question archive MOHA 510 NCHL Competency Paper Leadership involves a complex interplay of psychology, communication, monitoring, planning and action-oriented behavior
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MOHA 510 NCHL Competency Paper
Leadership involves a complex interplay of psychology, communication, monitoring, planning and action-oriented behavior. Throughout this course, we have explored the dynamics of leadership in the healthcare environment. I have valued the meaningful perspectives brought by my classmates who represent diverse backgrounds. I am eager to reflect on the knowledge and experience I have gained in working toward proficiency in the National Center for Healthcare Leadership competencies.
L2 Achievement Orientation _X_ Met __ Not Met
L2.1 Wants to Do Job Well
A healthcare leader must strive for excellence in every word and every action. As discussed in the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), a leader must constantly monitor both the internal and external environment and leverage individuals to make positive change. A leader must lead with conviction and drive results. In the ever-evolving healthcare realm, a great leader is never complacent.
In my role as faculty, I have committed to providing students with a high-quality education through the courses I teach. I enrolled in the Master of Healthcare Administration program to be the best Optometric Practice Management Educator that I can be. As an eyecare provider, I strive for exceptional, evidence-based care and attend quality continuing education to do the job well. As a future leader, I commit to doing the job to the absolute best of my ability.
L2.2 Creates Own Measure of Excellence
A healthcare leader creates a vision of the future for the organization they serve. This vision drives the actions and decisions that are made by a leader. This vision serves as a personal measure of excellence. A leader must constantly compare where the organization is currently, with where it needs to be in the future. As covered in the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), a health care leader must look for the most effective, efficient and efficacious means for delivering healthcare. A leader may use industry benchmarks, but ultimately, measures of excellence must be created specifically for the organization.
In my role as faculty, I review my progress over the year in my tenure narrative. As a part of this, I create goals that, when achieved, tell me that I have met my personal measure of excellence. These goals are not assigned, but internally driven. In this course, I committed to thoroughly considering course readings, responding thoughtfully to all discussion board posts and composing reflective writing assignments. As a future leader, I will continue this trend of personally committing to, and achieving, personal measures of excellence.
L2.3 Improves Performance
As mentioned in reference to L2.2 and the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), a leader should strive to increase effectiveness, efficacy and efficiency. A healthcare leader must consider key performance metrics, culture and the impressions of both internal and external stakeholders. There will be instances where a leader, or their organization, may not make the mark. It is how a leader responds that determines whether they recover. Receiving positive feedback is always easier than receiving constructive criticism. In the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019) and the model that inspired the assignment, Dye and Garman (2015) state that leader must listen like they mean it. A leader should always accept constructive feedback and use this to improve their personal or organization’s performance. They should also humbly accept praise.
Prior to the MHA program, I had never written APA compositions. In optometry, we write most commonly in the AMA style. After receiving my critiques for the first assignment, I corrected these errors for the subsequent assignments. As a leader, it is imperative we learn from our mistakes or criticisms in order to improve.
L2.4 Sets and Works to Meet Challenging Goals
In learning about leadership theories, House’s Path-Goal Theory was discussed as a method for achieving success in leading individuals of an organization. This theory, among others, was discussed as a part of the “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019). Breaking down overarching organizational goals into individual goals for the members of the organization helps to maintain focus on the tasks that will lead to success. It is important to expect obstacles for achieving the goals and work to reduce their impact on progress.
Personally, I help students set goals for their clinical experience; these are often related to mastering techniques, improving examination efficiency, or increasing confidence in diagnosis and management. Looking forward to the future, I have set a goal to publish the results of a survey related to job motivation in eye care staff. The specific content in this course will provide important background to the discussion of the results.
L4 Change Leadership _X_ Met __ Not Met
L4.5 Reinforces Change Vision Dramatically
A healthcare leader must determine a clear vision for the future of the organization they lead. Often a leader must drive change within the organization in order see their vision come to fruition. Several leadership theories and models focus on change at the organizational level. In the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), we identified several challenges relating to the need for organizational change, particularly culture. Specifically, I spoke to transformational leadership and dynamic culture leadership to address the cultural change in my case. The most critical piece driving change is clear communication of the strategic vision and decisions that align with that vision.
