question archive New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1b Ridgedale College MODIFYING ADVANCED REPORTS   GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_7b_FirstLastName_1

New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1b Ridgedale College MODIFYING ADVANCED REPORTS   GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_7b_FirstLastName_1

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New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 7: SAM Project 1b

Ridgedale College




  • Open the file NP_AC19_7b_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as NP_AC19_7b_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
  1. You work in the Admissions Office at Ridgedale College to help track grants awarded to professors as well as teaching assistant assignments by class. You have created an Access database to organize these details. In this project, you will modify advanced reports.

    Open the GrantsByProfessor report in Layout View and complete the following:
    1. Add a title.
    2. Modify the title to read Grants By Professor so that there is a space between each word.
    3. Bold the title.
    4. Center-align the Grants By Professor label in the Report Header section.

      Save and close the GrantsByProfessor report.
  2. Open the ClassMasterListGrouped report in Design View, and add a grouping level on the Credits field. Save and close the report.
  3. Open the SectionAssignments report in Design View and complete the following:
    1. Use 2 as the number of columns.
    2. Use a Down, then Across layout.

      Save and open the SectionAssignments report in Print Preview, and then close the SectionAssignments report.
  4. Open the DegreeListing report in Design View and complete the following:
    1. Remove the control layouts from the controls in all sections of the report.
    2. Remove the Page Header and Page Footer sections and all controls in them.
    3. Resize the Degrees label in the Report Header section so that the right edge is no wider than the 2" mark on the horizontal ruler.

      Save the DegreeListing report.
  5. With the DegreeListing report still open in Design View, complete the following:
    1. Select all controls on the report, and change the font color to Automatic (black).
    2. Apply Alternate Row to the Alternate Back Color property for the Detail section.
    3. Delete any controls in the Report Footer section.

      Save and preview the DegreeListing report in Print Preview as shown in Figure 1, and then close the DegreeListing report.

Figure 1: Final DegreeListing Report in Print Preview

  1. Create a new report in Design View using these options:
    1. Set the Record Source property to the Hybrid query.
    2. Add all the fields from the field list to the top of the Detail section of the report at about the 2" mark on the horizontal ruler.

      Save the report with the name HybridCourses and close it.
  2. In the Navigation Pane, copy the Grants report and paste it with GrantDetails as the name.
  3. Open the GrantDetails report in Design View and complete the following:
    1. Delete the controls in the Page Footer section.
    2. Resize by widening the GrantName label in the Page Header section and GrantName text box in the Detail section so that the right edges are at the 6" mark on the horizontal ruler. Save the GrantDetails report.
    3. Use Grant Details as the caption for the label in the Report Header section. If necessary, resize the label to make the caption fully visible.
  4. While still working in Design View of the GrantDetails report, change the sort order to sort the records in ascending order by Award (not GrantName) within each ProfID group.

    Save and preview the report in Print Preview, a portion of which is shown in Figure 2, and then close the GrantDetails report.

Figure 2: Final GrantDetails Report in Print Preview

  1. Use the Label Wizard to create labels for professor files based on the Professors table as follows:
    1. Select the Avery USA 5096 product number. Use the Arial font with a font size of 12, a Bold font weight, and Automatic (1st column, 6th row in the Basic Colors palette) text color.
    2. On the first line of the label, insert the ProfLastName field, followed by a comma and a space and the ProfFirstName field.
    3. On the second line of the label, insert the ProfTitle field.
    4. On the third line of the label, insert the Department field.
    5. Sort the report by ProfLastName. Save the report, using ProfessorLabels as the name.

      Confirm that it matches Figure 3, and then save and close it. (Hint: If a message appears warning that not all information is displayed, click OK.)

Figure 3: Final ProfessorLabels Report in Print Preview

  1. Open the MasterGrantList report in Design View and then complete the following:
    1. Add page numbers to the report using the Page N of M format positioned in the left side of the Page Footer.
    2. Add the date (but not the time) to the report using the mm/dd/yyyy format.

      Save the MasterGrantList report.
  2. With the MasterGrantList report still open in Design View, complete the following:
    1. Adjust the Report Footer section to be about 0.5" tall.
    2. Add a text box to the Report Footer section directly below the Award text box in the Detail section.
    3. Within the text box, add an expression to sum the Award field for the entire report.
    4. Enter Total Grant $: as the Caption for the new label in the Report Footer section. (Hint:  If necessary, resize the label to make the caption fully visible.)

      Save the MasterGrantList report.
  3. With the MasterGrantList report still open in Design View, complete the following:
    1. Resize the new text box in the Report Footer section to be the same size as the Award text box in the Detail section, then left-align the left edge of the new text box in the Report Footer section with the Award text box in the Detail section.
    2. Right-align the content within the Award text box in the Detail section and also in the new text box in the Report Footer section.
    3. Apply Currency format to the text box in the Report Footer section and remove all decimals so that only whole numbers are displayed.

      Save and preview the report in Print Preview as shown in Figure 4, and then close the MasterGrantList report. The date in Figure 4 has been intentionally blurred as it will never be constant.

Figure 4: Final MasterGrantList Report in Print Preview

Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

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