question archive Answer the 3 questions Question 1 and 2 have Student Replies please reply with Hello (Student Name), Each question must use APA format and use a scholarly source
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Answer the 3 questions
Question 1 and 2 have Student Replies please reply with Hello (Student Name),
Each question must use APA format and use a scholarly source. For Question 3 I have attached the Grading Rubric to follow.
Please upload each question in different word documents.
Question 1
Organizational communication can flow in many different directions and can take on various ways of being communicated through formal or informal channels. To illustrate this further, Chapter 1 of your textbook discusses formal and informal channels of communication. Provide an example of formal communication and an example of informal communication. Which type of communication do your prefer in a work environment? Why?Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.
Student Reply 1:Nicoiya
Hello Professor and class,
Formal communication could be a traditional form of corporate hierarchy. Where there are levels of authority. Most commonly, the top level sets the guidelines and regulations for the organization. The next level down relays that information to the bottom levels or subordinates. The lower levels will commonly follow those guidelines and regulations without challenging any processes or status quo. Contingent upon the organization, there can be upward and/or downward communication. This means that not only will messages be delivered from the leadership roles, but entry or lower level employees will also coach up feedback or communication on organizational matters. This is a more synergistic approach to lines of communication in an organization. An example of formal communication that follows this synergistic double helix could be a meeting between District Directors and Frontline Employees. This meeting could involve the directors providing updating regulations, the reasons behind the change and asking for open feedback from those frontline employees that will be directly affected by the change.
An example of informal communication is less organizationally goal oriented. It is more on the "he say she say" water cooler talk. This level of communication is informally structured around rumors that lean more towards the personal lives of the employees, the unflattering pieces of the organization and other leaked non privy information. Informal communication is not always unflattering. An example of informal communication could be a conversation between two leaders in the cafeteria that was overheard by the sanitation crew and passed on to other employees. Informal communication can be good if it helps to leverage growth or understanding. However, it can also be very detrimental to the company and possibly brand damaging.
I prefer to work in an environment that fosters Formal Communication through the upward and downward communicative processes. I believe innovation comes from fresh eyes which in turns keeps the organization relevant. I also believe that leaders have a different level of emotional intelligence to navigate the political faulderal and intricate processes that frontline employees may not have the experience to understand.
Student Reply 2: Craig
Hello Everyone,
For years, when I was a Paramedic on the street, most communication that we received was informal. We did receive messages from leadership, however, it was usually passed along to us in a very nonchalant manner. Now that I am working in the corporate setting, we see formal communications on a much more frequent basis.
Formal communications takes place in several forms, with the most common being known as downward communication. Kreps describes this as “the most formal organizational communication pattern” (2019). It is basically from the top to the bottom. In my organization, that would be a memo, or even a video from the CEO of the hospital. The author goes on to say that “downward communication is essential in organizations to provide members with direction, convey information about the organization, and evaluate feedback about their performance” (Kreps, 2019).
There is also what is known as upward communication, where the reverse happens. This type of communication would be from those at the lower levels of the organization and makes its way to the organizational hierarchy. It allows people to voice their thoughts about their work. In addition to that is what is called horizontal communications. An example of that would be me sharing information with a co-worker, who is at the same organization level that I am.
Informal communication, which is not official information would be best describes as hearing something through the grapevine. Almost like hearing a rumor about something. In the text, the author describes how members of an organization like to be in the know. They have what I refer to as FOMO, or the fear of missing out. I also find that this informal form of communication usually involves statements such as “Between you and me”, or “Don’t repeat this to anyone”.
Although informal communication is usually less intimidating, and friendlier, I feel that formal communications is the best to go by. It usually leaves no possibility of ambiguity.
Kreps, G. L. (2011). Communication in Organizations, Second Edition. Bridgeport Education.
Question 2
In Chapter 2 of your textbook, the author discusses four different communication principles. Choose one principle and briefly explain it in your own words. Summarize what the principle is about and share an example from your own life that illustrates it. How do you believe this communication principle can help us understand organizational communication? Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.
Student Reply 3: John
COM 425 Communication in Organizations
Week 1 Discussion 2
In Chapter 2 of your textbook, the author discusses four different communication principles. Choose one principle and briefly explain it in your own words. Summarize what the principle is about and share an example from your own life that illustrates it.
Of the four principles, the one that stuck out the most to me was the "communication is irreversible" principle. I have found, not only in my professional life but my personal life that this principle is the hardest for me to remember and apply. Once you say something to someone, you cannot change how it was said or the fact that you said it at all. Our text states, “communication is irreversible. Once we say something to someone, we can’t take it back. Every communication event is likely to have influences on all future communication events.” (Kreps, G. L. 2019).
An example of irreversible communication that I can apply to my own life is reprimanding my children. When the need to reprimand my children arise, instead of reacting out of anger and frustration, I must remind myself that children’s minds are like sponges in that, they absorb everything that is being communicated to them. Reprimanding in anger will not have positive effects on a child’s development and since communication is irreversible, once I yell and scream at my child, I cannot take it back. Instead, getting down on my child’s level, speaking calmly and rationally will ensure I get my message across to my child as well as teaching my child a lesson about right and wrong.
How do you believe this communication principle can help us understand organizational communication?
This principle can be applied to the organizational communication scheme of things by the words and methods that organizations choose to sue when communicating with the rest of their organization. In other words, if this principle is known and understood then the words and methods that are being used for communication purposes will be thought out strategically.
Kreps, G. L. (2019). Communication in organizations (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.
Student Reply 4: Chad
Good afternoon all, I wanted to share with you my interpretation of the first communication principle and that is 'Communication is a Process'
To me this means that it is something that never ends, communication is infinite. I believe this has to be the case because communication is all about exchange of information and because information often times changes, so does our message around it. Many times where I work we have to get messages out quickly due to a recent safety incident that has occurred and the belief that the information needs to get out to ensure no one else has to experience this type of incident, especially if we communicate what we know and how we believe may be able to prevent it. Well this is all good but we often find out upon further investigation that all of the information that we communicated was not completely accurate or there was more to the message than what appeared on the cuff. This is ok as long as we continue to share what we know. If we don't keep the lines of communication open then the message dies on the vine. The process is just like anything we do that is worthwhile, we must continue to adapt and pivot as we learn more and making sure all that need to know, know. Part of this process is just that, processing information we receive and then determining what we are going t do with it. Again, a never ending process.
Question 3
Read the article, A tool kit for the real world (Links to an external site.). In this article, the author discusses the importance of communication skills within a field that many people may not believe strong communication skills are necessary. Write a paper about your thoughts on this article. In your paper, be sure to also address the following: