question archive New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2 Cardiac Rehab Associates Building an Access Database GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_1

New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2 Cardiac Rehab Associates Building an Access Database GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_1

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New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2

Cardiac Rehab Associates

Building an Access Database


  • Open the file NP_AC19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as NP_AC19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
  1. Cardiac Rehab Associates is a company that helps people rehabilitate their cardiovascular strength. You work as a research analyst to maintain records and to analyze the success of various activities and programs. At Cardiac Rehab Associates you are developing an Access database application to help manage this information.

    Open the Clients table in Datasheet view and add a new record with an ID value of 99887, FirstName value of Aaron, LastName value of Tawney, and a DOB value of 5/5/1992; leave the MaleFemale field blank; and then close the table.
  2. In the Navigation pane, rename the Clients form using ClientEntry as the new form name.
  3. Create a new query using the Simple Query Wizard. Choose the ID, FirstName, and LastName fields from the Clients table. Title the new query with the name ClientListing, open the query to view information, a portion of which is shown in Figure 1, and then close it.

Figure 1: ClientListing Query in Datasheet View

  1. Create a new form using the Form Wizard. Choose the ID, FirstName, and LastName fields in the Clients table. Choose a Columnar layout. Title the form ClientInfo, open the form to view information as shown in Figure 2, and then close it.

Figure 2: ClientInfo Form in Form View

  1. Create a new report using the Report Wizard. Choose the ID, FirstName, and LastName fields from the Clients table. Do not add any grouping levels. Sort the records in ascending order by LastName and then in ascending order by FirstName. Use a Tabular layout and a Portrait orientation. Title the report ClientListing, preview the report, a portion of which is shown in Figure 3, and then close it.

Figure 3: ClientListing Report in Report View

  1. Create a table in Design view. Add a field named ProgramID with an AutoNumber data type, ProgramName with a Short Text data type, and ProgramStartDate with a Date/Time data type. Save the table with the name Programs, do not create a primary key field, and close the table.
  2. In Datasheet view of the Clients table, delete the record for ID 00008 (Haji, Fuciu, 3/26/1971) and modify the FirstName value for the record with ID 00010 (Georges, Berkstresser, 4/6/1923), using Jorge as the new value.
  3. Switch the Clients table to Design view. Add a field named StartDate with a Date/Time data type, add a field named Email with a Hyperlink data type, and add a field named InitiationFee with a Currency data type. Rename the DOB field to DateOfBirth, rename the MaleFemale field to Gender, and then save and close the Clients table.

Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

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