question archive Could somebody review my paragraph and my individual sentences and make sure that they do not look to translated and that they are a mixture of preterit and imperfect tense? Here is my paragraph
Subject:SpanishPrice: Bought3
Could somebody review my paragraph and my individual sentences and
make sure that they do not look to translated and that they are a mixture of preterit and imperfect tense?
Here is my paragraph.
"Un viaje que es especial para mí es el que llevé a Phoenix, Arizona con mi padre y sobrino cuando tenía dieciséis años. Fuimos en julio. Mi padre alquiló un coche y fuimos en coche desde Oklahoma. Nos alojamos la noche en un hotel barato en Tucumcari, Nuevo México y mi sobrino y yo nadamos en la piscina del hotel. Íbamos a Phoenix a ver a mi medio hermano. Cuando llegamos a Phoenix, conocimos a mi hermano y fuimos a un lugar de mariscos. Pedí camarones. Estuvimos en Phoenix solo tres días, pero durante ese tiempo mi padre, sobrino, hermano y yo nos divertimos mucho. Pasamos tiempo juntos, comimos y jugamos al golf. Fuimos a la casa de mis hermanos y a la parrilla filetes y nadamos en la piscina de mis hermanos. Mi hermano me dio un paseo en su motocicleta y mi papá me dejó tomar mi propia cerveza."
Here is what I was trying to say in english.
"A trip that is special to me is the one I took to Phoenix, Arizona with my dad and nephew when I was sixteen. We went in July. My dad rented a car and we drove there from Oklahoma. We stayed the night in a cheap hotel in Tucumcari, New Mexico and my nephew and I swam in the hotel pool. We were going to Phoenix to see my half-brother. When we got to Phoenix, we met my brother, and we went to a seafood place. I ordered shrimp. We were only in Phoenix for three days but over that time my dad, nephew, brother, and I had so much fun. We spent time together, ate, and played golf. We went to my brother's house and grilled steaks and swam in my brothers pool. My brother gave me a ride on his motorcycle and my dad let me have my own beer."
Here are my sentences.
Viajé en julio de 2016.
Viajé a Phoenix, Arizona.
Viajé en un coche alquilado.
Nos alojamos en un hotel pero no recuerdo el nombre.
Comí, nadé y trabajé todos los días.
Lo que sólo hice una vez fue beber cerveza.
La parte más memorable del viaje fue dar un paseo en la motocicleta de mis hermanos.
Here is what I was trying to say in english.
I traveled in July of 2016. I traveled to Phoenix, Arizona. I traveled in a rented car. We stayed in a hotel, but I do not remember the name. I ate, swam, and worked out every day.
The thing that I only did once was drink beer. The most memorable part of the trip was getting a ride on my brothers motorcycle.