Through my experience in this course, I have started thinking critically about my experiences within my own organization. Do our actions speak directly to the mission of the organization and our leader’s vision for the future? I have learned that a leader must keep this vision in the forefront as they drive change within an organization.
L4.6 Provides Calm During the Storm of Change
Change is hard. In the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), I investigated the role of culture within an organization. Culture can either enhance or derail progress in achieving a leader’s vision for the future. Additionally, within my case study, I identified that subgroups within an organization will perceive change differently. It is important that a leader uses transformational leadership techniques that provide individualized attention to these subgroups to support and inspire them during times of change. Chaos breeds chaos; a leader must remain calm and focused during the most challenging times.
Patient care can bring chaos. I strive every day to be overly calm when faced with upset patients or panicked students. When responsibilities of my job, education and personal life demand my time all at once, panic only adds to the chaos. Taking a deep breath and pausing before I act help me to maintain a sense of calm. This will be essential to apply in my future as a healthcare leader.
L6 Communication Skills _X_ Met __ Not Met
L6.1 Uses Generally Accepted English Grammar
Effective written communication is an essential skill for a healthcare leader. A leader communicates in writing via policies, contracts, memos and electronic mail. In this course, we have looked at all aspects of leadership and the integral role of effective communication. In reading Dye and Garman’s Exceptional Leadership (2015), we learned about how to read non-verbal cues in communicating; however, these are absent in written communication. A leader must maintain high standards for their written communication given their absence. We have honed our grammatical skills in many aspects of this course: from conversational grammar in our discussion board posts to formal composition grammar in our paper writing. This course has delivered an increased confidence in writing—in fact I have had an article accepted in a non-peer reviewed publication that was inspired from my MHA personal statement of interest and the content covered in this course.
L6.2 Prepares Effective Written Business Cases or Presentations
Researching, analyzing and developing a plan are skills exercised by a healthcare leader. When faced with a problem, a leader must research the facts, analyze it from many different angles, compile potential solutions, then communicate their plan in a final written report. In this course, the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019) provided an opportunity to consider a case, research solutions and compose a written plan to solve the problem. A leader will also face situations where they must orally present their suggestions and make a convincing case for their recommendations to internal or external stakeholders This course also afforded us the opportunity to verbally present a case study and our personal leadership styles to our peers; allowing us to apply this competency in a safe, supportive environment.
L6.3 Makes Persuasive Oral Presentations
As discussed in L6.2, a leader must have persuasive oral presentation skills. I find oral persuasion more challenging than written persuasion. The Blackboard Collaborate sessions brought opportunities to present in front of our peers; making arguments for the recommendations included in our case studies. Understanding the importance of effective oral communication as a leadership skill, I commit to seeking out additional opportunities to practice this in future courses and within my organization.
L6.4 Facilitates Group Interactions
Creating and facilitating teams are critical in driving progress within a healthcare organization. Groups of individuals with different backgrounds and status must come together in healthcare delivery, achieving the mission and vision of an organization, and completing day to day tasks. Team development and collaboration were discussed in the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019): how to seek out strong team players and create a sense of ‘we’ by fostering an inclusive environment.
In this course we have experienced group interactions in our discussion boards and collaborate sessions. We practice listening with respect to our peers. Personally, I like to try and respond to discussion board posts without replies to make sure that individual feels included in the discussion. Collaboration within the classroom and clinic are necessary skills I must teach our students. Both as faculty and as a future leader, I must model the behaviors I want to see in my students and employees.
L10 Impact and Influence _X_ Met __ Not Met
L10.1 Expresses Logical Intention but Takes No Action
As a leader, it may better serve the organization to present the challenge or problem then step aside to allow others to bring forth solutions. Dye and Garman (2015) speak to a need for self-awareness and recognizing our personal strengths and limitations. In knowing ourselves, we must recognize when we must rely on others to bring forth a solution. As a leader, it is important that we know how to facilitate that process. As a teacher, I often bring forth problems for students to solve. By guiding them through their own interrogation of the problem, they learn more through the process than if I merely provide them the answer.
