question archive Overview of Research At this level of topic development and establishing the relevant sources for the topic, I have encountered several issues
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Overview of Research
At this level of topic development and establishing the relevant sources for the topic, I have encountered several issues. First, the entire process of searching and filtering pertinent research articles to the topic is time-consuming and tedious. A lot of hours have to be dedicated to the process to ensure that articles are screened and the most relevant ones selected. Second, I have experienced and encountered methodological challenges while searching and locating relevant literature for this topic. The common methodological issues I encountered include difficulties in scoping include challenges in filtering high-quality and relevant articles for review on the topic. As a novice researcher, I faced problems extracting critical findings from each paper, synthesizing the extracted findings, and providing recommendations for future research in the discussion. However, I have been keen to ensure that the best articles are researched and located for the study.
After conducting an extensive literature search using different search engines, I have been able to gain a depth of understating of how wide and intreated the topic is based on research. For instance, I have understood how the topic has been studied in different fields, the theories used and models suggested by researchers. At this point, I think my research is narrowed down to completion. In addition, I have been able to identify key themes using previous literature that I feel are well supported by current literature for the present study.
The preliminary analysis conducted reveals serval gaps in current literature that need to be addressed. In particular, the analysis shows that toxic leadership and a positive work environment are key constructs influencing employee productivity. However, limited research explores how toxic leadership leaders are to employee job dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, and high turnover intentions. Therefore, the current study will extend the understanding of how toxic leadership influences a positive work environment to improve employee performance. In addition, the study may provide insights into how toxic leadership affects employee psychological well-being and coping strategies.
Update of Topics for Chapter 2
As the analysis progressed, my research knowledge expanded steadily. Every session leads to new thinking and thoughts toward the topic. I have gained an in-depth understanding of the standard theories, models, and research designs used to investigate the topic. Expanding from session 2, the literature review has considerably improved by thinking and perceptions of the topic. In particular, I have been able to understand the strategies for creating a positive environment. I have gained an in-depth understanding of the influence of the workplace on employee job performance, satisfaction, and turnover intentions. In addition, the analysis has improved my knowledge regarding the extent to which toxic leadership could be a barrier to creating a positive workplace, leading to employee dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, and high turnover rates.
The following heading or themes are proposed for chapter 2. Expanding from session 2, there are no major changes on the anticipated themes for chapter 2. Only one theme has been added: types of toxic leadership styles. Similar to the outline in session 2, the chapter will begin with a theoretical framework to inform the study. The following subtopics will be the concept of a positive work environment, benefits of a positive work environment, toxic leadership styles, leadership and work environment, effects of a positive work environment on employee motivation and job satisfaction, and effects of a positive work environment on employee turnover intention