question archive BSS045-3 Specialist Project (Dissertation) Assignment 1 Project Proposal 2,000 words power point academic presentation   You are required to present a academic presentation to the examination panel presenting your Research Proposal (equivalent to 2000 words)

BSS045-3 Specialist Project (Dissertation) Assignment 1 Project Proposal 2,000 words power point academic presentation   You are required to present a academic presentation to the examination panel presenting your Research Proposal (equivalent to 2000 words)

Subject:Project ManagementPrice:12.99 Bought3

BSS045-3 Specialist Project (Dissertation)

Assignment 1 Project Proposal

2,000 words power point academic presentation


You are required to present a academic presentation to the examination panel presenting your Research Proposal (equivalent to 2000 words). You will be informed when and how the presentation will happen via BREO. You must also submit the slides to your presentation onto BREO using the assessment submission link. The slides need to be of academic quality and be fully referenced using appropriate sources.



During the first semester you should be thinking and consulting with your supervisor with regards to your chosen topic. The culmination of this process is the project proposal submission in teaching week 3 of the 2nd Semester.

It is of fundamental importance that the project you choose is a project that you feel will sustain your interest throughout the unit. You must adopt an appropriate research methodology in order to meet the needs of the final assessment. It is fundamental that your approach in resolving the research aim and objectives are robust and methodologically sound. A reasoned review of relevant literature will be expected and a well-thought out explanation of the research methodology chosen.

The generation of data is a crucial aspect of the project and must be fully considered at the preliminary stage outlined above. The project proposal that you submit in week 3 should have a detailed plan and schedule of this activity (Gantt chart), noting problems, bottlenecks or likely pressure on you or your time (risk register).


1.1        Project Proposal Submission

Your supervisor will assist you with the development of a project proposal. The proposal should provide an account of how you are going to respond to the topic. It should contain the following aspects:

i.            Introduction to the project/dissertation (overview; context; aim & objectives: 1 aim and maximum 3 appropriate objectives)

ii.           Brief Literature Review (on main scholarly areas of knowledge)

iii.          Methodology (what kind of data and creative processes you will adopt to meet your chosen objectives/specifications)

iv.          Potential outcomes

v.           A conceptual map that outlines the concepts explored in the Literature Review

vi.          Gantt Chart

vii.         Risk Register

a.           The resources you would need, what are the risk, where you lack resources, knowledge, access etc.

b.           The knowledge you have and/or intend to gain during the project, how have you ensured you will be able to gain the         knowledge you need for the successful completion of the dissertation.

c.            Any health and safety issues that may arise.

d.           Any other risks that you perceive for the dissertation.

viii.        A list of the key reference sources for the project that you have identified. (10 references as a minimum).

Appendix.   Will contain the questioner with the questions used in your research (10 questions)


NOTE (1) Once your proposal is accepted you are locked into that particular project and you cannot change your topic.


NOTE (2) Failure to submit and present a project proposal will trigger an automatic viva on submission of the final report.


What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)


Submit your work through BREO by the deadline required


  • The proposal should have all the required components of a research proposal as listed in the assessment brief
  • Demonstrate appropriate understanding of your chosen project by providing background to the research problem and outline of the key literature explaining the research problem
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop, plan and implement an academically valid and reliable project methodology
  • Evidence critical reasoning using Harvard style of referencing


Note: Turnitin will be used for all submissions to check for plagiarism. We also reserve the right to initiate a viva voce examination if we have concerns regarding the originality of your submission. You need to be available for a viva if called following the submission of your work. Non-attendance counts as non-submission.



How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?


We will be filling this section in together in class on week 1 SEM 2 make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.


How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?


The unit is based on independent study, requiring you to be responsible for the management and direction of the research, project supervisors are assigned to oversee and guide you through the process. The proposed topic is agreed by yourself and respective supervisors and should relate to a specific Business or Management issue as well as being of interest to you.

The supervisor-supervisee relationship is managed by you and you are provided the opportunity for 4-hours of individual contact with

your supervisor over the dissertation process. The project is driven by you with the supervisor acting as a support mechanism.

A one-hour master class is provided via the local tutor that addresses issues that are relevant to all students. Broadly topics covered may include:

  • Identifying topics
  • Literature Review
  • Academic Writing
  • Research Design
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Quantitative Data Analysis
































How will my assignment be marked?


Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.


You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.






3rd Class – 40-49%

Lower 2nd – 50-59%

Upper 2nd – 60-69%

1st Class – 70%+

Context, format of the proposal, Quality of aim/objectives


  • The proposal has all the required components of a research proposal as listed in the assignment brief.
  • The proposal has all the required components of a research proposal as listed in the assignment brief. In particular, there is a clear effort to develop each section along with a sensible aim and objectives. The topic is broadly feasible and realistic time frames are suggested



  • The proposal has all the required components of a research proposal as listed in the assignment brief. In particular, the aim and objectives are logical and sensible; the topic is feasible within the time frame, there is a good structure, with good use of research and a sound approach to the methodology
  • The proposal has all the required components of a research proposal as listed in the assignment brief. In particular, the aim and objectives are clear and well-articulated, there is a logical, exemplary structure, excellent use of research and methodology and well-designed and thought through charts

Literature Review


  • An appropriate understanding of your chosen project is demonstrated by providing background to the research problem and outline of the key literature explaining the research problem.


  • An appropriate understanding of your chosen project is demonstrated by providing background to the research problem and outline of the key literature explaining the research problem. In particular, there is clear evidence of relevant research.
  • An appropriate understanding of your chosen project is demonstrated by providing background to the research problem and outline of the key literature explaining the research problem. In particular, there is evidence of good research which is mostly relevant and attempts towards critical analysis.
  • An appropriate understanding of your chosen project is demonstrated by providing background to the research problem and outline of the key literature explaining the research problem. In particular, the work shows an excellent level of thorough, reflective, critical research that adapts rich information to the project context.

Methodology 25%

The ability to develop, plan and implement an academically valid and reliable project methodology is demonstrated.



The ability to develop, plan and implement an academically valid and reliable project methodology is soundly demonstrated. For example, there is a coherent research design with relevant methods. There is also consideration given to validity/reliability, & sampling and ethics.





There is a good demonstration of the ability to develop, plan and implement an academically valid and reliable project methodology. For example, there is a good, sensible research design and a logical choice of methods with further issues around reliability/validity and sampling well addressed.

Ethical issues are also considered.

The ability to develop, plan and implement an academically valid and reliable project methodology is demonstrated to an excellent standard. For example, the research design is well—developed, thorough and sensible; reliability, validity and sampling are thoroughly addressed, and ethical issues are thoughtfully considered.

Harvard referencing and feasibility of the proposal


There is clear evidence of critical reasoning using Harvard style of referencing.

Sources are largely appropriate (not internet sources) and there are clear attempts to format references correctly and write in clear English.

There is clear, consistent and sound evidence of critical reasoning using Harvard style of referencing. Sources are of an appropriate quality, with clear evidence of engagement with the literature. Ideas are expressed in own words and accurately referenced.


The evidence of critical reasoning using Harvard style of referencing is good and there is clearly a good understanding of the use of references to support the development and discussion of ideas and explore existing knowledge. The format and language are good.


The evidence of critical reasoning using Harvard style of referencing is excellent with minimal mistakes. Excellent quality and appropriate references are used throughout and there is an excellent, well-designed format with a similarly high standard in the use of English language to critically explore ideas.


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