L10.2 Takes a Single Action to Persuade
Similar to taking no action, the simplest solution is often the best solution to a problem. In a discussion board post, we considered the three “E’s” of healthcare delivery: effectiveness, efficacy and efficiency. The best solution is the one that best addresses the issue with the least consumption of the organization’s resources. This may be the only viable solution. A leader must effectively support why a single option is the best action for the organization. A leader must provide solid evidence to support their conclusions. In this course, we were required to support our conclusions with evidence obtained in our textbooks or literature reviews. This skill will be essential in making the case to stakeholders that support the decisions we make as leaders.
L10.3 Takes Multiple Action to Persuade
When making a case for change, a leader must consider the audience. Groups within an organization may be impacted differently by the leader’s decisions. There may be times when a leader must make a case for change from different perspectives. What motivates staff may not motivate the physicians within an organization.
My peers in this course represent a diverse group of individuals from different healthcare backgrounds. We have learned to communicate with each other despite our unique experiences. Additionally, in the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), I considered the varied communication needs of the subgroups within the hypothetical organization. Tailoring the communication for the audience while preserving the message is an important skill of a future healthcare leader.
L10.4 Calculates Impact of Actions or Words
A leader is always in the spotlight and must always think before they act or speak. It is important that a person in a position of authority consider not only the denotation, but also the connotation of what they do and say. How will it be perceived? Could what I do or say be taken in the wrong light? How will it impact the organization? As discussed in my “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), a leader must consider the diverse individuals of an organization and respect differing values and beliefs. They must consider the impact of what they communicate through words and actions among these different groups. A leader must also consider the key internal and external stakeholders of their organization. We read and discussed the role of stakeholders in the culture of an organization. This course has brought to light how our actions and words are far reaching and that leaders must carefully consider the their impact.
L10.5 Uses Indirect Influence
Direct influence means that one affects other’s actions or beliefs through personal interactions. Indirect influence is more subtle and often entails calling upon others to assist in action. Dye and Garman (2015) refer to generating formal power as an exceptional leadership competency. We fleshed this out in the week 11 discussion board as we investigated alliances. Forming relationships with individuals or groups should be strategic and with pure intentions. When a leader supports another leader, they should receive the same in return. This discussion brought to light how one might use indirect influence in an ethical manner that also receive a fair return for a fair investment of time and energy.
L10.6 Use Complex Influence Strategies
The ability to influence begins with an understanding of what motivates others. The first topics covered in this course centered on leadership theories and how to influence others to achieve the mission of the organization. We investigated Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the use of rewards when goals are met or charisma to inspire others to action. What motivates an individual, might not motivate or influence others. In the “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019) and “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), I discussed transformational leadership and how a leader must individualize communication for given groups or individuals. I will employ these varied motivational strategies as I work to influence others in my current role and as a future leader.
L15 Interpersonal Understanding _X_ Met __ Not Met
L15.1 Recognizes Emotions and Concerns of Others
Dye and Garman (2015), as one of the competencies of their Exceptional Leadership Model, state that leaders need to listen like they mean it. This means that they respect the individual and hear more than just the words coming from their mouths. This means they also pay attention to non-verbal cues like body language, facial expression, and tone of voice to gauge the emotional undertones. Leaders with greater emotional intelligence demonstrate a more developed ability to read others. This is a valuable skill that enhances our interactions with others.
In the beginning of this course, we completed several surveys to better understand our personality, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution styles. I demonstrate relatively high EI and this course has only increased my awareness of my own emotions and the emotions of others. This is a great asset for my future as a leader.
L15.2 Interprets Emotions and Verbal Content
Those possessing high emotional intelligence are aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, feelings, and behaviors and can maintain control of them. They also to pick up on those emotional cues in others. Emotional intelligence comes into play for many aspects of leadership. It allows a leader to read people and aid in tailoring communication to the individual; it also can be helpful in conflict resolution as a leader navigates the emotional context of the situation.
