How can the informal organization affect the formal organization?
Chapter 9/Span-of-Managment Principle
5. Organizing the organization is based on meeting the objectives of the overall organization. Ensuring the lines of authority are established formally and ensuring the span-of-management. Leonard and Trusty (2016) defines the span-of-management principle as "principle that there is an upper limit to the number of subordinates a supervisor can manage effectively" (p. 335).
As a supervisor, you will be assigned a certain amount of subordinates. Although as our authors discuss, the optimal amount of subordinates per supervisor has never been defined (Leonard & Trusty, 2016).
What are some factors that influence span of supervision?
Chapter 10/Human Resource (HR) Department
6. What is the role of the Human Resource Department and how can they help the supervisors do their job?
7. By managing each of these functions, they help the supervisors ensure they understand and focus of completing the organizational goals. In order to do this, they develop and implement "strategies, policies, and procedures that enable the organization's employees to be the best they can be. The HR professionals must monitor the external environment for forces that are beyond the control of the organization but could affect long-term performance, develop and initiate strategic initiatives that support the organization's mission and objectives, manage the HR process ranging from recruiting and training to compensating and coordinating employee-management relations' activities, and deal with day-to-day supervisor/employee issues that could impede organizational effectiveness" (Leonard & Trusty, 2016, p. 368).
How do these help the supervisors?
8. HR is involved in so many aspects of the organization. They need to be because they support the organization and the employees within the organization. Developing discipline policies, procedures, and guidelines is the responsibility of HR and leadership. While it is the supervisors responsibility to follow the guidelines and while at the same time, taking care of their employees and helping them achieve the organizations objectives (Leonard & Trusty, 2016).
How do the equal employment opportunity laws effect the recruitment and selection criteria?