question archive Reply to at least two other student Discussion postings in at least 100 words

Reply to at least two other student Discussion postings in at least 100 words

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Reply to at least two other student Discussion postings in at least 100 words.

  • What did you learn from the other student's post?
  • What can you add to their Discussion post?




philosophy- is from ancient greek 'love an wisdom' also its another way of thinking an asking questions you may never get the answer to its a dramatic journey invites you think critical about lifes changing issues

the major branches are logic, knowledge, ethics

critical thinking- is a rich concept intellectual discipline process actively an skillfully while analyzing and evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation.

their diffrent types of arguments such as sound, deductive an how to avoid fallacies by coming to conclusion on whats rite an wrong an end it based on the facts

i learned that theres more to life than itself some words can mean alot more than what you think

i could add....


Philosophy is the study of understanding or knowledge. Wanting learn how and why people do certain things, ways of thinking. The origin actual meaning is the love of wisdom it is seeking to understand people, the world and relationships and the reality. When someone thinks philosophically it opens them to become more open minded, think more critically about life and themselves.

 Philosophy is broken into various branches. The major branches of philosophy are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Political/Social, Aesthetics, and Logic. “The questions and issues included in the various branches of philosophy are central to how you live your life: the way you think, the choices you make, the way you relate to other people, the issues you analyze, the problems you try to solve” (Chaffee, 2016, page 28). Metaphysics is what is the nature of reality, it goes beyond the physical world to explore the meaning of life. It questions what is ‘real’, what kinds of things exist, how the mind and body are related, does God exist, is there life after death. These are all principles and questions that metaphysics seeks to answers. Another branch is Epistemology which is the study of knowledge. It seeks to answer the question can we truly ever know anything and how we know it. “It seeks to establish a framework that we can use to arrive at genuine and accurate understanding” (Chaffee, 2016, page 30). Epistemologies thoughts our that someone’s beliefs are not valid until they are evaluated rigorously to make sure that they are worth endorsing. The branch of ethics involves moral values and principles, it seeks to question how we should live, how proper conduct is defined, and teaches virtues.  While the political branch explores social values and forms of government. It poses questions like What are states limits? What are individual rights? What is justice? As well as many others.  The aesthetics branch is about art and beauty. “And it explores the nature and purpose of art in human affairs” (Chaffee, 2016, page 33).  Logic is the branch that seeks to establish sound and unsound reasoning, of valid and invalid argument, clarity.

Critical thinking in terms of philosophy there are many scholarly definitions and involves studying the ideas of great thinkers.  Typically, critical thinking is said to have at least three features. “One could sum up the core concept that involves these three features by saying that critical thinking is careful goal-directed thinking” (Hitchcock, 2020). Critical thinkers must have dispositions such as making informed decisions, ability to analyze issues, ask questions, be able to communicate and the ability to adapt different perspectives in order to do philosophy.

Arguments should always be backed up by reasoning or premises that support your argument. In a deductive argument the truth of the premise must lead to the truth of the conclusion. Just because something is valid does not mean it is true. “Logical fallacies are flawed, deceptive, or false arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning” (Thompson, 2021). There are formal fallacies which is when a premise and conclusion does not hold up or then an informal fallacy in which there is an error in context or content. “The knowledge of fallacies is needed to arm us against the most enticing missteps we might take with arguments” (Hansen, 2020).


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