I specifically discussed the role of emotional intelligence in the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019): a culturally competent leader demonstrates high emotional intelligence by being sensitive to the beliefs of diverse individuals. In both education and patient care, I must be aware of individuals emotions and concerns and work to mediate their effects. This is increasingly important as a leader.
L15.3 Commits to Understanding Others
A leader should be committed to the people of the organization they serve. This was highlighted in the week 13 discussion board when we talked about servant-leadership. A servant leader is driven to serve others as they lead. In my post I spoke about how servant-leaders bring others along and use transformational leadership to understand their employees’ motivation and support them in their development. This is also important in the context of promoting an inclusive environment within the workplace. In the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), I discussed that diversity is not the same as inclusion. Inclusion means a commitment to understanding and respecting diverse groups and acting to make them valuable contributors to the organization. To be successful at inclusion, leaders must be committed to understanding others.
L15.4 Displays Sensitivity to Cultural, Ethnic and Social Issues
I have spoken to cultural sensitivity in the previous components of L15. I chose to really focus on the topic of diversity and cultural competence in the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019). I spoke to the importance of leading with personal convictions but remaining open-minded and respectful to individuals who hold different beliefs. As leaders, it is not acceptable to just promote diversity within the organization; we must also act to make individuals feel included.
Cultural competency has become increasingly important as minority populations increase in both healthcare providers and staff, but also the in the patients they serve. Personally, I have worked to be more inclusive with the LGBTQ community both as a healthcare provider and educator. Also, I have been conscientious to offer a greeting without physical contact to Muslim patients of the opposite sex in respect for their culture. While it is difficult to be aware of beliefs and customs for all backgrounds, it is important that we are receptive and willing to accept these differences as a leader.
L16 Organizational Awareness _X_ Met __ Not Met
L16.1 Uses Formal Structure
Hierarchy and structure are important in providing a ladder of responsibility within an organization. Individuals must understand their responsibilities and where to go when they have questions or concerns that impact their ability to do their job. We considered organizational structure in our “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019) when we provided an organizational chart and discussed the sources of power. Formal structure refers to the official hierarchy of power: an employee reports to their manager, who reports to the department head, all the way up to the CEO and Board.
If a leader does not respect the formal structure, neither will their employees. In some instances—such as laws, governmental regulations, or human resource matters—laxity is not acceptable. I experience this formal structure in acting as a compliance officer for my organization; formal policies must be in place for participation in federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
L16.2 Applies Understanding of Informal Structure
There are some instances where formal structure may not work in all situations. An individual might reach out to another employee in a different department to gather an unbiased opinion or fresh perspective. Dye and Garman (2015) discussed the role of informal power within an organization. They state that a leader may use power of influence to form compelling arguments or affect other’s thoughts and opinions. Informal power focuses less on the vertical hierarchy, but also horizontal relationships within the organization.
In the week 11 discussion board we investigated alliances as a form of informal power. We talked about forming relationships with others for mutual interests or benefits. Forming these two-way relationships are valuable investments as they can be called upon when formal structure cannot be applied. Personally, I am willing to help my peers when I have expertise to share; I am sure that the favor will be reciprocated when I call upon them for help.
L16.3 Adapts Action to Climate and Culture
In my “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), I paraphrased Edgar Schein’s definition of culture as the assumptions and beliefs shared by an organization to help members understand and respond to their environment. Climate is related to the perception of culture; i.e., how the employees feel about the culture. I identified the role of culture as a challenge for the leader in the hypothetical organization. The climate was one of distrust between subgroups of faculty, staff and administration. Making changes within a climate and culture of conflict breeds conflict, inhibiting progress. A leader needs to continuously monitor culture and determine the best approach for implementing their vision. In the case study, the solution was for the leader to first work on improving the climate within the organization’s culture by fostering communication and collaboration among groups; only then will its members work together to achieve the mission.
L16.4 Considers Priorities and Values of Multiple Constituencies
Healthcare organizations have many internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include physician and non-physician providers; nurses and certified assistants; administrators and financial officers; and many others. These individuals all come from different levels and types of educational backgrounds and have different perspectives on the care of a patient. External stakeholders include patients, the community, suppliers, third party payers and others.
