question archive Leadership Assignments Chapter 4 - Assignment Scenario - David, a 79-year-old elderly war hero with no living relatives, drove himself at night to a local hospital when he experienced shortness of breath and a headache

Leadership Assignments Chapter 4 - Assignment Scenario - David, a 79-year-old elderly war hero with no living relatives, drove himself at night to a local hospital when he experienced shortness of breath and a headache

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Leadership Assignments Chapter 4 - Assignment Scenario - David, a 79-year-old elderly war hero with no living relatives, drove himself at night to a local hospital when he experienced shortness of breath and a headache. When he entered the emergency room (ER), he was placed in a wheelchair and briefly seen by an ER doctor. He was told that he could not be admitted since he was a veteran and had to go to a VA hospital, which was 90 miles away, for treatment. David was wheeled into the hallway to wait for transportation to a VA hospital. The night shift was busy. After sitting in the hall for 5 hours, David complained that he needed to lie down. The ER staff, who had been trying to move him to a VA hospital with no luck, finally transferred him by ambulance to a local nursing home in the wheelchair. David had a massive stroke shortly after being admitted to the nursing home and died six weeks later. Instructions: 1. Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions: a. Does there appear to be negligence in this case? b. In your opinion, who might have acted on behalf of David? c. In your opinion, would contributory negligence be a defense if there is a malpractice lawsuit relating to David’s death? 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 5 - Assignment Scenario - Jessica, a registered nurse (RN), and her husband are finally leaving on their vacation trip. They pull up at a red light as it is about to change to green. They watch in horror as a large truck, moving fast down a hill, in unable to stop before crashing into a van carrying a mother and her child. The van is thrown into the air and lands in a small park. Jessica runs over to offer aid. She finds a semi-conscious woman in the driver’s seat and an unconscious 4-yearold little boy in the back seat strapped into his car seat. The mother asks Jessica if Christopher is all right before she slips into unconsciousness. Christopher is unconscious and not breathing with his head down and touching his chest. He has a gash bleeding on the side of his head caused by his tricycle flying over the back seat during the crash. A truck driver, who also stopped to give help, yells in the window at Jessica, “Don’t move him!” Jessica knows that she has to get Christopher’s breathing started. Even though the truck driver is still yelling at her not to move the boy, she gently lifts his head off his chest. Christopher, still unconscious, starts breathing immediately. Jessica stops the bleeding on his head by applying pressure using a clean handkerchief from her husband. Emergency help arrives ten minutes later. Instructions: 1. Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions: a. In your opinion, even though Jessica knew that, in most cases, an injured victim should not be moved, did she do the right thing by moving Christopher’s chin up so he could breathe? b. Was Jessica covered by the Good Samaritan law or was she held to a higher standard since she had a nursing license? c. Would Jessica have been covered by the Good Samaritan law if Christopher had not started breathing when she moved his head and he had suffered further injury from the movement? d. Was Jessica, an RN, legally required to stop and provide aid? Was she ethically obligated to stop and provide aid? e. In your opinion, is it always a good idea to stop and give assistance at an accident site before medical help arrives? 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 6 - Assignment Scenario - Mary Smith has just reported for duty and is reviewing the patients she will have during the evening shift. One of them, Ida Monroe, is on isolation for an infectious disease. Dr. Jerome comes into the nursing station around 9:00 P.M. after making hospital rounds to see his patients. He tells Mary that he noticed that one of his neighbors, Ida Monroe, is a patient, and he would like to review her medical chart. Mary starts to give him the chart and then realizes that Dr. Jerome is not Ida’s physician. Dr. Jerome says not to worry about that since he has taken care of the rest of Ida’s family for years and is sure that Ida will want him to consult on her case. When Mary hesitates to give him the chart, Dr. Jerome says that he will report her to her nursing supervisor. He walks over to pick up the chart. Instructions: 1. Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions: a. Should Mary give Ida’s medical chart to Dr. Jerome? Why or why not? b. What should Mary say to Dr. Jerome? c. What should Mary do if Dr. Jerome continues to insist on seeing Ida’s chart? d. What ethical principles are involved in this case? e. What legal regulations are involved in this case? 