question archive 1) Information is processed data

1) Information is processed data

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1) Information is processed data.

2) In practice, databases today may contain either data or information.

3)         Metadata are data that describe the properties of other data.

4)         Databases were developed as the first application of computers to data processing.

5)         File processing systems have been replaced by database systems in most critical business applications today.

6)         Unplanned duplicate data files are the rule rather than the exception in file processing systems.

7)         With the traditional file processing approach, each application shares data files, thus enabling much data sharing.

8)         Development starts from scratch with the traditional file processing approach because new file formats, descriptions, and file access logic must be designed for each new program.

9)         Organizations that utilize the file processing approach spend only 20 percent of development time on maintenance.

10)       Many of the disadvantages of file processing systems can also be limitations of databases.

11)       A data model is a graphical system used to capture the nature and relationships among data.

12)       A well-structured database establishes the entities between relationships in order to derive the desired information.

13)       A person is an example of an entity.

14)       The data that you are interested in capturing about an entity is called an instance.

15)       A relational database establishes the relationships between entities by means of a common field.

16)       Separation of metadata from application programs that use the data is called data independence.

17)       Data redundancy is used to establish relationships between data but is never used to improve database performance.

18)       Redundancy increases the risk of inconsistent data.

19)       A user view is how the user sees the data when it is produced.

20)       One reason for improved application development productivity with the database approach is that file design and low-level implementation details do not need to be handled by the application programmer.

21)       The data repository assists database administrators in enforcing standards.

22)       The failure to implement a strong database administrative function is the most common source of database failures in organizations.

23)       A constraint is a rule in a database system that can be violated by users.

24)       End users can often retrieve and display data easily with a relational database.

25)       Reduced program maintenance is an advantage of file processing systems.

26)       Cost and complexity are just two of the disadvantages of database processing.

27)       The term legacy system refers to a newly installed database management system.

28)       A modern database management system automates more of the backup and recovery tasks than a file system.

29)       Organizational commitment to a database project is not necessary for its success.

30)       Repositories are always used in file processing systems.

31)       The user interface includes languages, menus, and other facilities by which users interact with various system components.

32)       Personal databases are designed to support a small group of individuals working together on a project.

33)       Database development begins with the design of the database.

34)       An enterprise data model describes the scope of data for only one information system.

35)       Database development projects are never done in a bottom-up fashion.

36)       The systems development life cycle is the traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems.

37)       The steps of the systems development life cycle can only be viewed as a linear process.

38)       Enterprise modeling sets the range and general contents of organizational databases.

39)       All projects move from the planning-enterprise modeling step to the planning-conceptual data modeling step of the systems development life cycle.

40)       The repository is populated during the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle.

41)       The physical structure and storage organization of the database is decided upon during the implementation phase of the systems development life cycle.

42)       Database processing programs are coded and tested during the design stage of the systems development life cycle.

43)       Data from prior systems is converted to the new system during the implementation phase of the systems development life cycle.

44)       Database maintenance is typically the longest step of the database development process.

45)       Characteristics of the structure of the database are generally changed during the implementation phase of the database development process.

46)       Prototyping is a type of rapid application development.

47)       In prototyping, implementation and maintenance activities are repeated as necessary until the product is correct.

48)       Visual programming tools such as Visual Basic have made prototyping more difficult.

49)       In 1998, ANSI/SPARC published an import document describing the three-schema architecture.

50)       The conceptual schema is always technology specific.

51)       The external schema contains a subset of the conceptual schema relevant to a particular group of users.

52)       A physical schema contains the specifications for how data from a conceptual schema are stored in a computer's secondary memory.

53)       The internal schema consists of the physical schema and the enterprise data model.

54)       Systems analysts work directly with both management and users to analyze the business situation and develop detailed project specifications.

55)       Database architects establish standards for data in business units.

56)       E. F. Codd developed the relational data model during the 1970s.

57)       The relational data model is no longer popular in the 21st century.

58)       Although personal databases improve productivity, one risk is that data cannot be shared with other users.

59)       The most common way to support a group of individuals who work together on a project or group of similar projects is with a two-tier client/server database.

60)       Each member of a workgroup accesses data located on a database server.

61)       In two-tier database architectures, little functionality needs to be programmed into the client application.

62)       Applications built with a multitier architecture are meant to support departments.

63)       Multitier client/server database applications contain a business logic layer.

64)       The scope of an enterprise application is one workgroup or department.

65)       An enterprise resource planning system integrates all functions of the enterprise.

66)       A data warehouse contains summarized and historical information.

67)       An intranet utilizes Web-based technology to improve communication with parties outside of the organization.

68)       An extranet uses Internet protocols to establish limited access to company data by the company's customers and suppliers.

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