In the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), I investigated the differing needs and perspectives of different organizational stakeholders. I referred to the balance of education for the students versus the need for generating clinical revenue to balance expenses. A leader needs to keep a global perspective towards the organization’s impact on its stakeholders and strategize the most effective means to communicate and rally consensus in achieving their vision.
L18 Process Management and Organizational Design _X_ Met __ Not Met
L18.4 Understands the Basics of Organization Governance
As discussed in L16.1, a leader needs to understand the source of governance and power within their organization. In the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), I discussed the specific interplay of faculty governance on students’ clinical education. Faculty govern the clinical curriculum; the educational experience within an academic setting must be preserved. Realizing that faculty governance does not infer a managerial role also means that decisions surrounding the budget are not governed by the faculty unless there will be an impact on the education.
A leader should be aware of all internal and external sources of governance and the impact they have on the actions of the organization.
L19 Professionalism _X_ Met __ Not Met
L19.1 Acts Openly and Honestly
Throughout the course, we considered the importance of open, transparent communication as a leader; particularly as we listened to our classmates present their case studies. Many of the analyses of the presented challenges required transparent communication as a part of the solution. Dye and Garman (2015) speak to the competency of earning trust and loyalty achieved through truthfulness, empathy, following through, ethical actions and working in “open, transparent ways” (p.54).
In our discussion board posts and collaborate sessions, we are asked to share openly and honestly. There have been times when I have shared personal insecurities about my future as a leader. Also, in the week seven discussion board, we covered ethics and legalism. Ultimately, I concluded that I first adhere to the law and work within organizational policies, beyond that I am guided by what allows me to sleep at night. I will apply this as a future leader.
L19.2 Promotes Organizational Integrity
Paralleling L19.1, a leader should ensure that their organization also acts openly and honestly. Actions involving all stakeholders should be handled in a legal, ethical and respectful manner. The organization should strive to support and improve the lives of its patients, employees, the community and the professions. In the week 8 discussion board post and Ledlow and Stephen’s, Leadership for Health Professionals (2018, Chapter 11) we considered the key internal and external stakeholders and how an organization works within the relationships in providing effective, efficient and efficacious healthcare.
L19.3 Maintains Social Accountability
Not only should a leader hold themselves personally accountable, this also must be mirrored at the organizational level. A healthcare organization is not just in business, but must also serve its community by adhering to the Hippocratic Oath. I spoke to this in my “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019). Technology has allowed for increased access to goods and services via the internet. This shifts the patient relationship to ‘caveat emptor’—let the buyer beware—away from ‘do no harm.’ An organization must prioritize its responsibilities to the patient and the community over making a profit. When an organization fails to live up to its responsibilities, it is important that the leader does everything within their power to right its wrongs.
L19.4 Promotes Community Stewardship
Serving the community is an integral responsibility of a healthcare organization. In the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), I discussed healthcare disparities in minority populations. An organization should recognize these disparities and act to reduce them. In the paper, I referenced an article that suggests that diversity within a healthcare organization can draw in minority patients, improving access to care. As a future leaders, I recognize that serving those who need care the most is a valuable means of community stewardship.
L23 Self Development _X_ Met __ Not Met
L23.1 Seeks Feedback
As I discussed in competency L2.3, a leader needs feedback to both improve both the operations of their organization and their own performance. A leader should welcome constructive feedback to increase their effectiveness. Ledlow and Stephens (2018) discuss methods to assess leadership competencies: meeting objectives, a survey of peers and employees or a 360-degree evaluation. In several of my peer’s case studies, they spoke to these types of evaluations to address leadership performance challenges. In the “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019), the leader I interviewed used an anonymous comment box to receive honest feedback from her employees.
As faculty, I receive surveys from students and evaluations of my teaching from peers. While it is uncomfortable to receive criticism, it is important to temper our emotional response and look at how it may be used to improve performance.