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 8 - Assignment Promoting Evidence-Based Practice In recent years, the implementation of evidence-based practice has been identified as a priority across nearly every nursing specialty (Prevost & Ford, 2020). In addition, nurses are increasingly accepted as essential members and often as leaders, of the interdisciplinary healthcare teams. To effectively participate and lead a health-care team, nurses must have knowledge of the most effective and reliable evidence-based approaches to care, increase their expertise in critiquing research, and apply the evidence of their findings to select optimal interventions for their patients (Prevost & Ford, 2020). Instructions: 1. Read the infomation above, and then answer the following questions: a. Identify at least five (5) things you might do to increase your knowledge and use of evidence in your practice? (explain each suggestion and how it fits in the practice) b. What are the most significant and driving and restraining forces to make this change? c. Would you expect covert or overt resistance to your efforts? d. Will you need to enlist support from others or acquire additional resources for this planned change to occur? (be specific as in administrative support or scientific journals, etc) 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 10 - Assignment Scenario - Staffing is an important part of nursing management as healthcare is very labor intensive. Since nursing is a major expense in any institution it is oftentimes the area where administrators will try to save money, sometimes forsaking quality and increasing the chances that there will be disgruntled nurses after a short time. The following scenarios are for two units in the same hospital so acuity levels will be the same. Acuity levels are as follows: #1=4.0; #2=3.2; #3=2.3; #4=1.4. The first unit is the ICU. The second is a Med-Surg floor. ICU Unit o 6 patients = #1 acuity o 2 pts = #2 acuity o 0 pts = #3 acuity o 0 pts = #4 acuity Med-Surg Unit o 6 pts. = #1 acuity o 2 pts. = #2 acuity o 0 pts. = #3 acuity o 0 pts. = #4 acuity Instructions: 1. Please calculate the proper staffing for each unit along with the hours for a unit secretary. • Be sure to show each step in your calculation with an explanation for each of the steps. • There is an explanation of this in your book on page 245-247. 2. Your paper should be: • One (1) page • Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards • Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 12 - Assignment Instructions: 1. Obtain a copy of your hospital’s organization map. Most of them can be found online or you can ask your administrative office for a copy. If you are not working right now, then look up the map of a local facility near your home or any county; facilities such as Jackson are usually available on the internet. 2. Post (copy/paste) the map and, then answer the following questions: a. Describe what kind of organization you believe this to be? b. Is this mostly vertical or horizontal? c. Why do you think that this organization level was selected? d. Does the size of the hospital have anything to do with the organization’s structure? 3. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 14 - Assignment SCENARIO - Lois, who is in the last stages of breast cancer, was recently admitted into a hospice program. Her husband Henry, is relieved to have a hospice nurse come into their home and help with the care of his wife. After Lois had been receiving care for a week, Henry asked when he should take Lois into the hospital out-patient department for more chemotherapy. The hospice nurse said, “I thought that you understood that since treatments would no longer help Lois and she would ultimately die, that she would not receive any more treatments once she entered the Hospice program.” Henry said he did not understand this and insisted that he wanted everything done to save Lois. Instructions: 1. Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions: a. How could this misunderstanding have been avoided? b. What discussions should Lois and Henry have had with each other before Lois went into the hospice program? c. What could hospice programs do to better inform the general public of their purpose? 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 18 - Assignment Instructions: 1. Choose and complete only one (1) assignment for Chapter 18 listed below. a. Chapter 18a - Assignment: Compensation b. Chapter 18b - Assignment: Motivational Interviewing 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 19 - Assignment Scenario #1 - Chad is the case manager supervisor for the facility. He sent out an e-mail reminding Sylvia and the other case managers about the meeting they are to attend. Sylvia had less time to prepare for the case managers meeting, so she sends the following e-mail to her supervisor and the other case managers by using the “Reply all” button: "Hi Chad, I plan on being at the meeting but am running late. I was tied up with a case, Mrs. Hilton. I’ll be there shortly." Scenario #2 - Sylvia attends the meeting, and Chad informs her of the HIPAA violation that occurred in her e-mail. Chad suggests that they work together to resolve the issue and informs Sylvia he is available after the meeting is over. Sylvia thanks him and states, “I appreciate your help and support; it is stressful dealing with chronically ill patients.” Instructions: 1. Read both scenarios above, and then answer the following questions: a. How should this communication be handled effectively? b. What violations occurred during this communication? c. How can Chad help Sylvia to prevent further electronic infractions? 