question archive Watch President Obama's 2004 Democratic keynote address nominating John Kerry (936) Obama's 2004 DNC keynote speech - YouTube In a sentence or two not a quote from the speech) explain what his speech was basically about, or what some of his main points were Offer two or three quotes you believe to be most powerful or had the most impact (sentence or two per quote, but not more than that) Choose three adjectives you think best capture the essence of the speech and/or his tone   

Watch President Obama's 2004 Democratic keynote address nominating John Kerry (936) Obama's 2004 DNC keynote speech - YouTube In a sentence or two not a quote from the speech) explain what his speech was basically about, or what some of his main points were Offer two or three quotes you believe to be most powerful or had the most impact (sentence or two per quote, but not more than that) Choose three adjectives you think best capture the essence of the speech and/or his tone   

Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3

Watch President Obama's 2004 Democratic keynote address nominating John Kerry

(936) Obama's 2004 DNC keynote speech - YouTube

  1. In a sentence or two not a quote from the speech) explain what his speech was basically about, or what some of his main points were
  2. Offer two or three quotes you believe to be most powerful or had the most impact (sentence or two per quote, but not more than that)
  3. Choose three adjectives you think best capture the essence of the speech and/or his tone 



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