L23.2 Improves Own Performance
A leader is never done learning. In Dye and Garman’s Exceptional Leadership (2015), every competency includes methods for professional growth. Ledlow and Stephens (2018) said we must first crawl and walk before we can run. In week four’s discussion board post I stated that I progressed from crawling to walking in academia through observing respected faculty, attending educational events and utilized my strengths to become a more effective teacher. A leader can improve their performance by incorporating constructive feedback, attending continuing education and seeking the support of a trusted mentor.
L23.3 Considers the Impact One Has on Others
Throughout this course, many leadership theories and models were explored. Many of which spoke directly to how a leader influences their employees. Albert Bandura’s social learning theory suggests that individuals will mimic the behaviors of those that they hold in high regard. I explored Kouzes and Posner’s leadership model that employs social learning theory and transformational leadership in my “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019). A key cornerstone of this Kouzes and Posner’s model is ‘modeling the way.’ This means that a leader should demonstrate the actions and behaviors they wish to instill in their employees. A leader can also ‘enable others to act’ by providing encouragement and removing barriers to their achievement.
Through discussion board interactions, we were able to present our thoughts on topics and the research that supported our conclusions. I was always impressed by how much my peers influenced my thoughts on the topics and how I influenced their perspectives. This is a powerful responsibility of a leader.
L23.4 Pursues Long-term Professional Development
As stated in L23.2, a leader is never done learning. It is equally important for leaders to set their own goals for professional development as it is to help employees set theirs. A leader should think about what they need in order to see their strategic vision to fruition; then determine the knowledge, skills and abilities they require to get there.
Personally, I think about professional goals every year when I compose my tenure reflections. This is an opportunity to think about how far I’ve come and where I want to go. One development opportunity I sought out was to become involved in a leadership within a state professional association. This has afforded an opportunity to gain leadership experience and a global view of the current issues in optometry.
L25 Talent Development _X_ Met __ Not Met
L25.1 Expresses Positive Expectations of Others
Developing talent in the members of an organization is critical for its future. A leader plays an integral role in developing the future leaders; in other words, a leader should take on the responsibility of succession planning for their organization. As it relates to leadership theory, a leader who expresses positive expectations of others subscribes to the Theory Y view: employees are internally motivated and want to do their job well. I discussed this very topic in the week 13 discussion board. When a leader recognizes talent in their employees, it is important to support their growth and provide encouragement as they work toward their goals.
L25.2 Gives Short-term, Task-oriented Instructions
In the early weeks of the course and as a part of my “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019), I investigated situational leadership. Situational leadership considers the expertise of the employee and the complexity of the task. When an employee has less expertise or the task is more complicated, they require more direction from their leader. A leader must provide clear, concise directions when the situational factors demand it.
In my experience as an educator, I encounter this as I work with students in the clinic. A student early in the curriculum requires clear instruction on how to perform a test. As they progress, gaining expertise, they require less direction and merely support when necessary. It is an important skill for a leader to recognize when short-term direction is needed and when support or encouragement is all that is needed.
L25.3 Provides Constructive Feedback and Support
According to Dye and Garman’s Exceptional Leadership model, one of the competencies is giving great feedback. Providing specific, timely feedback is a critical piece for coaching and developing their team. In week 13, we considered servant leadership; a servant leader assists others in their growth. I also iterated that they coach, mentor and support their employees. Constructive feedback is necessary for their growth and development. Delivering feedback in a respectful, constructive manner is inherent to my job as an educator. Being clear and direct balanced with respect for the individual is a strategy I personally employ when giving feedback.
L25.4 Supports Ongoing Development
Team member development was discussed in the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019). I referenced an article from Becker’s Hospital Review (2016) that discussed that employee development not only supports growth for the individual, but also increases employee engagement; this directly benefits the culture of an organization.
A leader must make employee development a priority. Not only does it contribute to the development of future leaders, but also to directly strengthening its members and contributes to the success of the organization.
L25.5 Acts as a Developer of Talent
A leader must play an active role in developing their team. This should not be entirely delegated. It is important for the leader to model those coaching and mentoring behaviors they hope to instill in the organization’s up and coming leaders. Emerging leaders benefit from direct interactions with someone they aspire to become. A close mentorship relationship provides the greatest insight and support for talent development. As a leader, it will be important to seek out those individuals with the greatest potential and personally foster their growth. As an educator of future healthcare providers, this is my legacy in the profession.
