question archive please help me doing this research paper

please help me doing this research paper

Subject:EconomicsPrice: Bought3

please help me doing this research paper. i'll mention below the resources list please finish it using them and please give me the citation please. thank you.


Project #4: Action Research

40% of final grade


What is it:

You will design a particular action you want to take, or project you want to create, to share information about climate change with your community (family, friends, co-workers, classmates, neighbors, etc.)

Then you will share that action or creative project with at least one person in your community and have an informal conversation on their reaction (ideally you would share it with more than one person)

Then you will share it with our class, along with your reflection on how it impacted your intended audience (Did they learn something new? Feel moved to share what they learned with someone else or motivated to take action themselves? Or not? And why?)

Finally, you will write a full reflection on the process of designing and creating an action-oriented or creative project, sharing it, and receiving feedback.

Your project should be research-based. For some types of projects (like a letter to the editor or a TED talk), your sources can be cited in the project itself. For others, like a short story, you will submit a separate explanation for how you incorporated information from them in your project.


Project Proposal (250 words): due Monday 11/15 (2 pts)

Describe what action you plan to take or project to create:

What will it look like?

What is your intended audience?

What steps do you need to take to get to the final project? (Create a timeline for yourself)


Annotated Bibliography: due Monday 11/22 (5 pts)

Find at least 5 sources that provide the background information you need to complete your project.

Two of those sources can be things we read in class or resources shared by me. At least three need to be sources you find on your own.

Write a bibliography listing the information for each source using APA or MLA style

Under each bibliographical entry, provide a summary of the source, at least 100 words long, including a) what information it contains, b) how you plan to use that information in your project and c) how you know that this source is reliable.


Rough draft of action project: due Monday 11/29 (2 pts)

The length and format of the action project varies depending on the type of project. We’ll discuss the parameters based on the project you propose.

If your project does not directly cite your sources, you should include a brief description of how the information from your sources was used in the project.


Final draft of action project: due Monday 12/6 (15 pts)

The action project will be graded as follows:

Content (7pts)

Meets the goals set out in the proposal or a clearly articulated modification of that original goal, as appropriate.

Communicates accurate information about climate change with the aim of engaging and activating the audience.

Provides enough detail in any information provided so that the audience can not only understand but learn.

Structure (5pts)

The form of the project is appropriate for the intended audience and purpose as stated in the proposal.

The form of the project is carefully thought through and effectively targets the intended audience.

Presentation (1pt)

The project is carefully planned out and presents information clearly.

Citation (2pts)

In-text citations, if used, are formatted correctly in a consistent citation style (either MLA or APA). A Works Cited list, if needed, is formatted correction using the same citation style as the in-text citations.

If citations are not used for the project itself, these points will be determined based on how they are used in the reflection essay instead.


Presentation of Action Projects: Monday 12/6 (6 pts)

Prior to your presentation, you will share what you created on Slack.

During your in-class presentation (5-7 minutes long), you will summarize what you did, what you wanted to achieve with this project, how you targeted your audience

You should also share the informal feedback you got from at least one person in your community and what you learned from that

There will be a Q&A after your presentation

Your presentation will be graded as follows:

Content (3pts)

The presentation gives a detailed overview of the project goals, target audience and design.

The presentation shares key information about the project content so the class can understand what your audience was supposed to learn.

The presentation shared the response you received from the member(s) of your target audience and how you interpret that response in relation to the successes and/or shortcomings of your project.

Clarity and organization (1pt)

The presentation is organized so that the class can follow the information you share.

The content is presented clearly. The class can clearly hear and follow what you are saying.

Discussion (2pts)

You respond effectively to questions about your project.

During your classmates’ presentations, you also provide meaningful questions and/or feedback.


Action Reflection Essay: due Wednesday 12/8 (10 pts)

The reflection should be at least 800 words long, though it will likely be longer in order to fully address each component below. The essay should include details and supporting examples for each area.

The reflection essay combines an explanation of your project (what you shared in your presentation) with a meta-cognitive analysis of how this project fits into your general skills and interests and what you might do with this work in the future. It also includes an overview of the feedback you received during the Q&A from your presentation.

You don’t need to answer every single question below, as long as you cover each of the four areas (at least one paragraph for each area). Instead of sounding like a list of answers to questions, use the questions as a guide while writing your own analysis. The essay should be coherent and be structured into paragraphs, with transitions from one point to the next.

The essay should cover each of these four areas:

Summary of the action project (refer to your project proposal)

What was your goal with this project? What were you trying to communicate and/or get the audience to do after reading/viewing/listening to your project?

Who was your target audience and how did you design your project to appeal to them?

Use of research to support your project (refer to Journal #10)

How did you use your sources to support the information shared in your project?

For this section, if your sources were directly cited in the project itself, you can just give a brief description of how you used sources. If you did not directly cite sources, then you should provide a more detailed description here with particular examples and in-text citations.

Response to your project

Who did you share the project with outside of this class (you should share it with at least one person, but more is great, too)? What response did they have? In what ways do you think you achieved your goals? Did you fall short of your goals in any way, or did anything about the response you received surprise you?

What was the response of the class when you presented your project? What questions or feedback did you receive? Would you change anything if you had to do this again or if you were to make this project more public?

Integration of skills (refer to your audio memos)

How did you draw on skills learned throughout your time at LaGuardia so far, and in your personal and/or professional life, to create this project?

What skills would you like to continue to develop? Where do you need to continue to improve?

What did you learn through this project, and through this course overall, that you can bring with you to future coursework and/or professional contexts?

This reflection essay will be graded as follows:

Content (8pts)

Fully responds to each of the four content areas listed above, with details and/or examples for each, as needed.

Organization (1pt)

Provides a clear introduction to the project and a clear conclusion which ties the project to broader learning goals in the academic, personal and/or professional setting.

Breaks down each section into key points, with clearly delineated paragraphs and transitions between each section and between points within sections.

Citation (1pt)

Cites sources using a consistent citation style (either MLA or APA) as needed.

Includes a complete Works Cited list at the end of the essay (unless one was already included in the action project itself).

Presentation (1pt)

Is carefully edited and proofread for errors in capitalization, spelling and punctuation.

Is relatively free of sentence structure problems such as run-on sentences or sentence fragments.

Communicates meaning clearly and effectively.


please add a title as well. thanks.

Climate Change Action Resource List


Mayor’s Office of Climate and Sustainability site (has information about NYC programs and emissions data)


Resources to Understand + Explain Climate Change

NYT’s “The Science of Climate Change” article

The Economist’s 3 degree world video

IPCC 2021 report slides

Project Drawdown course

Teaching Climate Justice page


Resources for Solutions

Project Drawdown solutions list



Sunrise Movement

Climate Reality Project

Fridays for Future

Climate Action Tracker (can search by country)

NYC Climate Action Alliance


Communications and Public Engagement

Yale Climate Communications Program

Yale Climate Connections - radio and web-based information


Arts + Humanities

Smith College’s interdisciplinary page with climate-inspired, art, literature, and music

How to Save the Planet podcast

TED Talks about climate change

Climate fiction contest winners


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