question archive 1) According to Erwin Rohde the Greek novel was an offshoot of two forms of literary production

1) According to Erwin Rohde the Greek novel was an offshoot of two forms of literary production

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1) According to Erwin Rohde the Greek novel was an offshoot of two forms of literary production. What were they? From what period of Greek history? What are the beginning and end dates of this period of Greek history?

2. According to Eduard Schwartz the Greek novel developed out of what literary genre?

3. According to “our” author, Tomas Hägg, the novel is the heir of what literary genre?

4. Again, according to “our” author, Tomas Hägg, what epic poem is the prototype of the Greek novel?

5. What was the earliest Greek literary genre to be composed in prose, not verse

6. For the Greeks, ‘history’ was understood to be the opposite of ‘myth’.

____ True ____ False

7. What is the name of the ‘Father of History’ (for some, the ‘Father of Lies’)?

8. What is the title of this historiographer’s magnum opus?

9. What is the subject matter of this same work?


10. The Alexander Romance is an example of what type of Greek novel?


11. The ancient genre of biography was understood to be a factual account of a person’s life.

____ True ____ False

12. What was a likely source of the fantastic tales of travel and adventure that made up the genre known as Reisefabulistik?

13. What real-world event was the actual impetus for these sorts of story?

14. Where was Thule?

15. The erotic poetry of the Hellenistic period no longer drew upon the myths of the Archaic and Classical periods. What, then, was the source of the subject-matter of this type of verse?

16. Callimachus is one of the best known of the Alexandrian poets who fashioned the “short, precious poems favored by contemporary taste”. Why are these poets called ‘Alexandrian’?

17. What’s the name of the epic poem composed during this period? What’s the name of the author?

18. What type of local legends in particular furnished both Alexandrian poets and early novelists with subject-matter for their works?

19. In antiquity there was no special term for what we call the ‘novel’.

____ True ____ False

20. What did the Greeks call the new form of expression we call ‘prose’ (There are two terms.)? (See the relevant PP presentation.)


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