L25.6 Develops Health Industry Talent
This competency expands talent development beyond the organization to the industry. A leader’s involvement in their profession extends to many external parties: suppliers, third party payers, or professional organizations are examples. When a leader expands mentorship beyond the walls of the organization, not only do the recipients benefit, but the leaders gains experience that can be brought back to the organization. I have gained experience in this realm through my involvement in a state professional organization. It has provided opportunity to mentor and support other optometrists as they work to achieve their professional aspirations.
L26 Team Leadership _X_ Met __ Not Met
L26.1 Manages Team Meetings Well
A leader must remain focused on the mission of the organization and their vision for the future. This should be evident even in day to day actions. In the “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), the leader needed to work toward change in organizational culture and refocus on the strategic plan. To help drive the strategic plan, I recommended that daily operations directly reflect its goals. This would be manifested as meeting agenda items that directly link to objectives of the organization’s strategic plan.
Additionally, a leader should be respectful of their team member’s time. Meetings should be focused and efficient. In my experience heading our organization’s third-party compliance committee, I distribute agendas well in advance of the meeting and keep the members focused on the agenda items. I seek to walk away with actionable items and avoid hypothetical discussions or complaint sessions. I will take this experience into future leadership opportunities.
L26.2 Keeps People Informed
People do not like to be left in the dark or the last one to know. A leader must communicate changes, challenges and celebrations often and in a timely fashion. In my “Leadership Case Study” (Schad, 2019), one of the challenges was a loss of trust in leadership. Dye and Garman (2015) say that a leader earns trust by fostering openness; additionally, communicating vision requires sharing widely and communicating clearly.
In my experience, individuals prefer knowledge via open, transparent communication over ignorance even when the news is not good.
L26.3 Promotes Team Effectiveness
Creating and supporting effective teams is an important skill for a leader. In the “Exceptional Leadership Paper” (Schad, 2019), I shared Dye and Garman’s recommendations for developing teams (2015). Looking for individuals who are collaborative and actively engaged in the team’s activities are key to successful group dynamics. Fostering a group’s actions promotes inclusion and increases engagement within an organization. As leaders, we must select the right people for the right task with the right level of resources and support for teams to be successful.
L26.4 Obtains Resources/Takes Care of the Team
As mentioned in L26.3, a leader must support the actions of their teams. In the “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019), Houses’ Path-Goal Theory was explored. This theory states a leader should establish rewards for achieving goals, lay out a path and remove obstacles. Providing a path and decreasing barriers to success speaks to this leadership competency. A leader wants their team members to be successful. Their success leads to the success of the organization. Having foresight and anticipating the necessary resources are critical to maintaining momentum within a team dynamic.
L26.5 Demonstrates Leadership
A desire and true interest in leadership should be a primary motivation in pursuing a Master of Healthcare Administration degree. I have experienced leadership roles as a manager and through service on quality assurance and compliance committees. I have also recently expanded my role as a state leader for a professional organization. Gaining experience in leadership breeds additional opportunities to serve as a leader. I look forward to seizing these opportunities.
L26.6 Is a Role Model for Leadership
I am inspired by both Kouzes and Posner’s modeling the way and encouraging the heart in addition to John Maxwell’s servant-leadership. In discussing these in both my “Leadership Style Paper” (Schad, 2019) and our week 13 discussion board, I have realized the importance of humble servanthood to the people I now, and will, lead in the future. A leader acts with integrity and seeks to bring others with them on their leadership journey. I have had these experiences in education. It is awe-inspiring and brings pride to see others accomplish great things and know that you contributed to their success. A leader should actively engage in facilitating others’ leadership development and this begins with modeling the way.
It is humbling to consider all the critical competencies required of a healthcare leader. While we have learned and experienced so much in this introduction to healthcare leadership, we still have so much knowledge to gain in order to serve our employees, patients and communities. I look forward to the journey remaining in this program.