question archive Shelly Cashman Access 2016 | Modules 1–3: SAM Capstone Project 1a Carpenter Family Camp CREATING Tables, Queries, forms, and reports in a database GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_AC16_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_1
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Shelly Cashman Access 2016 | Modules 1–3: SAM Capstone Project 1a
CREATING Tables, Queries, forms, and reports in a database
Open the file SC_AC16_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.
Save the file as SC_AC16_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.
· Support_SC_AC16_CS1-3a_Activity.xlsx
b. Change the field size of the AdventureID field to 4.
c. Add a new field with the name AdventureName and the Short Text data type.
d. Add another field to the table with the name AdultPrice and the Currency data type.
e. Add a fourth field to the table with the name ChildPrice and the Currency data type.
f. Save the table using Adventure as the name.
Table 1: Adventure Table Records
Open the Reservation table in Design View and make the following changes:
g. Change the data type for the LodgingFee field to Currency.
h. Specify that the SessionID field is a Required field.
Open the Counselor table in Design View and make the following changes:
j. Add a new field following the Specialty field. Assign the name CPR Certification to the field.
k. Set the data type for the field to Yes/No.
l. Set the Caption property to CPR.
m. Enter CPR certification current? as the description for the field.
n. Save the changes to the Counselor table, and then close it.
o. Include the CounselorID, FirstName, LastName, and CellPhone fields (in that order).
p. Save the query with the name Counselor Contact Query, and then close the query.
q. Include the SessionID field from the Counselor_Session table.
r. Include the LastName, FirstName, and CellPhone fields (in that order) from the Counselor table.
s. Sort the records in ascending order based on the SessionID field and then by the LastName field.
t. Save the query using Session Contact Query as the name.
u. Run the query, and then close it.
v. Use only data from the Reservation table in the query.
w. Use SessionID as the row heading.
x. Use Children as the column heading.
z. Save the crosstab query using Session-Child Crosstab as the name.
aa. View the query, and then close it.
ab. Select the ParentID field from the Reservation table.
ad. Move the ParentID field to the right of the SessionID field.
af. Save the query using Session 1 TotalFees Query as the name.
ag. View the query, confirm that it matches Figure 1 below, and then close it.
Figure 1: Session 1 TotalFees Query
Figure 2: New Record for the Parent Update Form
Use the Report Wizard to create a new report based on the Parent table with the following options:
ai. Use no additional grouping in the report.
aj. Sort the report in ascending order by the ParentID field.
ak. Use the Tabular layout and Portrait orientation for the report.
al. Assign the name Parent Contact Report to the report.
am. Preview the report to ensure that it matches Figure 4 below, and then save and close the report.
Figure 4: Parent Contact Report
Open the Session 1 Report in Layout View, and then make the following changes to the report:
an. Remove the City and State columns from the report.
ap. Change the title of the report using Session 1 Camper Report as the name.