question archive For the past few years, the NEWS organization has conducted many projects intended to improve their operations

For the past few years, the NEWS organization has conducted many projects intended to improve their operations

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For the past few years, the NEWS organization has conducted many projects intended to improve their operations.  Each of these projects is called a “Process Improvement Project,” or “PIP.”   The PIP program has had mixed results; some projects are deemed successful by the company Board of Directors (BOD), and some are deemed unsuccessful. The success criteria are not entirely clear, but projects are always assessed as either a success or “not successful.”
Additionally, each project is categorized using three variables: quality, speed, and cost. Each of these three variables may be either a “1” (indicating that this is an important element or goal of the project), or In this assignment, you are asked to analyze past data and make certain useful calculations about differing project types. Most of these calculations involve the COUNTIF or COUNTIFS function, with a criteria value of “1;” however, in the third task, you will be asked to make calculations that require more complex criteria. Refer to the Introduction tab for exampleselse it is zero. Many projects have two elements, and a few have all three
Question 1:  Using the data from Task 1, summarize the percentage of PIP projects completed per each category and their relative success rates as originally reported.
Question 2: Consider your results in Tasks 2 and 3. NEWS is very proud of their PIP initiatives and has briefed the press that their success rate is greater than 50%. Is this true? Explain. How did the new success criteria change the rate of success of past PIP initiatives? 


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