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Chapter 23 - Assignment Scenario - As a staff member who serves on the Quality Improvement Planning Committee, you are at a meeting to discuss the best way to share information about recent CQI data so that staff in the hospital can appreciate the value of the data. You need to identify pros and cons of methods the committee might use to assess and describe data for planning purposes. The committee is mostly new, some members have limited experience. You and two other members have the most experience, so you three volunteer to help the others get up to speed as quickly as possible so that decisions can be made about steps to take with the data, and you can get to decisions about strategies. You make clear to the other committee members that 1) this is a team effort and 2) the team must engage hospital staff at all levels. “You comment, “We have tried to keep this to ourselves, thinking only we knew the best approaches, and we failed.” Staff do not feel engaged in CQI and complain about the extra work for which they see no value. Instructions: 1. Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions: a. What are some of the barriers that could be influencing limited staff engagements? b. What strategies might be used to overcome these barriers? c. What are the pros and cons of the methods used to assess and describe the need for change? d. What are the common reasons staff members resist change? e. Are standards of practice valuable sources of data for such a committee? Why or why not? Which ones might be of particular use? 2. Your paper should be: a. One (1) page b. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards c. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file Compensation Chapter 18a - Assignment Scenario: Martha, an RN that has been working at XYZ hospital for the last 20 years as a nurse and is very familiar with many aspects of the hospital at various levels of operation. She has served in administration when the hospital needed the coverage and also spent many years as a nurse working in the unit where she is working now. Recently the hospital administration announced a 2% pay increase for all employees. Several of Martha’s colleagues believe that this is a generous raise especially considering the economy of the country which has been fairly poor lately. Others consider the raise a slap in the face considering the hard work that they all have contributed to in the last year. Also, a successful JCAHO survey accreditation with accommodation only 3 months ago and several community awards pointing out the great work the nurses have done both in the hospital and in the community. Although these all demonstrated the dedication and outstanding nature of the nurses in the hospital, it has been a sticking point for many of the nurses because they feel that the 2% raise is being shared among other employees in the hospital, and, a 2% raise after taxes and divided by 2080 hours is about 25 cents an hour for most of the nurses in the hospital. Furthermore, Martha being a trusted individual among administrators and nurses alike has found herself in a difficult position because many people in the hospital are asking her to weigh in on the recent raise. Instructions: 1. Read the scenario above. 2. Then, answer the following questions below: How do you feel Martha should handle it when she is asked about the recent raise? b. Is there any action that administration could find to recognize the nurses and the hard work they have performed in the last year? c. Is there any problem with these solutions that you might anticipate? d. Summarize what you have learned about internal/external rewards from the readings in the textbook, and then, discuss how this might fit into the scenario at XYZ hospital. a. 3. Your paper should be: o One (1) page o Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting, and spacing standards o Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file 4. Upload your file by clicking "Browse My Computer" for Attach File. Page 1 of 1 Leadership and Management Theory Motivational Interviewing Chapter 18b - Assignment Instructions: 1. Read the Motivational Interviewing as a Prelude to Coaching in Healthcare Settings article. 2. Then, answer the following questions below: a. b. c. d. e. Describe how the four (4) general processes fit into the Motivational Interviewing (MI) process Describe how FRAMES, the acronym, guides the MI process and fits into the motivational interviewing technique? What is reflective listening and how is it used in these circumstances? What clinical evidence is available to demonstrate that MI (motivational interviewing) is effective? Pick three of the fundamental guidelines for MI and describe how they contribute to the process (eg. listen, empower, etc.) 3. Your paper should be: o One (1) page o Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting, and spacing standards o Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file 4. Upload your file by clicking "Browse My Computer" for Attach File. Page 1 of 1 Leadership and Management Theory


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