question archive The purpose of this project is to allow students to synthesize evidence on a clinical NURSING problem

The purpose of this project is to allow students to synthesize evidence on a clinical NURSING problem

Subject:Health SciencePrice:15.89 Bought3

The purpose of this project is to allow students to synthesize evidence on a clinical NURSING problem. This assignment involves the finding, evaluating and disseminating evidence-based practice recommendations on a selected clinical problem to their classmates as professional peers. This project is to be completed individually.

Review the approved topics list below. Note that all of these topics have a nursing intervention. Additionally, all topics contain the necessary components to write a PICO question. I want you to imagine you are working in one of these settings and you are asked to evaluate an intervention that will improve care for patients in this setting. You know that the intervention should be evidence-based and you want to make the case for using, or not using, this particular intervention. You will review the existing literature and then present a brief slide presentation to your peers. Projects like these are done all the time in hospital units and outpatient settings and this is very representative of the type of projects you may be asked to complete as a bachelor's prepared Knight Nurse!

Approved Topics

  • Kangaroo Care to improve neonatal outcomes
  • CAUTI protocols in elderly patients to reduce incidence of UTI’s
  • Apps/Smartphones to reduce weight in adults in an outpatient setting
  • Community based nursing interventions for asthma in pediatric patients
  • Sepsis bundle protocols in the ICU/ED for early identification of sepsis
  • Complementary/Alternative therapies to reduce pain in oncology patients
  • Mindfulness interventions to reduce anxiety for adults
  • Fall protocols to prevent injury in adult patients
  • Effectiveness of nursing residency programs on retention of new nurses
  • Effectiveness of simulation (manikin-based) in nursing education
  • Technology/apps/telehealth to improve adolescent mental health


  1. Select a clinical nursing intervention from the provided list. If you would like to use a different intervention, please email the instructor for prior approval to ensure your idea is feasible and appropriate for the assignment. Because the assignment uses the PICO model, your topic MUST have an intervention and focus on outcomes.
  2. Create a PICO question to refine your research question and determine terms for your literature search. Review Module 2, if needed.
  3. Conduct a literature search focusing on research that addresses the effects of nursing interventions on the nursing problem. Remember that you can reach out to the course Librarian, if needed.
  4. Choose three peer-reviewed, evidence-based studies that have your intervention topic. You may use quantitative, qualitative, systematic reviews, or specialty articles (QI or process improvement) that we have learned about in the course. You may not use opinion articles or case studies. Critically read these studies to determine their scientific merit using the guidelines published in your textbook. It might be helpful to review the evidence hierarchies pyramid in our textbook on p. 23. This should be helpful to you in both selecting articles and discussing their strength.
  5. Create a slide presentation for posting to the class in the Discussions area of the course. The presentation must include a minimum of the following:
    1. Brief statement of the critical nursing problem phrased as a PICO statement.
    2. Identification of the studies reviewed.
      1. Summary of each article (1 slide maximum for each study)
      2. Summary of the overall recommendations- from all articles combined. This should be a synthesis where you discuss recommendations from all articles together. You might want to begin with, "In the literature..." A synthesis is not a listing of results (Article 1, Article 2.....)
      3. Strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base- of all articles combined. This should be a synthesis where you discuss recommendations from all articles together. You might want to begin with, "In the literature..." A synthesis is not a listing of results (Article 1, Article 2.....)
  6. Discussion of how these limitations affect the readiness of the recommendations for use in clinical practice. Is there anything that would prevent you from implementing this intervention (cost, staffing...)?
  7. Conclusion that addresses the state of the art on your topic. Would you recommend this intervention or not? Is further research needed? Are higher levels of evidence needed?
  8. A maximum of 10-15 slides including references. Slides should be visually attractive, but must remain professionally tasteful.
  9. Article Selection Guidelines
  • The problem must address a clinical problem in nursing.
  • Remember that sometimes the comparison (C) in a PICO statement can be implied as "compared with no intervention."
  • At least one of the articles must be from a peer reviewed nursing journal with a nurse as its primary author.
  • Don't forget to consult your UCF Librarian for assistance if you are having difficulty finding articles - they are EXPERTS at finding exactly what you need and are eager to assist you if you are having problems.
  • You will also need to read and provide substantive comment for peers.
  • If you use a systematic review as one of your articles, remember that a systematic review contains multiple single studies and you cannot use any of the studies included in the review as your remaining articles.

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